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confused with compression test results

Posted: June 24th, 2007, 2:23 pm
by Suresperance
i did a compression test today on my ze and it pulled 125 average on all cylinders. WAY low but the engine is running so good it isnt even funny which is why i think i did the test wrong. my dad and i did it he held the guage and i tured the car over. he had me do it in short bursts. just barley turning the key. he hasnt worked on a car since 1970 so i dont know if this is the proper way to do it. but 125 is way too low for a ze and its running perfectly which is why im so confused so any help is appreciated.

Posted: June 24th, 2007, 2:33 pm
by Mnemonic
disconnect the cables from teh disty so that you dont crank the car, plug the tester into each sockets, let it turn over a few times, and let it sit and watch. Yea thats pretty low for a ze 190 is what there soposed to be around mine were half 195 the other half were 203 (carb build up)

Posted: June 24th, 2007, 3:06 pm
by Tunes67
As Mnemonic said.. disconnect the plugs leading to the distributor.. remove ALL spark plugs. Then test each cylinder one at a time. Crank the engine till the needle on the compression gauge stops going up. Record the number. Move to next cylinder.


Posted: June 24th, 2007, 3:36 pm
by Suresperance
haha yeah i just found out from my mech. friend he said you need to remove ALL plugs we did one at a time. then remove all harnesses from dizzy which we did. and hold the TB open. remove the efi fuse and ground some thing. and you have to turn it over not just alittle at a time. he said the way we did it was right for the big block chevys that my buddy and dad were used to but not for out newer cars. he said that when we re do it it should be up twards the 200s so it should be fine we just did it wrong. im all set thanks for your help