So my car was broken into again.....

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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by larz13 »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hy300:<BR><STRONG> Next to an actual car alarm that goes off when someone attempts to get into your car (instead of after they force the door open) then you should lock your car religiously and try one of those LEDs that blink to deter theft.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>In my car i have a blinking light where the A/C switch usually is. It only blinks when the car is turned off. it looks like a stock piece.
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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by Freq2002 »

Dummy alarm lights are cheap & can be found allover the place. Put one on the dash where it's easy to see.<BR>It's true that the best alarm system wont stop a dedicated car thief, but the plain & simple fact is that 90% of the lil needle d--- beetle rapers that break into cars are amatures that will stay away from a car that might be alarmed. These pukes are lookin for stuff to steal & sell for cash. CD's can be sold & the Mag-lite will help them on the next car they hit. May not seem like much to you, but it's more $$ for them.<P>Best alarm system you can have is one with combination sensors & a pager device. the microwave sensors will detect if someone is near & give a warning sound. Once they mess with the car the motion sensor trips & the system goes off. The GOOD systems wont get triggered everytime a loud car goes by or someone in the next spot slams thier door.<BR>Pagers are good in your situation coz it'll let you know when someone is messin with ur car. Some of em will work up to a mile away as well.<BR>Bottom line, is it worth spending several hundred $$ for a good alarm?<P>Good luck, & if ya catch those pukes, kick em once for me. Well, maybe twice,... ;)
The contents of this post are the opinions of myself and are NEVER meant to be percieved as the "be all, end all". So cram it!! :p
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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by millionflame »

Maybe, you might consider installing a pin-hole camera hidden somewhere (maybe two as well) that starts recording as soon as the doors or windows are smashed. Just do a whole James Bond type sytem. Set up something that electrocutes them too, or even sprays out poisonous gas or something.<P>Believe it or not, but I am going this far on my car. Just a thought though for you.<P>~A
~ Millionflame (94 GS 120K)
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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by mik »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aiden:<BR><STRONG>Maybe, you might consider installing a pin-hole camera hidden somewhere (maybe two as well) that starts recording as soon as the doors or windows are smashed. Just do a whole James Bond type sytem. Set up something that electrocutes them too, or even sprays out poisonous gas or something.<P>Believe it or not, but I am going this far on my car. Just a thought though for you.<P>~A</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>What exactly would be the best way to set it up to give them a nice little shock?<P>heh heh heh.
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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by Andrew_Pakula »

What I need is one of those Flame Thrower alarm systems they have in Australia. LOL :)
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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by aqua93 »

sucks to be you. Sorry it had to happen...twice! Don't know what else you could do...just maybe don't leave anything in your car anymore...if you think it's the same idiots that keep coming back, if they acutally do come back a third time and see nothing in there, then maybe they'll leave your car alone finally. Hope things work out better! :confused:
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Re: So my car was broken into again.....

Post by Hector Gomez »

I know what you feel.<BR>I used to have a 83 Ranger that wasnt worth a dime, but i put a good sound system and that was my first mistake. Then i got a gold metallic paint job(mistake #2) and finally i slapped some chrome rims(mistake #3). Now it was worth over 5,000 dlls.<BR>It was broken into the first week after it was done. Took my head unit and some cds.<BR>The second time an idiot tried to unlock the door but the alarm triggered and he got away but scratched the paint from bumper to bumper.<BR>So i was pissed, so i set-up a trap.<BR>My first head unit was a Sony CDX750, and for the set up i used a CDX850, a model without any controls, BUT with a bright shinny screen. And you know what?? He fell.<BR>I borrowed my dads Econoline and let my car stand alone in my school(where it was broken into before) and waited. 20 minutes later there it was, a 18-20 junkie with a pry bar, and when he got really close i knew it was him(he didnt looked to see what was in there because he already knew)so i drive by him in the econo, my friends opened the middle door and whe got him inside...the look in his god i will never forget the look...hahaha...2hr later we got about 1000 dlls of electronics and one of the best days of our life. Did we kick his a-- you ask??<BR>Lets say a joint wont make the pain go away.<BR> :D :D
Hector Gomez
Owner of the first modded MX-3 in Mexico!
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