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Shop called me for my help.

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 7:12 pm
by MX-3 Money
So I was sitting around the other day and I get a call from the local garage. Now I thought this was weird since none of my families cars were out there. So they ask me, "You did a 2.5L engine swap right?" I told them ya, kinda puzzeled. Well I guess some kids were trying to do it to a 626 they had and screwed it all up, so they brought the car to the shop it a million pieces. Now they guys can't seem to get the car to start. So they called me for help. Now I don't know about you, but i've never heard of a garage calling a customer for help(had my breaks and some bearing done there). They asked me what distributor would fit and I told them. Not sure if the engine is a DE or ZE. But they are getting fed up with the car cuz it just won't start and the kids keep bugging them about when its going to be done.

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 7:19 pm
by Tunes67
LMAO I had something similar happen to me once.. but it wasnt a shop it was a Shucks Auto Supply store.. I had bought some oil from them and had been talking to one of the guys that worked there about my B2000.. and 2 hours later this guy calls me and starts asking me all kinds of questions.. After asking him who he was.. he explained that he was the guy from Shucks I had been talking to and that he had a customer with the same truck that was trying to change the starter.. Cracks me up when people who are supposed to know something and get paid to know something call a back yard grease monkey like me to help them with something.. cant say it wasnt an ego boost though ;) But then it was just Shucks Auto Supply too LOL Cheers


Re: Shop called me for my help.

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 7:25 pm
by neutral
MX-3 Money wrote:So I was sitting around the other day and I get a call from the local garage. Now I thought this was weird since none of my families cars were out there. So they ask me, "You did a 2.5L engine swap right?" I told them ya, kinda puzzeled. Well I guess some kids were trying to do it to a 626 they had and screwed it all up, so they brought the car to the shop it a million pieces. Now they guys can't seem to get the car to start. So they called me for help.
That is definitely pretty damn cool. :bowdown:

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 8:42 pm
by mitmaks
lol thats pretty funny, did you tell them where to send your money order lol

Posted: August 5th, 2005, 10:12 am
by Custommx3
I took my car to the local shop here and they had a problem with a Mini. They were also fed up with it, and has been in and out the past 6 months. I told them I had a friend (Jarid) that worked for Mini, they asked if I would call them for his help, lol. I called Jarid, he told them to reset the ECU. that fixed the issue. Go Jarid!

Posted: August 11th, 2005, 11:23 am
by swalltr207jg
some people are clueless, and shouldnt be working the profession that they are. simple as that.

Posted: August 11th, 2005, 11:28 am
by lakersfan1
Custommx3 wrote:I took my car to the local shop here and they had a problem with a Mini. They were also fed up with it, and has been in and out the past 6 months.
One of the places I tried emissions testing at had a MX3 GS in thier shop for over a month just for emissions related problems.