negative for n2ogsze

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negative for n2ogsze

Post by ninjajim4 »

i was going to just wait and see how this played out, but at this point i'm just straight up pissed and the outcome doesn't even matter. n2ogsze was paid March 14th for an AC compressor, and has jsut been stringing me along with BS excuses for the past month, like he was too busy with finals, and spring break, he misaddressed the package, and USPS priority mail takes longer than 3 days. whoever told you a good defense is the best offense should've told you it doesn't work when you're verifiably wrong. this punk is full of it, and i'm bustin him out. below is all the correspondance from the past month:

March 14th
ninjajim4 wrote:ok payment sent. i am hoping it is the one i saw in your full AC thread, which I verified has the correct pulley.
n2ogsze wrote:It is. It came right off my k8, so it HAS to be the right one.
March 19th
ninjajim4 wrote:i sent payment last week.. should i expect this anytime soon? thanks
no response

March 23rd
ninjajim4 wrote:hey man, I sent you the money over a week ago and haven't heard anything since. can you give me an update please?
no reponse

March 25th, i finally hear something
n2ogsze wrote:Yes you should. I've been on vaction for spring break, sorry for the late response.
from this quality response, i have no clue when or if it's been sent or what
ninjajim4 wrote:thats ok... i saw you have good feedback, but i was starting to get worried.. =P
umm.. did you mail it out already? can you tell me if its coming this week?
and of course.... no response.

March 28th
ninjajim4 wrote:hey man i know youre spring break but i need a tracking number or something, and i need to know when you mailed this thing out or i'll have to open a paypal claim. i've been burned too many times to wait around indefinitely, so please give me some concrete info asap.
no response

March 31st - Paypal claim filed.

April 6th
n2ogsze wrote:Hi, I a replied on paypal and I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience, but I had an issue shipping them. I messed up a bunch of sales, I guess I was just rushed trying to get my car ready for a long trip, studying for and taking finals, and just a bunch of stuff. I reshipped it today via USPS priority mail.
April 9th
ninjajim4 wrote:that's ok... i just opened that case as a precaution since i hadn't heard from you in a long time -- nothing personal. i will keep an eye out for it, hopefully it arrives today
April 11th
ninjajim4 wrote:dood... if you shipped this on the 6th via priority mail, thats 3 days, ie it should have been here monday. i gave it an extra day on the off chance that usps inexplicably failed to deliver priority mail on time, which jsut about never happens, and it's still not here. so whats up
April 12th
n2ogsze wrote: ... iority.htm

USPS priority mail is not 3 days. I sent it on the 6th, I can do nothing more. I have a receipt so if you continue the claim with paypal I will simply send them a copy and be done with you. I would send you a copy right now but I can't get it to come out clearly on my camera phone.
April 13th
ninjajim4 wrote:priority mail is not 3 days?? what, are you kidding? convenient how you can't send me a receipt and yet at the same time you're trying to blow me off by saying you'll send one to Paypal. knock yourself out if you think that will make the claim go away, but i've been doing internet business for 8 years and have been with Paypal since 2000, so i'll tell you right now that doesn't pass as proof. my track record is excellent and this isn't going way unless i have a refund or a package in my hands. incidentally, regular mail would have arrived by now, let alone priority. what a joke. by the way i sent you that money exactly a month ago, so i don't where you come off with attitude when this package is long overdue
n2ogsze wrote:You will eat your words. I sent it exactly when I said I did, and I'm 99 percent positive the address is just as you gave it to me. If you take the time to read the link I sent straight from, it does not mention '3 days' under 'priority mail' anywhere. I also have a perfect track record, and do not intend to spoil it. Yes, if i show proof of shipment it will go away. You obviously do not know as much about the USPS mailing system as you think you do. Cheers.
ninjajim4 wrote:this is ridiculous.

there's a link for you to read too. we can swap links all day, but all i want is my package or my money. i'm the one who doesn't know what i'm talking about? tell me where on your receipt does it have my address or confirmation # on there? tell me where on your lil receipt does it prove that it wasn't a box of cookies you sent off to grandma? gee, that doesn't sound like much proof to me. so who's the one who doesn't know what he's talking about? and you mislabelled it the first time? please. oldest one in the book. you've been stringing me along with bs for a month now. you're too busy with finals and spring break to mail it? maybe you shoulda waited until all that was over before you asked me for my money then. this is all a load of crap.

