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95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 7:04 am
by MazdaMech
Hello All, I'm looking at purchasing a MX-3 that is a American 95, with a KLDE in it which means that it had the L4 to V6 swap done on it. What complications/problems do I need to look for that arise from this type of swap that people usually have? This guy didn't know what K8 and KLDE meant when I was talking to him and had to spell it out for him, so he had a mechanic do it I guess. Anyways thanks in advance guys.

Re: 95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 4th, 2013, 8:45 pm
by RX8SE3P
are you absolutely sure he didn't actually have a k8 in it before?

Re: 95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 4th, 2013, 11:23 pm
by Savin
we didn't get the V6 in '95 here in the states.
I would check to make sure there wasn't a VIN swap done...

Re: 95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 2:58 am
by RX8SE3P
Wow I never heard of the MX3 not having the V6 after 1994 in the states. Do people get them from Canada and re-register in the US? It just seems odd for someone with no clue to get a DE into a RS model, even with a mechanic. Too much would need changing, like driveshafts, gearbox (I think), wiring loom, engine mounts etc. I would think the cost would be too high. If it was a K8 to DE swap though, it might be ok.

Wouldn't looking at the VIN number tell the tale? Or perhaps something on the car that can suggest if it was a RS or GS originally.

If you aren't good at mechanical stuff yourself, I'd avoid such a car and opt for a stock GS with a good rust and dent free body and work from there. Frankenstein swaps are ok, as long as you're the guy who did it. Nothing worse than fixing other people's mistakes.

Re: 95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 10:04 am
by RobMinhas
I'm pretty sure 95 is the only year you can't get a GS in NA.

One of the easier ways to check is if ut has rear drums or disc's. Drums are RS disc's are GS. Sure it could be swapped but it's not likely.

Re: 95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 6th, 2013, 10:34 pm
by MazdaMech
Im pretty good at mechanics myself, I've been doing my own for a while and I've deen trained by the navy to do it as well, but yeah I agree with not getting into it with someone else's swap if it is l4 to v6. After not hearing from him after I lent him my knowledge there is something shady goin on and I passed on the whole mess. Thanks for all your advice. He also told me the car is not Canadian, but meh he really didn't know a lot.

Re: 95 MX-3 l4 to v6 swap

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 12:18 pm
by Josh
UMM.. Yes, yes we did get the GS in 95 in the US....

Common misconception here. There was a very low production of 95' GS's here in America, as they were left overs from late 94'. I have seen several. this is a thing despite what many will say. They were actually 94's sold in 95' making them 95's. They produced the GS up through 96' in Canada.

If it happens to be an I4 to a V6 things to look at, would be the rear brakes, drum or disk, the master cylinder and booster, is it a 4 cyl or a GS model, look under the engine and do you see the tie bar from left to right. If those things are not there then more than likely it was a conversion.