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What the hell is wrong with people?

Posted: February 20th, 2007, 7:44 pm
by Franko

Twards the end it is absloutely retarded.. What in the hell is wrong with these people? I didnt think it was possible for people to be such rednecks.. I hope to god that all people from the states arent like that. These people are idiots.

Posted: February 20th, 2007, 8:27 pm
by jrors
That's crazy. I enjoy watching those Top Gear guys car shows....... so, going by how nutty they can be at times, I know they like to push things to the limit, but I don't think they were exactly ready for what happened that day.

Posted: February 20th, 2007, 9:21 pm
by Franko
Top gear has to be my favourite show ever. Its just SO good in every way. It disgusts me that people can be so insane. People like that dont deserve to be alive. Just like people who are in the kkk... Why even exist? They are doing nobody any good.

Posted: February 20th, 2007, 10:53 pm
by hharb
i guess everybody has the right to be alive, but we just gotta treat those rednecks like retards, ppl with minor or no intelligence at all, and try and not piss them off :D


Posted: February 20th, 2007, 11:48 pm
by bubsy83
It's too bad that this happens today. We have come a long way in learning acceptance however some people will never ever evolve and move on to more important things that seem to threaten our very lives.

I'll admit I am redneck, with a muscle car and lovin NASCAR and stuff but I could care less if someone was gay, or a woman running for president or doesn't like NASCAR or country music or whatever.

I mean look at the emissions these old redneck cars are doing to the environment, and yes I drive one, (for about 4-5 months a year), but nonetheless I drive one. These are the same group that lump our cars as rice rockets yet we are fuel efficient and more environmentally friendly.

It's so stupid to demonize people because of a label when what they do in the bedtroom is nobody's business.

Sorry , needed to rant about this crap it bothers me!! :x

Posted: February 21st, 2007, 8:23 am
by Franko
That dosent make you a redneck if you like muscle cars. The way that those guys get on in that video makes them rednecks, and if Im wrong, then I need to come up with a new name for them because you are not crazy and stupid like them.

I guess everyone does deserve to be alive, but if they make other peoples lives terrible then they dont. All this racism and anti gay stuff is just mind blowing to me. It must have to do with the way that people are brought up I guess. In my eyes, everybody is the same. A person is a person regardless of their color or if they are gay.

Posted: February 21st, 2007, 6:45 pm
by Neil
Franko wrote:That dosent make you a redneck if you like muscle cars. The way that those guys get on in that video makes them rednecks, and if Im wrong, then I need to come up with a new name for them because you are not crazy and stupid like them.

I guess everyone does deserve to be alive, but if they make other peoples lives terrible then they dont. All this racism and anti gay stuff is just mind blowing to me. It must have to do with the way that people are brought up I guess. In my eyes, everybody is the same. A person is a person regardless of their color or if they are gay.
In defense of the Red Necks, if you went to a big Foot Ball area in the UK and wrote "<Insert Team Name Here> Sucks!" on your Car and drove around long enough, You'd be chased out of town by a band of hooligan foot ball fans.

I do agree with you though Franko, it is pretty insane the length they go to in Episode 3 of Season 9 and attack the Top Gear crew.

They joked around about it in the begging of Episode 4 though so i don't think it scared the Top Gear cast Jeremy/Richard/James that badly.

Posted: February 21st, 2007, 10:25 pm
by e2blade
I Dont usually ever watch peoples video

but this my people

is a extreme exception

Posted: February 21st, 2007, 10:56 pm
Im going to enjoy my .02 on this one b/c I'm going completely 180 of seemingly everyones opinion on the episode.

