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now this is something to lose your mind over !

Posted: June 25th, 2005, 4:53 pm
by m92_MX3
ok well my brake lights are on all the time when i have my lights on but the tricky part is this, when the lights are off and i hit the pedal my gauge lights turn on ? now think about that one and see what you come up with because i am at a loss i have replaced the fuse and the bulbs and i think it could be a short but where ? any help would be great


Posted: June 25th, 2005, 6:38 pm
by Grants
Definitely a ground fault. Whats happening is that something isn't grounded properly so when its on the power flow to ground is "feeding back" through other components. Have a look at the relevant wiring diagram on my site under "info" and see where the ground points are for your brake and tail lights. Check them first and if ok, work your way back to the brake / tail lights.