and there you have it...
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Post by n2ogsze »

Scope it out. PRIORITY mail, just as I said. No clue why it isn't there yet, but it's out of my hands at this point. Good luck.
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Post by n2ogsze »

Oh, and for the record: I paid just over 23 dollars to ship an AC compressor ($250 dollar value) for an item I was only paid 30 for. Not $30 plus shipping, $30 total. Such a terrible seller I am :roll:
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Post by Custommx3 »

n2ogsze wrote:Oh, and for the record: I paid just over 23 dollars to ship an AC compressor ($250 dollar value) for an item I was only paid 30 for. Not $30 plus shipping, $30 total. Such a terrible seller I am :roll:
I guess that pretty much covers it! :)
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Post by ninjajim4 »

off topic... but i'll indulge you in anyway. first of all, show me one board member on here who's going to pay 250 bucks for an un-remanned, unsealed compressor with who knows how many miles on it that could go out at any point. if you recall, the only thing i bought it for was the pulley, since i already bought a compressor with the wrong number of grooves on the pulley -- coicidentally for 30 bucks shipped. yea i had fun debating with that guy over how many grooves an mx AC pulley is suppsoed to have. reminds of you. second, i don't care if i paid two dollars for it, because i'm out the money and i DON'T HAVE A PACKAGE to show for it. and third, i don't see what the hell you're complaining about, since the only reason you took me up on my offer was because nobody wanted to buy it from you. so if you're feeling salty about the price, then maybe you shouldn't have made the deal.

as for it being out of your hands, you're wrong on that too. you being the last member of the transaction to actually have laid hands on the package makes YOU responsible. that's not some arbitrary rule i jsut made up through logic, that's established postal convention, and you'll see that upheld with this Paypal claim. at this point, it's YOUR responsibility as the shipper to find out where this package went, since YOU'RE the one with the relevant details.

and finally, if you look up at our past convos, i've been nothing but patient as you blew me off for finals and spring break, and supposedly shipped it to the wrong addy, despite being provided with a Paypal confirmed address. where's your receipt for that time? I only let my impatience show when 4 weeks later, for some reason there's ANOTHER mishap, and USPS priority mail fails to deliver not jsut within the 3 day average, but as of today, TWELVE days. incidentally, i don't hear you arguing with me anymore about them not providing an estimated time frame.

btw, that receipt of yours provides NO address, and NO delivery confirmation. as you saw on the Paypal claim, they asked you for two things only: shipping company and tracking or confirmation number, which you conveniently left blank. i wonder how much that's going to help you.

i don't know what's going on with this package now, and for what it's worth, i do believe you actually mailed it, though your proof is shoddy and far from definitive. truth is, i would waited another month before saying anything, but you had to come off with attitude after you've been d*cking around for a full month before sending off the package and lacking the consideration to understand what a normal person would consider reasonable frustration.

so i don't really care if you sent it out or not. i don't have it, you can't actually prove you sent it, and i think you're a d*ck
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Post by n2ogsze »

ninjajim4 wrote:off topic... but i'll indulge you in anyway. first of all, show me one board member on here who's going to pay 250 bucks for an un-remanned, unsealed compressor with who knows how many miles on it that could go out at any point.
There are MX-3 owners outside of Look up AC compressors from outside sources and see what kind of prices you get.
ninjajim4 wrote:so if you're feeling salty about the price, then maybe you shouldn't have made the deal.
I'm not, I'm glad I could give someone a good price. I had the thing just laying around and wanted it gone. I was simply saying that b----ing so much over something you paid so little for with such a high value is quite trivial.
ninjajim4 wrote:as for it being out of your hands, you're wrong on that too. you being the last member of the transaction to actually have laid hands on the package makes YOU responsible. that's not some arbitrary rule i jsut made up through logic, that's established postal convention, and you'll see that upheld with this Paypal claim. at this point, it's YOUR responsibility as the shipper to find out where this package went, since YOU'RE the one with the relevant details.
Not true. If you want to get technical, which it seems you are headed that way, there are multiple policys concerning shipping. There is FOB shipping point, in which ownership of the goods transfers to the buyer as soon as the public carrier accepts goods from the seller, and there is FOB destination, in which ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the goods reach the buyer. We never determined which it would be, so please spare your take on shipping policys.
ninjajim4 wrote:and finally, if you look up at our past convos, i've been nothing but patient as you blew me off for finals and spring break, and supposedly shipped it to the wrong addy, despite being provided with a Paypal confirmed address. where's your receipt for that time?
I never blew you off for spring break or finals, I simply didn't log into because I had no reason to suspect I needed to. Also, I never said I mailed the item to the WRONG address, I simply err'd in shipping to YOUR address. I do not have a receipt for that time, it was discarded probably the same day I sent it.