I guess that none of you have ever been to (for a decent period of time) the Southern US. Commonly known as the "Bible Belt". You must experience a bit of these peoples lives to understand where they are coming from. Honestly I think it is just as arrogant and ignorant to say that they reacted poorly. You see, most of Alabama is Very rural with small populations dominated by Entire families that have lived in the same town for generations. There is a very high poverty level and thus you will see many with little to live for and much to beg for. They have not traveled beyond what a dream could take them and know only what is tought in church. Local behavior is going to be the ruling force. Alabama is a big bible thumping state with a church on every corner. Mostly Southern Baptist, who believe that being gay is a sin and against God's rules and punishable by eternal damnnation. Flawnting to be a sinner, and obviosly a proud one at that is going to enflame them. They see more than most how the Japanese production hurts US jobs and economies. These are the places that usually offer good incentives for manufacturing plants to come and supply a large number of jobs to these lower class people. When Ford looses jobs b/c the cars are being outsold by the Japs then plants close and people go hungry. When Chevy tries to keep up with the Japs manufacturing costs by moving plants to Mexico then people loose jobs and go hungry. When Chrysler moves plants to Canada to get away from unions, you get the idea. So Top Gear used all good ol' American cars and trucks to paint up all sissy and flame southern interests.
In my opinion Top Gear are the a-- holes, and I've lost all my respect for them. To poke fun at such a destitute and desperate people is wrong and they deserved worse than rocks being thrown at thier cars. Chasing them off was much less than I would have done if I were in that position.
To put things into perspective take something that you love and believe in, let someone make terrible fun of it in the worst way, rub it in your face and lets see how long it takes for you to defend what you believe in. Wars are fought over such tings, literally. So if these Rednecks are so terrible then so are the Romans, Greeks, Catholics, Muslims etc, etc.

Posted: February 21st, 2007, 11:16 pm
by e2blade
PATDIESEL wrote:Im going to enjoy my .02 on this one b/c I'm going completely 180 of seemingly everyones opinion on the episode.

I guess that none of you have ever been to (for a decent period of time) the Southern US. Commonly known as the "Bible Belt". You must experience a bit of these peoples lives to understand where they are coming from. Honestly I think it is just as arrogant and ignorant to say that they reacted poorly. You see, most of Alabama is Very rural with small populations dominated by Entire families that have lived in the same town for generations. There is a very high poverty level and thus you will see many with little to live for and much to beg for. They have not traveled beyond what a dream could take them and know only what is tought in church. Local behavior is going to be the ruling force. Alabama is a big bible thumping state with a church on every corner. Mostly Southern Baptist, who believe that being gay is a sin and against God's rules and punishable by eternal damnnation. Flawnting to be a sinner, and obviosly a proud one at that is going to enflame them. They see more than most how the Japanese production hurts US jobs and economies. These are the places that usually offer good incentives for manufacturing plants to come and supply a large number of jobs to these lower class people. When Ford looses jobs b/c the cars are being outsold by the Japs then plants close and people go hungry. When Chevy tries to keep up with the Japs manufacturing costs by moving plants to Mexico then people loose jobs and go hungry. When Chrysler moves plants to Canada to get away from unions, you get the idea. So Top Gear used all good ol' American cars and trucks to paint up all sissy and flame southern interests.
In my opinion Top Gear are the a-- holes, and I've lost all my respect for them. To poke fun at such a destitute and desperate people is wrong and they deserved worse than rocks being thrown at thier cars. Chasing them off was much less than I would have done if I were in that position.
To put things into perspective take something that you love and believe in, let someone make terrible fun of it in the worst way, rub it in your face and lets see how long it takes for you to defend what you believe in. Wars are fought over such tings, literally. So if these Rednecks are so terrible then so are the Romans, Greeks, Catholics, Muslims etc, etc.
extremely well put

i live in idaho....

where small towns thrive...

and ive lived in alabama and texas...

and how he states about how little towns are and how people havnt explored anything besides their own town since theres much poverty, he has a very righteous point

people arnt much different from that video in little towns

Posted: February 22nd, 2007, 12:24 am
by Typhoonk
I think they would have been ok if they would have left out 'Nascar sucks' that seemed to peeve off the lady pretty good - and was a very well planned attack to piss off that kind of comunity :shock:

Worst part of this was, it was all just for TV and ratings..........

Posted: February 24th, 2007, 11:59 am
by !vtec-this!
i thought it was kinda funny

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 1:52 pm
by Teqnyck
Seemed fake to me, like it was staged. Example:

"I'm gonna call the boys!"

30 seconds later...

Truck pulls up full of rednecks, as if they were just waiting by the phone expecting a "grab yer baseball bats and head down to the gas station" call.

IDK, just my thoughts.

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 3:18 pm
by hgallegos915
video ahs been removed

Posted: May 12th, 2007, 3:13 am
by verzutiko
Ok, resurrecting an old thread here. Does anyone see the whole episode? You can actually spot a white MX-3 when Jeremy looks to buy a car! It's in the background and it's got the roof-spoiler thing.