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Interesting Rattle

Posted: November 6th, 2005, 4:39 pm
by msilverton
My daughter asked me to look at her MX3. She has developed a rattle in the lower engine area. The rattle is present when the clutch is out, but when it is depressed it disappears. When in neutral, I can depress the clutch slowly and it seems to slowly subside (maybe something spinning?), then as I ease the clutch out the rattle returns. The rattle is present in first and second, not sure about above that as too fast to hear it.

Any suggestions as to where to begin looking? May have to take this one in as it will have to be up and running to identify closely.

Thought I would ask here as maybe it is a common ailment and someone can direct me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,


Posted: November 6th, 2005, 7:14 pm
by 93_mx3_gs
Sounds like a throw out bearing.

Posted: November 6th, 2005, 7:53 pm
by slimmyslim1420
look at your exhaust thoroughly to see if any thing is loose, my friend had this problem with his car recently and it happened with clutch motion also but one day i was standing outside of the car and heard the rattle it sounded kinda like exhaust so we checked and one of the rings toward the mesh part cant remember name but it had come loose and was rattling, its something to check and if it turns out thats what it is it will be cheaper and easier than the clutch