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Smell from vents

Posted: December 12th, 2001, 2:44 pm
by axess
Hey guys and girls,<BR>I got a question about my vents. With the cold wheater now I started using my heater, and this is my first winter with my MX. Sometimes i get some wierd smeels from the vents, I get the impression that it smeels kind of like the exaust. Is this possible, what should I check ?<P>Also, while I'm at it, does every model have a low fuel gauge ? I ended up stranded trying to see if I had one. If there is one, wich position is it supposed to be at ?<P>thanks for your help.

Re: Smell from vents

Posted: December 13th, 2001, 12:51 pm
by Potatoes
Hey axess,<P>I had the same prob before... does the smell come when you turn on your heat??? Do you find that you have to fill your Antifreeze often?? Well... if so.. then you probably have a small leak in your heater core. The smell could be the smell of antifreeze.....

Re: Smell from vents

Posted: December 13th, 2001, 1:19 pm
by Manach
Humm, funny smells? Are your vents clean? I have been messing, and chaning my heater blower. Smells was funny for a while, but went away... If it is the first winter, the vents might not be clean, and the heat "burn" the dust, like an old home heater. Check for a leak too.<P>Also, not every model got there low fuel gauge. It is suppose to be a light, sooo little, at first I thought I had a prob with my engine. Check your around the fuel gauge, you might see something, maybe the light went out too... But many reported they don't have a low fuel gauge.

Re: Smell from vents

Posted: December 14th, 2001, 11:56 am
by axess
Thanks for replys guys!<BR>I don't think it's antifreeze cause i never have to add some... I don't think it's the first winter this car is out, what I was saying is that it's my first winter that I own this car.<P>Anyways, I guess for now it's nothing to serious, I'll just blame the car in front when that smell comes :D