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my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 9:09 pm
by Dali
well my mother june passed away monday at one in the morning, she was sixty and her birthday was coming up on the 21 of april. my sister was with her when she got some violent headaches and started to vomit. she was rushed to the hospital here in town where they could not do anything. she was on a bunch of medications for the last bunch of years to help her with the multiple heart attacks and strokes she has had as well as a replaced valve and two triple bypasses. she was just on her tenth blood thinner shot that day, turns out she had a massive bleed in her brain as well as three strokes. they flew her out in the morning to a bigger hospital three hours away in kamloops but there was nothing they could do for her, she stayed on life support for the day until we were all there to let her go. ive had my mother living with me for the last seven years and the last five she has been going threw alot with these problems. just got home and it feels so weird with her not being here, i keep expecting her to come threw the door. she was fine that whole day and now she is gone, i really didnt get a chance to talk to her that day and when she got to the hospital she was pretty much gone allready, all she could do was hold my hand. i dont know what im going to do now, ive got a pretty small family and only a couple of friends....this just doesnt seem right. i just had to get this off my chest, thanks......thank you mom, i miss you and will always love you, for all that you have done for me.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 9:27 pm
by solo_ryder
Sad... :cry:

Im sorry to hear about your loss. That's gotta be hard. You can make it through just keep your chin up buddy. We are here for you if you need some comfort/some people to talk to.


Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 10:39 pm
by mitmaks
im sorry man, Ive lost grandpa last year and grandma few years ago. Grandpa died of heart attack also. He passed away quietly. My condolences to you and your family. Do you have a wife, I know it helps when close family and friends are there for you.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 10:41 pm
by umcamara
My condolences...

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 10:46 pm
by Savin
My condolences to you and your family as well. As Solo said, We're all here for you.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 11:02 pm
by se7en
ah, that sucks man. Sorry to hear that.

I am here for ya if ya need to msn or somethin....

be well.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 1st, 2008, 11:04 pm
by SmoothMX3
My Mother just had a stroke quite a few months back and that was hard on me. I couldn't imagine what you're going threw. Anytime you need to talk, We are all here for you... Anytime.
My Condolence's...

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:17 am
by tehbrookzorz
I'm sorry to hear that. We're here if you need us.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:23 am
by OldMan
My condolences to you and your family. I know that this is a difficult time for you and your family but you will make it through. Just try and remember the good times that you shared with her. Take comfort in the fact that she can rest in peace now, no more suffering.

May you find peace in the words below, they have helped me in the past.

Don't stand by my grave and weep

For I'm not there, I do not sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow

I am the diamonds glint on snow

I am the sunlight on ripened grain

I am the gentle autumn's rain

When you wake in morning's hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circle flight

I am the stars that shine at night

Do not stand at my grave and cry

I am not there, I did not die.

May God bless you and your family in your time of sadness.


Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:36 am
by onlytrueromeo
Remember the good memories, and celebrate her life. It is all any of us can do.

My condolences.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:54 am
by fowljesse
I'm sorry to read this, too. My Grandma passed the same way. I took care of my other Grandma, until she went to a home, and passed. I know the feeling.
All I could do was breathe, and allow myself to feel every emotion.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:59 am
by Nd4SpdSe
My baby sister died in a car accident on her way to work new years eve morning, 24 days from her 24th birthday on January 24th. We just came back from a weekend ski trip as a family the night before. There's barely a day that goes by that I don't think of her. You sell look ot the window seeing a red car or a ricer muffler drive in front of the house, or seeing a red a little red car driving down the street. I was working in my grandmother's garage on the weekend, working on the mx-3, redoing my HEI mod. When i first did the HEI mod, my ignition module died while i was gone camping and had her towed back to my grandmothers cause that's there i store her for long periods/winter and didn't know exactly what was wrong. The next day, not only did I have plans, but so did my sister, her car indisposed at the time as well, with only the 626 to share, so I had to do a rush job, get the HEI in and going so she can use the 626, and I'll have my mx-3. So ya, i had a moment while redoing my HEI mod. I taught her to drive stick on the mx-3, I miss her saying I only know how to cook with a microwave, or jumping on her bed to wake her up, or by waking her up with our pet rats. Argued over who they belonged to, she bought the first one, I picked up the second one a day later from her request, but I paid for her, and I spend more time playing with them. Although there now mine (my parents have to take care of them when I'm away working), the jokes on me, they each developped a tumor not long after my sister passed, so I take it she's won that argument. They're still happy and doing strong, but I loath the day I have to put them down. My sister's boyfriend (who lost his dad to an illness about 2 years ago) gave her a kitten last summer, so my parents have abopted him, and having him around makes it easier.

It hasn't been easy, and it will be a long time before it gets easier. I'm an only child now, I'll never be an uncle, she was suppose to be the first one married. Now I carry the burden of expanding the family. I've had a tension headache for over 2 months now (I got the test results on Monday making sure there's nothing in my head causing them), and I'm sure that along with the other complications in my life are causing it. It's going to be rough year. I will say, spending time with friends and family helps alot, they support will help alot. But one thing you'll have to do is move on, never forget, but don't stop living, she wouldn't want you to. Despite my sister dying in a car crash, I haven't given up on my car hobby. I know she wouldn't want me to, she shared a similar interest, "car's before kids" was her and her boyfriends saying. It does suck that she died that way, I was convinced it was going to be me that went that way, her boyfriend though the same thing, that me or him would of went that way. It was her first car, or first accident, but also her last. Live live to the fullest, enjoy today, but still be mindful about tomorrow, cause you never know if you'll be around tomorrow.

Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 7:15 am
by Kirk95gs
onlytrueromeo wrote:Remember the good memories, and celebrate her life. It is all any of us can do.

My condolences.
[quote"Nd4SpdSe]Live live to the fullest, enjoy today, but still be mindful about tomorrow, cause you never know if you'll be around tomorrow.[/quote]

Powerful words. Could not say anything more then that. You must celebrate thier life, remember the good times, Live your life to the fullest. There will be many times that something odd will happen in the day that will remember you of them. I live for thoughs moments. It helps me remember my loved ones.

My condolences to you both.


Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 10:15 pm
by MazdaManiacMx3
OldMan wrote:
May you find peace in the words below, they have helped me in the past.

Don't stand by my grave and weep

For I'm not there, I do not sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow

I am the diamonds glint on snow

I am the sunlight on ripened grain

I am the gentle autumn's rain

When you wake in morning's hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circle flight

I am the stars that shine at night

Do not stand at my grave and cry

I am not there, I did not die.

May God bless you and your family in your time of sadness.

A beautiful poem indeed , my girlfriend has the last two lines tatoo'ed on her foot for her "PA" grandfather ,

Dali , I am very sorry to hear about your loss , though I don't know you personally , if you ever needed someone to talk to I am here for you, and I'm sure everyone else here is too.
My condolences to you and your family , and God Bless your mother and may she enjoy heaven.


Re: my mom passed

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 11:55 pm
by Dali
thanks guy, i just neede to tell someone. some of you i know and some i dont but ive liked this group of car people, allways helping each other out. been cleaning my mothers room out and getting some paper work done. feeling abit better today, having the funeral saturday so that is going to be a hard day again.