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OUCH wisdom tooth woes

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 12:57 am
by hgallegos915
Well ouch these things hurt.... its out and it bites down on my gum and it hurts so much you cant eat. So tomorrow Ill have to go get it pulled out... anyone knows if that procedure hurts? :S that son of a mouth is SHARP.. why do we even have them for anyway..

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 1:32 am
Most people's jaws can accomidate them. Pulling them does hurt a bit, but some pain meds ease the paint to a dull ache and after a day they are ok. Make sure not to smoke or suck on anything (no straws or things like that). A dry socket is supposed to be one of the most painful things a human can experience.
When I had mine pulled the Doc schedled me for 2- 1 hour visits. Two teeth one day and 2 the next week. The first two went ok, the second two had such twisted roots that it took 2 hours. He was sweating from the exertion of trying to pull them. He ended up cutting them in half and still had a mutha of a time getting them out. I was cracking up watching him sweat, told him that I was making him earn his money, lol. You may also get bone splinters from the tooth cracking the jaw where the tooth attached. I started feeling a sharp edge in my gum and week or so later a sliver of bone worked its way through my gum. Hurt a tad, but I ended up just scratching the surface of my gum to free the bone and pulled it out.
I bet you are ready now, lol. GL :lol:

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 2:03 am
by Boris
Jesus PAt, I thought my wisdom teeth hurt. That must've been horrible!

I find that the major factor as to whether it'll hurt is if your teeth are impacted or not. Impacted is a lot more painful... if you don't have impaced then it's really not a huge deal. Even my sister went out with friends and was eating normally the same day... for me it took about a week to start eating somewhat normally.

Then again, I got em out when I lived at home. My mom was convinced the pain wasn't "that bad" and was monitoring my med dosage. My girlfriend had to sneak me extra T3's hahaha

OH and one more thing. If you can get perkaset instead of Tylenol 3s, go for that. Relieves the pain better, and leaves you feeling less drowsy and sick.

wisdom teeth

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 8:37 am
by bubsy83
I had mine yanked when I was 19. This goes back a bit so I am trying to remember...I've since had a dental implant replaced lost in a car accident when I was 22...that was worse. Anyway, I was given gas as the dentist pulled them out and he was boppin to the radio. Young guy and very cool, only thing is he put the stitches in a little too tight as he had difficulties removing the stitches when the needed to come out. Otherwise not a bad experience in all. Now gum surgery and placing a stud for an implant which felt like a jackhammer ramming into the bone...that hurts but that's another story...

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 12:44 pm
by papa roached
just had a exposed nerve in one yanked a few weeks ago, it hurts but not as much as whta i had goin on

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 1:32 pm
by 95 rs
i had mine pulled out 3 years ago.... thats all 4 at once... 2 hours long and then i came home and ate a steak meal..... some people like my brother swelled up like a chipmunk for about 4 days.... i pulled the stitches out myself in the middle of science class... lol ummm ya its not that bad a bit of pain but hell the tylenol t3s help alot also.... GL

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 1:46 pm
by Tunes67
All 4 of mine came in straight :D No need to go the dentist at all :D Which is a good thing.. I hate dentists.. Sadists that found a legal and lucrative way to make a decent living if you ask me.. Good luck man.. Glad its not me :D


Posted: March 7th, 2007, 10:39 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Got mine removed back in highschool. Pulled all 4 the same session. They had to not only cut the teeth to get them out, but cut part of the jawbone as well. I was sedaded to the point where i couldn't feel anything, but the crunching sounds we're odd to say the least

We has them because we we're historically meat eaters, so the wisdom teeth were to aid in chewing the tough raw meat. We dont need them anymore, and we're slowly evolving not to have sister had only 2 wisdom teeth

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 10:53 pm
That is called deficient, not evolution...
lol, jk ;)

Posted: March 7th, 2007, 11:38 pm
by hgallegos915
well I must say that was a painfull experience. It took 2 anesthesia shots to get me not to feet anything. I went to mexico to and ental university where they charged me 7.50 for the procedure. Its basically co eds doing the work.. it was painfull but they were hot LOL I got their number in case i develop any "pain" thats what they say? they were on their early 20s , <drool

oh yeah, the root was fused together.. or something like that. It took them like 1 hr and a half to get it out :S well the doctor had to pull it because the girls had a hard time .