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i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 28th, 2008, 11:48 pm
by shameem
I am a bit pissed and wanted to vent - i was just cruising on michigan ave near canton mi. I stopped for a red light and there was a oldsmobile 90 or something like that on the left lane - i didnt even give that car a second look. When the light turned green i just started driving and got up to speed (55mph limit). I didnt tear off the line - i didnt rev my engine - i just pulled off like normal. The oldsmobile couldnt keep up with me and was way far behind. I was just cruising and i suddenly see this oldsmobile coming behind me at very high speed - he pulled into a right turn lane and passed me cutting me off in the process. I slowed down and then he stood on his brakes right in front of me - since i had already slowed down i avoided him. He then revved his engine like mad a pulled off - i was like - i dont even want to deal with idiots like you and i just got upto normal speed - suddenly this guy comes into my lane again and stands on his brake - i avoided him narrowly and the vehicle behind me avoided me narrowly. I am pissed - but i am trying to keep my sense and drive normally and he does it again third time - i hit him in the back. I called 911 immediately. He didnt stop went for like 1/4 of mile and stopped. Ofcourse there was no damage to him but my hood was folded in and the hood latch is touching the radiator.

The cops come along 30 minutes later and here's the unbelievable part - The guy claims that he was trying to turn into side road and i was tailing him and rear ended him. Now it's his word against my word and the cop says he doesnt believe me because there was no "witness". So i walk over to this driver along with the cop and asked him - why would you do such a thing - i dint cut you off or look at you wrong or something like that - why would you do this to me? He starts shouting that "you are trying to run me over with your car" - i am like WTF - and thats when i realize he is drunk off his a--. I tell this to the cop and the cop is "surprised". I move within 6ft of the driver and i can smell alcohol very well. The driver says that i tailed him and came very close to him two times - and hit him the third time. So i ask him - how many turns were you trying to make on this road and he stares at me like deer caught in headlights. The cop then turns around says it's still your fault because it's your responsibility to stop no matter what the other driver is doing. It's pretty clear to me at this point race is playing a significant role - so i ask the cop if he is going to do a sobriety test on him. The cop glares at me and goes back to his car and gets the kit. He did the test 4 or 5 times - finally he says the driver is clear because he is under the limit - turns out he blew a 0.06 or something like that (this was like 40 minutes after the accident) and since it was under the legal limit the cop is not going to do anything about that.

At this point i am certain that i am not going to see justice here. So i just went to the side of the road and the cop's partner (different race) who has been silent till now came over and talked to me. He says that he believes me but cannot do anything against his partner. So we chat a little and he gives me some advice and stuff. He completely understands my situation and then goes to his partner and starts arguing for me. Finally the other cop says ok - i will write it up as the driver suddenly slowed down and the other driver (me) ran into him. He says he wont mention the sobriety test because the driver is under the legal limit. At this point i am like whatever - just let me go home.

Finally i get home and i inspect the damage - the headlights are out of alignment - the front part of the hood is all bent - and the hood wont latch. The speedometer also stopped working - but i think thats a electrical issue somewhere. I am going to take a look in the morning tomorrow.

Sorry for the long story - i just wanted to vent and go to sleep. Moral of the story if you see an oldsmobile (license 2fh6g4) - stay clear of him - he is one crazy a--hole - i hope he dies a horrible death.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 3:49 am
by Flyer
That is actually a pretty common tactic people use to scam insurance...

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 5:51 am
by marcdh
:evil: Scum. Some twat in an Audi tried that on me, first tailgated me then overtook and slammed on the brakes, fortunately my distance was sufficient. Then another time an Audi was tailgating me so I shot by the cars in the slow lane so I could pull in the gap in front of them. The car I just pulled in front of was an undercover cop car, they pulled me over for speeding. Why was I speeding? To get away from the **** tailgaiting me. I was let off with a warning, meanwhile the Audi has long gone at 90mph+.

My conclusions are, cops are amazing at getting it completely wrong, and Audi drivers are stereotypically arrogant over here.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 8:49 am
by RS_OBD'oh_2
That blows. If it were me, I'd be "sending some friends to pay him a visit."

We should have donations set up for repairs for members like you.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 9:50 am
by wytbishop
That is a really unfortunate thing man. I genuinely feel for you.

You have his license plate number...i'm just saying.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 10:52 am
by Daninski
Sorry to hear about this happeneing, I think you exercised good judgement. I've gotten out in the past, and hit the guy half a dozen times in the face however in this day and age the other guy probably has a gun and'll pop one of those cap thingies in your glutimas maximus. Generally speaking any time you rear end someone it's always your fault if there's no witnesses so it may not of been a race thing.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 12:40 pm
by mitmaks
did i mention how much I hate cops, and yes some of them are racist, like in your case. I would take it court and get a good lawyer, you deserve justice.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 1:19 pm
by tmac4t4
wow that sucks man...but do you really think race has anything to do with the way the cop handled do drive a import that, to a cop has RICE written allllll over jus sayin :shrug:..this day and age sometimes its better to handle problems WITHOUT cops....some good ol' vigalante justice if ya kno what i mean

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 1:25 pm
by wytbishop
You have his license plate number...I'm just sayin'.

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 1:31 pm
by Ukrman
:shock: WOW man that sux, I feel your pain. Hopefully everything works out for the best.

I had something ridiculous happening to me too. I had my dad's millenia parked on a side of the street at night. In the middle of the night some underaged girl slams into one car, then into mine, tries to run and hits a third car. I didn't hear this but my neighbor went outside and talked to the cops and everything. It turns out the that girl only had a permit, was drunk and was driving her friends car, however when I got the incident report there was nothing saying about anything like that, just said that the girl lost control of the car. Luckily her insurance paid me but just soooo messed up that.

BTW the it was a 25mph speed limit, and my dads car was totalled.... and the other two pretty badly messed up, and in the incident report is says she wasn't speeding..... its impossible to do that much damge doing less then 25mph LOL, my dad'd car ended up resting up against the tree lol

heres a couple pics for your entertainment




Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 8:10 pm
by Daninski
Dibs on that chrome rim. :lol:

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 29th, 2008, 8:16 pm
by Ukrman
haha.... surprisingly there really wasn't much significant damage to the rim.... unless I missed it lol

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 30th, 2008, 3:08 am
by redmxlookin4turbo
you should of cut him off or ran him off the road lol

Re: i was just "front ended" by a drunk driver

Posted: August 30th, 2008, 10:31 am
by tmac4t4
just to make you feel better about any damage to your car..a couple days ago my buddy rolled his 96 mx3 with only 130km on it...its now a paperweight :(
PS; this is the same car i finished doing body work on only a week ago