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bad MPG and possible missfire??

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 4:32 pm
by jamesmx3
When i bought it, driving sensibly and slow 60mph tops, i got 300miles out of a tank, then with a few mods and doing normal driving i got 250miles to the tank.

Then now for some reason its dropped again. I have the probe header which has a O2 sensor port reading 2 cylinders, (where i originally had it) and another on further back where the 2 goes into 1, of the 4-2-1 exhaust. I though in my wisdom that putting the sensor there I would get a better reading as it would be all 4 cyl's. Seen no improvement though?

Another thing is its developed a 'power band', i have absolutely nothing between 2-3000rpm, then at 3000rpm it kicks me back in the seat. this was happening just before I swapped the sensor position. I thought I'd change the plugs 1st is this a good place to start? I have the Kerr Nelson Racing wires and they are pretty new about 9 months so i don't think its them.

Would an injector cleaning fuel additive do anything?

tell me what to do please!! :lol: