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Projectors (patrick and Jaydogs Design)

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 2:16 am
by Mnemonic
Just posting a new thread about it so that everyone actually gets to see them, instead of them being lost in a large thread already:

Allright guys and gals the project is finished, but I haven't had a chance to get night pics of the beam pattern or installed pics due to the rain here in Georgia. I'll have them up as soon as we get a break in the weather. I will not release many pics untill the pattent goes through. I don't want some other company stealing my idea and making them cheaper without my concent. As J-Dog said it has taken over a year to perfect the lamp and it's fitment, too much work to have someone copy it.

You can see a few pics here:

I will sell a builders kit for anyone interested. A group buy will be set up (with permission) when I'm ready and we will probably take a initial order of five. The kit will contain the inner housing to fit the 90mm modules and very detailed directions on wiring and how to modify the housing. Also I would like to say that this will NOT be for anyone who is not versed with fiberglass or body filler. If you mess it up it is your fault and I won't replace anything you mess up.

As for the lense. I did think that they might look better without the lense, but that was at night. The next day I took them off to take a look and discovered that the stock housing will leave a huge gap between the bumper and lamp without the lense and looks like crap. So yeah, you will have to spend DAYS sanding your headlight covers to a perfectly clear finish. This is what took the longest to accomplish. However, it only takes patients and alot of sandpaper.

The wiring was pretty straight forward and only took some time to make sure it was done correctly. You will have to creat a new lighting circuit for the Hellas as they are too high a draw for the stock wiring. It is also easier to creat a new circuit than to tap into the exhisting circuit without destroying your OEM connections, which you may need if you decide that the project is more than you can handle.

The total cost of my project was about 600 USD (guesstamate)
I am guessing that I'll sell the kit for +-200.

Most of the project will require you to have a working knowledge of the materials you will have to work with: body filler, fiberglass (minimal), painting, electrical wiring.

They are not a bolt in. I'd charge at least 1000 a pair for that.

I would like to find a way for everone to be able to have a set of projectors, but the process is just too time consuming to make the finshed product. It will also require that I buy just about every lamp that I can get my hands on. I'm sure you have all seen them on E-Bay selling for about 100 each. I also want ot make sure that I keep the consumer cost to a minimal and by selling the builders kit you are paying for as little of my high priced labor as you can get away with. Laughing

Anyway, enjoy the pics and I'll have more pics and info up soon.

PS on a side note; I am still considering building a ready to paint version without the lenses (you'll have to sand your own) for roughly 400. They will need final sanding, painting, wiring, and drilling for mounting to the car. Let me know if this interests you more and I'll decide wether I can sell enough to make it worth my time.

PSS, I don't check this board very often so please post all comments under the link above.[/img]

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 3:21 am
by cduBBz'915
:shock: nice design, i would love to have those on my car but, i dont think i would pay that much for them, and still have to put it together. :shrug: maybe thats just me?

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 6:26 am
by jschrauwen
Looks reall good guys!! :2thumbsup:
Wasn't expecting to see a tiered configuration, but looks good.
If I'm reading this right. What you have made is a fiberglass "insert" that will go directing inside the stock housing and then the lenses will be placed back over top. This insert will accept 2 x 90mm hella units that we ourselves purchase and bolt to the insert. We'll also make a new wiring harness.
Is there any cutting required to the old housing to have the insert fit?
How is the insert attached to the existing housing?
Are we restricted to using only the same hella units you used in the mold?
Did I mention they look good?

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 9:46 am
Yes you have to use the Hella 90mm in the units that I'll sell.
The only way to make them fit is to tier them, besides, every pic that I found of projectors they are tiered. I think that a flat pair would look silly. As for more information I can't say that much untill the patent goes through. I don't want ot give anything away untill I'm secure that my design or building process won't be coppied.
Thanks for the props,

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 10:33 am
by BoOdOg
very nice man, thanks for taking the time to do this and let us know. Also great idea on selling for thoses willing.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 1:19 pm
by mitmaks
cduBBz'915 wrote::shock: nice design, i would love to have those on my car but, i dont think i would pay that much for them, and still have to put it together. :shrug: maybe thats just me?
ya $200 seems to be too much for something you have to put together AND wire up, I dont mind putting something together, body work, but wiring...thats too hard

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 1:20 pm
by 93SOHC
Much props man, hope that patent goes through! :D

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 1:22 pm
by mitmaks
so youll include everything in kit needed to do swap or we still have to buy wiring, hellas, etc separate

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 4:04 pm
by phillyMX3mayn
too much and too squared...just my opinion but good job.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 5:30 pm
by mitmaks
I would like to see them to be bolt-in as much as possible and hopefully lots of people buy them and price drops

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 9:49 pm
Delted due to harshnes tword other members.

Look guys this is the price and those are the basic details. The price will never drop and I'll probably only make about 10, EVER. I have lots of other projects in mind to get started on and I just wanted to give the few, and I knew that not many would be willing to pay 200 if any at all, a chance to have an awesome set of projector headlights. I own a business that keeps me very busy and am only offering this b/c I want to give back to the MX-3 community. I calculated the price by setting an hourly wage and muliplying it by how long it took me to build the first set and mold, then added what it would take me I material and time to recreate another. It is sound a fair to charge what it costs me to make them. I am sincerely sorry that I cannot offer them at a bargain price so that everyone has a chance to get some, but this is realistically what it will cost to reproduce a small number of them.

If you are interested in a set; the work you'll have to do is not really complicated just time consuming and that is why I'm selling a builders kit instead of a ready to install model.
If no one wants them at this price that is perfectly fine with me, but I just can't sell them for a loss. I can spend my time working on other projects and furthering my car.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 10:29 pm
by papa roached
they look good but you might wanna calm down man, ignore comments you dont like

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 10:52 pm
by mrspanky79
PATDIESEL wrote:If you want some then that is the price. Sorry you think I should sell something that no one else has been able to make for less than what it costs me to make it.

Thats like mazda selling the mx3 for 3million because thats what it cost them to make the first one. Once you have the molds made you just have to buy suplies to make them and since its just fiberglass you buy in bulk and in cost like pennies each to make. Then you add some extra on for time and little for the money you first put in buy the time you sell 4-5 pairs you have made your money back and every pair after that is pure profit.
But I most say look good and nice job and if the prise come to something more resonble count me in

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 12:58 am
I wrote a huge, long reply to those who feel my pricing is out of hand, but then deleted it and wrote this. To tell you the truth I know that I could explain and none of you could understand anyway. I have consulted everyone in MOCA about what I'll be charging and they all agree that is a reasonable price for a custom projector headlamp builders kit. They know what it has taken to get these to this state. They have seen the progress or set-back every Thursday for over a year. I'm sorry if it is out of your price range or just more than what you feel is fair, but if you don't like it then make a set yourself and then come back and talk to me. For those, if any, I don't care, who are interested in knowing more then I'll have some details up soon.
I hate to sound mean, but if you don't like to price sorry, that is what it will stay at.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 1:14 am
by papa roached
well, being mean aint exactly a nice way to try and sell something either :roll: i dont wanna sound mean :P