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taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 8th, 2003, 5:46 pm
by sikblue
wtf? are we mature? yea i didnt pay for the decals im sorry, but when more important **** comes up, im not gonna, and if u were in my shoes u wouldnt either.. no take this crap out of my profile, unlock my profile so i can make changes to it, let me use the private messenger, ive been on this site for a long time, and ive never caused problems and all of a sudden i dont do 1 thing and first u ban me then do this.. thats pathetic jeff... it really is childish

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 8th, 2003, 6:43 pm
by nope-mx3
whats pathetic and childish, is that you order something from, recieve it, and don`t pay...

how much are the stickers anyway? couple trips to McDonald`s? a trip or two to the movies?

dishonest people are so stupid...
do the right thing, pay Jeff what you owe him


Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 9th, 2003, 2:55 pm
by monty73741
lol...u get em jeff...............

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 9th, 2003, 8:15 pm
by rancid420potheadpunk
ha ha ha. that guy should have paid you for the decals. i got a set done by my friend (he owns a cutter and he had some scrap) and put them in my rear window. i have also sent a few people to this website, i may not send in any money but i still put the word out.

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 14th, 2003, 8:44 pm
by sikblue
listen when u are in debt 11k dollars i dont think i can afford a trip to mcdonalds.. lawyer fees and other things i wont get into details.. But if your not jeff dont respond you sound stupid for not knowing facts. how about u email me jeff... i never recived one email from you.

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 14th, 2003, 8:57 pm
by Spydie
no I don't know the facts but I do know debt....I was until last week almost 20K in debt. I had to sell off all my car stuff including the car so I didn't have to file bankrupcy. I'm sooooooo glad I did too.
Bottom line, no matter how much/little you owe or how you find the $$$ make sure to pay your bills.
Now I'm free to buy a better car by spring. :2thumbsup:

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 15th, 2003, 2:38 am
by The_Great_Tonge
Originally posted by
Originally posted by Sik Blu MX3:
listen when u are in debt 11k dollars i dont think i can afford a trip to mcdonalds.. lawyer fees and other things i wont get into details.. But if your not jeff dont respond you sound stupid for not knowing facts. how about u email me jeff... i never recived one email from you.
What am I going to do e-mail you and ask you how you are doing? get on AIM or ICQ and we'll talk...
wow thats kinda f u c ked up jeff, i mean the man has clearly had some problems and you seem VERY upset for a couple of dollars lost over some stickers. i know its the principle and all but still its stickers...

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 15th, 2003, 10:34 am
by Custommx3
When you fork out funds for decals on the front end, and its Christmas time.. Id be pissed too.

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 15th, 2003, 1:07 pm
by 992mmx3
And to think, this could have been avoided by him cancelling his order. Guy's if you order something it's like a commitment. You get people's hopes up as well. If you can't go through with it, at the least, cancel your transaction. :shrug:

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 15th, 2003, 4:18 pm
by The_Great_Tonge
The_Great_Tonge says:

so your saying you didnt loose any money, but the principle of him ording a couple of dollars of stickers from you and then not responding because there were more pressing matters in his life? yes there is a principle but dude, its stickers. have you ever been in a tough situation and forget the little things?? i mean i can relate to this guy, not beeing in debt but having serious problems and then having somoene ride my nuts over something silly. cut the guy some slack...

Re: taking this stupid **** out of my profile

Posted: December 15th, 2003, 5:17 pm
by Custommx3
in all actuallity, its JEffs site, he can do what he wants :)