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Transmission or clutch problem plz help

Posted: October 15th, 2007, 2:22 pm
by The General
Ok so I was driving the 92 RS mx3 around today and then it s--- the bed. I accelerated from a stop and it wouldnt go in second. Pulled over and then shut off and turned it back on and I could go again but then I couldnt change gears like a little bit after that, stopped and a gas station and thats when it got really wierd. I would put my foot on the clutch a little and it would be kicking back at me, and holding it all the way down would create a whinning sound, so my friend and I kept trying to get it in gear, it wouldnt move. Then it just turned to s--- and putting the clutch in would make the motor die and then we kept trying to figure out what was wrong and it started smoking, so we left it there. So I dont know which it is the clutch or the tranny, can anyone help

Posted: October 19th, 2007, 12:41 am
by se7en
holy sh!t dude, that doesn't sound good.....

probably just a clutch though, because you said that the pedal was acting wierd.

and the tranny and the clutch are two different systems on the car.

could be a throw out bearing, or pressure plate, or pilot bearing, or whatever, but I should think that is not the tranny.

Have fun, but at least those clutches are pretty easy to change.



Posted: November 14th, 2007, 10:37 am
by o4_boyracer_no1_o5
the whinning sound....if its coming from your box will most likely be your pressure release bearing which you get with a clutch kit although if your sayin its kicking the clutch bk up again i would go for pressure plate itself so just get the clutc h kit and it will have the clutch plate, pressure plate an pressure release bearing ;)

Re: Transmission or clutch problem plz help

Posted: November 14th, 2007, 1:16 pm
by sk8erdude802
[quote="The General"]Then it just turned to s--- and putting the clutch in would make the motor die /quote]

had an issue like this when the throw out bearing in my clutch died. Sounds like you have more than just a bad bearing though.


Posted: November 14th, 2007, 1:23 pm
by cyclonekid78
Sounds like throw our bearing is bad.

Re: Transmission or clutch problem plz help

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 9:00 pm
by The General
You guys were right, I blew up my throwout bearing, which dented my pressure plate, and blew 2/3 of one side of my clutch clear off, look I got a pic of what happened, none of the clutch though :(