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Rear caliper issue....

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 3:39 am
by jamesmx3
My rear caliper won't hold the wheel with the pedal pressed, but the hand brake holds it just fine. I tried to bleed it, but got no air out of it. The piston winds in and out ok too.

Anything I'm missing here? It's a relatively new caliper, I'd say maybe 2years old, with braided lines.

Re: Rear caliper issue....

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 4:48 am
by mikeetown
well, in 2 years, it can just randomly go. Just rebuild it yourself. One thing people miss, is the two pins that bolt the caliper down, maybe the the centre rod that is suppose to move isn't moving?? you should check that. If you understand what I mean I hope. I dont know part names really. I can just fix stuff.

Re: Rear caliper issue....

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 10:17 am
by jamesmx3
the inside pad is unevenly worn, like on an angle, I can only assume I fitted it wrong. Only about 10% of the pad was making contact with the disc. I've ordered a new set, I hope it cures the problem, as pads are a lot cheaper than a new caliper!

I tried to pull one apart when I changed the calipers last time, but it was beyond me!

Re: Rear caliper issue....

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 12:14 pm
by ninjajim4
miketown has identified the issue correctly. the slides are seized. the calipers, both front and back, should be able to move freely by hand. meaning for the back, which is a floating caliper, it should be able to pivot freely up and down after you've removed the bolt, and ALSO it should able to move BACK and FORTH towards and away from the spindle. the same would go for the slide portion where the bolt was removed from.

seized caliper slides mean uneven brake wear like you've seen, and brakes either dragging and not disengaging or not able to engage at all. get a slide kit which comes with new slides and rubber boots fora round 5 bucks. cheap parts, lots and lots of labor. our brakes suck.

Re: Rear caliper issue....

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 7:48 pm
by mitmaks
Rebuild caliper or install a new one. Also make sure your pins/sliders are greased up.

Re: Rear caliper issue....

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 9:54 pm
by whitete
I second that ^