ninjajim4 wrote:incidentally, i don't hear you arguing with me anymore about them not providing an estimated time frame.
Don't know what to tell you besides what I already have. The clerk didn't give me an estimated time frame, sorry.
ninjajim4 wrote:btw, that receipt of yours provides NO address, and NO delivery confirmation. as you saw on the Paypal claim, they asked you for two things only: shipping company and tracking or confirmation number, which you conveniently left blank. i wonder how much that's going to help you.
For the shipping company, I was forced to choose 'other' because if I chose USPS from their list, the form would not complete without a tracking number which I do not have, nor did I ever have one, nor did I claim to have one.
ninjajim4 wrote:i don't know what's going on with this package now, and for what it's worth, i do believe you actually mailed it, though your proof is shoddy and far from definitive.
So do you think I wasted 23 dollars sending a hunk of metal to some random address in the same exact city, state, and zip code as you? If you would like USPS to begin adding the entire address to a receipt, please contact them, as I can do nothing about it.
ninjajim4 wrote:
so i don't really care if you sent it out or not. i don't have it, you can't actually prove you sent it, and i think you're a d*ck
I am a d---, you are right about one thing. However, I have never had any trouble with shipping before so I had no reason to suspect I would this time. Sorry I was not able to correspond with you sooner, but this is the bottom line: I sent it out before I left for spring break, it came back. I sent it out again, provided a receipt, now it's headed your way and I can do nothing to speed it up.
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Post by ninjajim4 »

n2ogsze wrote:
There are MX-3 owners outside of Look up AC compressors from outside sources and see what kind of prices you get.
funny, i coulda jsut sworn i qualified more expensive compressors as having been remanned, sealed, warrentied, etc. not to mention i jsut said i'd bought a different one for the exact same price, so you don't get cheapest price award, sorry.
n2ogsze wrote: I'm not, I'm glad I could give someone a good price. I had the thing just laying around and wanted it gone. I was simply saying that b----ing so much over something you paid so little for with such a high value is quite trivial.
yea that'd be true... if i actually had something to show for the money i put out. i don't.
n2ogsze wrote: Not true. If you want to get technical, which it seems you are headed that way, there are multiple policys concerning shipping. There is FOB shipping point, in which ownership of the goods transfers to the buyer as soon as the public carrier accepts goods from the seller, and there is FOB destination, in which ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the goods reach the buyer. We never determined which it would be, so please spare your take on shipping policys.
like i said, i've been doing internet business for years now, and thats the way it goes. you think every transaction ppl make they discuss who's responsible once the package is in the mail? ridiculous. at any rate, it's only Paypal's policy i really care about, which i know plenty well.
n2ogsze wrote: I never blew you off for spring break or finals, I simply didn't log into because I had no reason to suspect I needed to. Also, I never said I mailed the item to the WRONG address, I simply err'd in shipping to YOUR address. I do not have a receipt for that time, it was discarded probably the same day I sent it.
you didn't blow me off, you just didn't respond to any of my messages. yes, i see the difference now. i guess you turned off the default setting to have an email dispatched to your address everytime you get a PM. i guess you also stopped checking email altogether, since I emailed you directly on more than one occasion. as for erring in shipping to my address, uh... how exactly is that not misaddressing...?

funny how i didn't ask you for a receipt or even talk to you until days after the 6th, and you still kept that receipt. while you supposedly discarded the other one the day you shipped it. gee, i guess you musta paid another 23 bucks to ship out the first time and you're in the red on this transaction huh?

n2ogsze wrote: Don't know what to tell you besides what I already have. The clerk didn't give me an estimated time frame, sorry.
again, i'm really finding it hard to beleive that you wouldn't know how long priority mail takes, or that you would ship something via any method without knowing how long it takes, and then attempt to argue with me when i tell you what it is. at least i got a 'sorry' on this one.

n2ogsze wrote: For the shipping company, I was forced to choose 'other' because if I chose USPS from their list, the form would not complete without a tracking number which I do not have, nor did I ever have one, nor did I claim to have one.

