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Everyone should see this.. Puts things in perspective.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 9:43 am
by Franko
I remember seeing this a while ago on a protege forum. I feel I should post it on here just so everyone will realize to take it easy out there. What we dont need is this to happen to anyone else.

We lost a fellow brother last night..

Just look at the four images.. They are very hard to look at..

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4

It says he wasent wearing his seat belt but by the looks of things I dont think it would have mattered.
It is such a tragedy it just blows my mind. I feel so awful reading about it and looking at his posts..
If you read his signature on the site it reads..

"Every day is so valuable and important,because after that day is done, you can never get that day back."

People.. be careful out there please..
We have to conquer death. Its just so terrible..

R.I.P 1338 :cry:

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 10:45 am
by ovendenk
damn... that's so sad. i had no idea a car could bend like that. scary to think that that could have been any one of us. r.i.p

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 10:46 am
by Custommx3
Damn, thats just sad.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 3:16 pm
by Mnemonic
Wow thats really close to home :( I believe him and a few of his fellow club members used to drive by while moca was at its meets. We never met but man thats still so sad.

Yea we all need to learn to slow down some, just cause our cars have the capability to be fast, doesnt mean we always should drive them fast.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 3:17 pm
by mr1in6billion
Thats harsh. And at such a young age. Crazy what turns life can take.

Drive responsibly people. I don't want a thread like that ending up on this forum.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 3:21 pm
that's terrible to die so young! cars take alot of lives i lost a neighbour at a similar age it crushed his dad.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 3:42 pm
by Legato626
Thats why I dont do anymore street racing anymore! the dangers of it are to much. But ya thats sad i wonder how fast he was going.

RIP 1338 :cry:

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 3:54 pm
by Franko
I saw somewhere it said he was doing 30 mph over the speed limit or something, I dont think he was racing anyone. It makes me so sad to see it. He must have been airborne since there are no tire tracks or anything around the accident.

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 5:16 pm
by Neil
Franko wrote:I saw somewhere it said he was doing 30 mph over the speed limit or something, I dont think he was racing anyone. It makes me so sad to see it. He must have been airborne since there are no tire tracks or anything around the accident.
I was about to say, with the way the car hit the pole it looks like he was air borne. I hate asking what happend since this isn't a thread to discuss that. But it makes me wonder.

Like mr1in6billion said, i hope that a thread like this regarding a fellow MX3er doesnt end up on here.

RIP 1338 :cry:

Posted: February 8th, 2006, 5:29 pm
by twoie
years ago when I was a Paramedic I went to lots of these type of horrific crashes. It's extremely sad to see such a young person loose their life. The parents never recover. Being a parent I can't even imagine, nor do I ever want to know what they are going through.

RIP 1338

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 12:09 am
by Vanished
Thats absolutely shocking, and very saddening. A girl flipper her SUV here in saskatoon a while ago, she was going 120 down a very very bad road. Wasn't wearing a seat belt, flew out the sun roof.

She was in high friends football team witnessed it happen.

Things like this make you think about life and what its all about, and it makes me think about how things like this coudl happen anytime.

Be safe guys...its not worth it.

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 1:27 am
by Flashpoint2
So horrible. I had no idea that a car could touch its hood with the spoiler. My most sincere condolences to the family! I just.. wow that's just so horrible, i don't really even know what to say. :( I pray that no-one ever loses anyone the love to a needless accident like that. I truly hope he felt no pain.

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 5:23 am
by Grants
Driving the speed he must have been doing, what did he expect? Why was he doing it? Obviously whatever he was trying to do was beyond his capabilities... or was it?

Unless there are some answers to those basic questions you'd have to think suicide.

At least nobody else was killed.

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 8:37 am
i had an mr2 turbo when i was 21 i was doing around 90 and hit a patch of ice on the road wasn't racing!!! but the car spun out and went into a lamp post sideways. the car was an instant write off but if you think about it at that speed if there is a kerb the wheels would catch and flip you....

such a shame

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 1:24 pm
by MX-3 Money
Grants wrote:Driving the speed he must have been doing, what did he expect? Why was he doing it? Obviously whatever he was trying to do was beyond his capabilities... or was it?

Unless there are some answers to those basic questions you'd have to think suicide.

At least nobody else was killed.
Its really sad and a shame to have a life taken away at such a young age. But why was he going that fast? If he was travling at a normal hwy speed, it wouldn't have been THAT bad. Yes, at least no one else was killed in this guys need for speed. I don't know how you can drive around with out a seatbelt on, it feels so foreign to me if i don't have it on.