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I lost that tiny hose that goes on the side of stock air box

Posted: November 7th, 2005, 11:18 am
by fir3
Do you know about that tiny hose that goes on the side of the stock air box ?

Where does it go ?

Months ago I bring my car to a mechanic who installed the cone air filter.
He has disconnected that little hose... Now I purchased a cold air intake with the connection ready for connect that... But I can't find the tiny hose anymore :lol:

Where is it ?

Posted: November 7th, 2005, 6:34 pm
by StylinMike
Do you mean the breather hose coming off the valve cover?

Posted: November 7th, 2005, 6:59 pm
by fir3
It's a very thin hose...

Posted: November 8th, 2005, 1:23 pm
by fir3
Someone with the stock original air box can help me ?

Just find the tiny hose and follow it and tell me where does it go...

help :)

Posted: November 8th, 2005, 1:33 pm
by ariesdude
Its the EGR vaccum hose - it goes to the EGR solenoid valve - Its in page F1-007 on the online manual - look for label "D"


Posted: November 8th, 2005, 1:50 pm
by fir3
I don't think this is the hose I'm looking for...

I'm looking for a very thin hose ( like 1milimeter of diameter..) :cry:

Posted: November 8th, 2005, 2:04 pm
by ariesdude
Yup it comes out of the airbox on the left side (if you are facing the car) and goes under the distributor and goes around the vale cover. It is THE thinnest hose in the hole vaccum system. In the diagram it looks thicker than it is on the car.

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 10:14 am
by azazel95
Mines not connected I just got it plugged with a screw :?

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 11:12 am
by fir3
Just tell me if I'm searching the correct hose:

in yellow...


Posted: November 9th, 2005, 11:31 am
by azazel95

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 12:30 pm
by fir3
didn't find...

The end of the hose I have marked in yellow is the one connected to the air box ?(not to the air hose)

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 12:41 pm
by azazel95
Ok, on the actual air box where the air filter is in, if you are looking at it from the front it is on the left side. It is the only hose port on that side of the box. Acording to the diagram, the hose labeled D is that hose. The diagram shows it much bigger then it really is but trust me that is it. The diagram might not be 100% correct either.

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 12:48 pm
by fir3
let me explain my situation:

Months ago I asked a mechanic to install my cone air filter and remove the stock air box... He installed ok and he hid that tiny hose somewhere in engine bay...
Now I purchased a Cold Air Intake with the connection to that hose...

But now I could not find the hose... :lol:

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 1:35 pm
by ariesdude
Did you look near where the wires from oxygen sensor plugs into the engine harness - the hose has a clip that sits on top of that connector and holds it in place -

or you can go back to the mechanic and ask him to find it for you.

Posted: November 9th, 2005, 4:27 pm
by azazel95
Do you even need the hose attatched? Mines not it is just hanging there with a screw in it to plug it. No prob with it like that either. I'm sure the mech plugged the hole (should have anyways) so maybe you don't even need to worry about it. But maybe you do what do I know :?