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Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 3:47 pm
by fowljesse
I just looked @ my statement, and i bought something from Brittain for $30. It was an okay deal... a little less than Ebay. I wanted the $$ to go to a fellow'er, but it was TWICE what I thought it would be.. I know the dollar is weak, but LESS than 1/2 the pound?! I want to kick a bush in the nuts!!

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 3:53 pm
by fowljesse
P.S. after shipping, the seller didn't get such a good deal, either!
That Motherfather dirty basket son of a bench who ruined the economy can suck my desk.
It's Bullchip. He can kiss my Ash.
ANYbody new in the White house FTW!

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 6:38 pm
by mr1in6billion
I know it's really low, but hasn't it always been half the pound?

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 9:15 pm
by shameem

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 10:45 pm
by wytbishop
That's a pretty steady decline since 2001. Hmmmm worst president in history?

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 10:49 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2

I remember the Canadian dollar being around 0.7 USD. Justs be happy.

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: April 28th, 2008, 1:16 pm
by Mooneggs
fowljesse wrote:I just looked @ my statement, and i bought something from Brittain for $30. It was an okay deal... a little less than Ebay. I wanted the $$ to go to a fellow'er, but it was TWICE what I thought it would be.. I know the dollar is weak, but LESS than 1/2 the pound?!
lol international parts amateur 8)

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 1st, 2008, 12:02 am
by fowljesse
Haha! :oops:


Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 1st, 2008, 6:20 am
by marcdh
I'm Lovin' It :lol:
I only wish I could buy your petrol (costs $2.18 a litre here!)
Going to Florida/NYC this june, can't wait, everythings half price :D

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 1st, 2008, 7:17 am
by simon179
it isnt just the dollar that is suffering tho it could be alot worse the pounds value has dropped alot too the euro is getting way up on the pound now! its quite disapointing really we get are arse sleppe on taxes for everything on most cases they tax the tax here

say for instance petrol or food, drink

we get charged on petrol fuel tax and then VAT

food, drink the farmers and the stores like tesco get charged tax for selling them which ups the price as they have to make more profit and then we get charged vat on that too!

they tax you on what you earn and everything you buy its silly!

like now if you earn under £18,000 a year you will be taxed at the same rate as someone who earned over that amount which it never used to be it used to be 10p form every £1 meaning alot of people will be upto £473 a year worse off! and considering the minimum wage for uk is somthing like £9700 a year thats an extra 5% ontop of the 22% they already take off our wages and tehn 17.5% of everything we buy so all in all almost 40% of british peoples wages go to the goverment and they waste it on s--- like the 2012 olympics which isnt going to benifit the people of the country that £12billion they are spending on the olympics could have gone on things we need like better NHS, Cancer research and other such research! better roads would be nice too!

sorry about my rant haha :lol: its just really annoying being brittish so i can imagine how Americans feel when you see the rate that your currencys value is falling!

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 1st, 2008, 2:25 pm
by wytbishop
economists say that gas will hit $2.25/L in the next few years in Alberta. I can't imagine what it'll cost in the UK if it hits that here.

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 6th, 2008, 4:12 am
by simon179
wytbishop wrote:economists say that gas will hit $2.25/L in the next few years in Alberta. I can't imagine what it'll cost in the UK if it hits that here.
they say that by the end of the summer in the uk fuel prices will be at £1.50 a litre for petrol and £1.70 for diesel :evil:

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 6th, 2008, 1:12 pm
by Ryan
$1.24/L CAD here. My mother tells me back in her day it was 20 cents.... No wonder people could drive huge 500hp V8's and fill the 80L tank every 100 km....
and I hear Britian is very expensive, which is sad, because I was thinking of moving there eventually...

Re: Weeeaaak dollar.

Posted: May 7th, 2008, 1:34 am
by Stablo87
wytbishop wrote:That's a pretty steady decline since 2001. Hmmmm worst president in history?

My latest masterpiece!!!!!!

