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winter damage.... means new body kit !

Posted: January 28th, 2005, 5:57 pm
by psyense82
well... this winter has not been nice to my lil baby. pulled into my parking spot outside of my apt. the other week, hit ice, n slid into the bank in front of my spot. this... bent the front plate, and broke the slat on the lower portion of the front bumper cover. no biggie, thought id deal with it for awhile. then, the other nite, my cousin borrows my car to get pizzas, and managed to back right into a friend of ours, putting a hole in the rear bumper the size of my fist, and cracking it all around. gotta love cold eurathene. he dented the car he hit, so hes (my cousin) paying 50 bucks for the dent. i told him, ill keep my mouth shut to our family bout really happened, we told my grandparents n the such he got backed into... if, he would pay for half my body kit, and i will shut my mouth on all this. he agreed.... so... cheap kits direct here i come. thinkin the kmax rear n sides mixed with either the k max front, blitz, or bc2... ne ideas guys???

also, neone know how much installation and paint would be through a shop, generally speaking?

Posted: January 28th, 2005, 6:03 pm
by mitmaks
any pics of damage, ive got stock rear bumper I can sell you.
as far as for rear and front bumper, painted, fitted and installed can run anywhere from 450 to 600

Posted: January 28th, 2005, 6:07 pm
by psyense82
450-600 shouldnt be to to bad. thanks mit for the offer man, but, bout time my lil girl gets a lil appearence upgrade. the only downside, i jus realzied CKD dosent accept anyform of payment besides paypal.... crap

Posted: January 28th, 2005, 7:59 pm
by psyense82
i guess ill spend the few extra bucks, and go thro KrazyKustomz and get the full K-MAX. anyone have any clue as to how that things going to look on the mx?? but yea, any other views on all this guys. the reason im thinkin cheap, is i dont have all that much when my income tax comes in...

Posted: January 28th, 2005, 9:44 pm
by mitmaks
theres no way theyll only accept paypal, ANYONE will accept money orders :P

Posted: January 29th, 2005, 2:05 am
by Josh
mitmaks wrote:theres no way theyll only accept paypal, ANYONE will accept money orders :P
actually thier are alot of online places that only accept things like pay pal. its guaranteed money in the bank. alot easer to keep track of.

Posted: January 29th, 2005, 5:01 pm
by mitmaks
money order you have to actually buy so money is there when you get it in

Posted: January 30th, 2005, 12:00 am
by justintoxicated
hey i fell your pain man. a few days ago i was coming out of my driveway and the end of it was covered in snow and i accidentally rolled over the curb and CRACK! :shock: there went my combat front end, but i guess thats the price to pay when your bumper is like 3 inches off the ground. :shrug: good luck.