So do you think I wasted 23 dollars sending a hunk of metal to some random address in the same exact city, state, and zip code as you? If you would like USPS to begin adding the entire address to a receipt, please contact them, as I can do nothing about it.
i wasn't trying to say you had a tracking number. in fact, i was calling attention to the fact that you didn't. how do i know where you sent anything to, other than to my zip code (of which incidentally belongs to ONE particular city and state, so matching up the three isn't exactly compelling)? 60602 covers a lot of square miles. but never mind. i'm not trying to get USPS to change receipt printing policy or anything else. i jsut thought i'd say that outright since you apparently thought that was my intent. i'll spell it out for you: i made those statements soley to point out that contrary to what think and have repeatedly said, you have no proof at all that you sent me anything. you only have a receipt saying you sent 14lbs of something to 60602. that doesn't equate to a compressor to my office. i mean.. if you're gonna try and debate me, it seems like you at least ought to do so on point.
n2ogsze wrote: I am a d---, you are right about one thing.
at least we agree on something.
n2ogsze wrote: However, I have never had any trouble with shipping before so I had no reason to suspect I would this time. Sorry I was not able to correspond with you sooner, but this is the bottom line: I sent it out before I left for spring break, it came back. I sent it out again, provided a receipt, now it's headed your way and I can do nothing to speed it up.
you're right that is the bottom line. but i'm not trying to break your balls because my package got lost in the mail. i'm pissed off because i'm going on 6 weeks without a package and you're being an @ss about it. goin on 6 weeks with a straight guy i have no problems with.
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Post by 2fazed »

You should be able to track that package with your receipt. When I've shipped items to Canada, sometimes they take 2 weeks. Using USPS, the cheaper service doesn't have tracking. But with the receipts transaction #, I've been able to track the package. Maybe, give USPS a call with your receipts info, see what they say.
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Post by ninjajim4 »

thanks for the tip... i did give them a call yesterday, and of course they say without a tracking or confirmation number, they can't help. they did take down my number and are supposed to call back today. i put it at 50-50 odds i get a call back at all
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Post by n2ogsze »

I'm really sorry you are having these problems getting the package but damn man, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing I can do now! The package is out of my hands, and has been since the 6th!
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Post by OROutdoors »

Suggestion for all involved when shipping with USPS -- buy the delivery confirmation option. It costs less than a dollar, doesn't delay delivery by requiring a sugnature, and it give you a tracking number to find out info like: address it is shipped to, date it was shipped, where the package is in process, when the package was delivered.

Also, be aware that if someone defrauds a person using the US Postal Service, that is a federal offense -- much stiffer penalty than if by FedEx or UPS. I'm not saying that happened here -- it's just something to keep in mind.

You know -- the whole thing above could be a circumstance where both parties are honest, and some mistake was made or the package got lost. But, agreed, it does seem odd. Were I the sender, I would have filed a claim with USPS by now. Of course, I would have used a tracking number.

I hope it all works out for you both.
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Post by 94mx3precidia »

just wondering if you actually got the package?
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Post by MazdaManiacMx3 »

Ninjajim , I can send you ac pulley if you really need it , And n2ogsze I can throw a ac compressor minus the pulley through your windshield .. Becuase thats what you two really want for each other isnt it ..

No J/K guys , just trying to add some humor to a raging argument , I hope all goes well with this ..
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Post by ninjajim4 »

94mx3precidia wrote:just wondering if you actually got the package?
nope never showed up. Paypal ended up siding with me but didn't recover any money. USPS couldn't find any sign of it, but then i didn't expect much from them...

thanks to all for the good wishes but this one's a goner
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Post by R0MEO »

wow.. what a shitty deal.
next time you do business online in a place like this, you should try and get confirmed mail. which means both sign for it. He signs for it before it leaves, and you sign for it once you get it, which confirms to the seller that the package was receieved. And why the hell would someone ship without getting a tracking number?.. the hell was he thinking?
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