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Ford Probe turbo kit fit on MX3? (PICS)

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 3:23 pm
by Juans_93_MX3


What do you guys think?

Garrett T3 .43/.48

Everything for $275 shipped

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 3:40 pm
by Mooneggs
isn't that what hector used?

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 3:54 pm
by hgallegos915
oh its a t3? oo isnt that a tad to small for our engines? i was interested but i just saw the t3 and smaller than 60

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 4:03 pm
by fieromx3
ya that turbo is tiny for a KL and possibly K8 as well

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 5:57 pm
by Mnemonic
I mean i don't know what else to say, I've flamed you, made fun of you, I'm running out of things to do, and its no longer fun to do. I'm going to get you a membership to a company called C2 Education, they help people who cant read...


Posted: November 8th, 2007, 6:26 pm
by Juans_93_MX3
Mnemonic wrote:I mean i don't know what else to say, I've flamed you, made fun of you, I'm running out of things to do, and its no longer fun to do. I'm going to get you a membership to a company called C2 Education, they help people who cant read...

You dont have to make a big deal out of me not posting in the right forum. Woopie doo. I posted in the wrong forum. Why the hell do you have to take this so personally?

I forgot to post this in the FI forum. Its my bad

Get over it! Quit your b----ing

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 6:35 pm
by Tunes67
You dont have to make a big deal out of me not posting in the right forum. Woopie doo. I posted in the wrong forum. Why the hell do you have to take this so personally?

I forgot to post this in the FI forum. Its my bad

Get over it! Quit your b----ing

You could post in the correct forum and you wouldnt have to worry about a MODERATOR doing his job.


Posted: November 8th, 2007, 6:41 pm
by wagZE
That doesn't look like it'd fit with the radiator rite there it'd be close, that is sexy as hell though

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 6:44 pm
by Mnemonic
Not taking anything personally, once you learn how to post in the right forums i will stop, it's not like this is the 1st time you've done it, more like the 100th?

And why does it matter, because certain people on here actually use the search function (not that you do, if you had, you would of seen that this question has been answered tons of times). If you post in the wrong section well then that information gets missed if someone searches in the proper section now doesn't it?

Seriously man, the v6 forum isn't your own private forum to ask every single question your heart desires, they have the forum split up into different sections for a reason, other people seem to be able to post properly(even noobs), but its a constant problem for you. You've been on this forum long enough to know better, we told you enough times.

And I flame everyone who posts improperly thats been on this forum for awhile, most don't take it to heart, and most know I'm just screwing around with them to make sure if doesn't happen again. Noobs get a warning the 1st time and maybe even the 2nd time then I see no other choice but to flame them, maybe them being made to look like an idiot will stop them?

And for my final thought about this Yes i could just not post anything and just report you as i always do, but do you think Barry and Jeff want to constantly spend there time moving your posts to the proper locations? I don't I'd rather see them putting time and effort into doing mods to the forum and making sure everything runs right, as thats more important than making sure a member who has been on this forum for over 3 years can post in the proper section.

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 7:47 pm
Well Said, Mnemonic. Post moved. Next time it will be deleted.

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 9:46 pm
by hgallegos915
The pipes will work but the turbo t3.. i dunno.. it heats up at high rpms. The pipes cost around 175 shipped on ebay and require a bit of soft hammering to make them fit. They fit almost like a glove.

Posted: November 9th, 2007, 12:28 pm
by Mooneggs
Mnemonic wrote:Image
bravo sir! Image

Re: Ford Probe turbo kit fit on MX3? (PICS)

Posted: February 7th, 2008, 12:54 am
by Flinch
hey i am going to turbo my ZE and am wodering if i get the same kit if it will still fit by using a t3-t4 turbo instead of just the t3?

Re: Ford Probe turbo kit fit on MX3? (PICS)

Posted: February 7th, 2008, 1:11 am
by se7en
yes flinch, it will fit no prob. that is the setup I am running.

I live in medicine hat, just 2.5 hours south of you.

cheers man, and if you have any questions, just check the sticky at the top of this section, or pm me.


oh, and btw: I didn't have to hammer at all, it fit just fine.

Re: Ford Probe turbo kit fit on MX3? (PICS)

Posted: February 7th, 2008, 1:37 am
by Flinch
thanks man i will definatley be in cantact. im looking on ebay now and a whole kit is like 1000bones is that worth getting and just rigging the intake piping a little diferent, cuz that way i get everything i need.