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Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 4:24 pm
by SpaceWiz
Last tuesday some ****head broke my passenger window and stole my stereo, so totally pissed off about it since it's alot of extra time to fix up temporary fixes while i waited for the new window and all that,but also that someone actually did that for something they might get $40 for if they even manage to sell it, just a plain cd-stereo, no mp3 or anything and they left the sub and the amp in the back wich im happy for since they are worth more then the stereo in itself :)
Anyway just wanted to went a bit!!

As of today almost everything is fixed, i put in a new window on saturday and the new stereo was installed today after looking for ISO cables for 2 days to actually be able to install it.
Only thing left now is to get the sub and amp to work, the sub is connected to the amp and the amp isn't getting any power, gonna check the fuses tomorrow, think i might have blown one when i disconnected it last week and took it in while i didnt have that window!

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 9:06 pm
by Franko
I hope that the guy who broke into your car dies....

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 10:17 pm
by mitmaks
i hate these bum *** ***holes that dont work and take ur ****

<small>[ October 12, 2004, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Custommx3 ]</small>

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 20th, 2004, 1:00 am
by Juans_93_MX3
I hate people who do that kind of crap.
I just wish I seen someone do that to my car. That way I can beat the crap out of them, tie them to a chair and grab my little friend Mr. Pocket Knife and see if he would be able to hear what I say from his right ear after I cut it off.

Damn, I been watching too much Reservoir Dogs...

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 20th, 2004, 2:06 am
by ZEmadman
i wouldnt cut his ear off...

i'd use that dull knife to get the hands that stole from me.

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 20th, 2004, 10:42 am
by koreanmx-er
yeah on this last saturday night some idiot decided to break into my car as well, they slid my window out of the track by prying it in front of that lil nub on the window then i guess they slid a skinny arm down there to open my door,the took all my cd's and my stereo, ahhh im so angry i just stopped drivin my mx for a while, plus the funny thing is these guys must have been so dumb they left the remote for the stereo right underneath is and they left their flashlight, and on top of that missed my nitrous bottle i thought that would have been gone for sure oh well stupid ace theives i wish i could find out who it was and id run them over with my dads f-350, then id cut off all there noses so they look like idiots for the rest of there lives

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 20th, 2004, 3:22 pm
by mitmaks
sorry to hear that..stupid morons once broke into my car, and I guess cause I given ride to this one guy he forgot his cellphone in my car and apparently they seen it and took it, cause i usually never leave stuff in car, they wont ever break in if they dont see something that interests them, thats #1 rule

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 21st, 2004, 3:31 am
by Flashpoint2
Yeah, i had mine previous MX-3 broken into.. bent the metal right below the doorhandle and popped it out. It was at work in the middle of the day!!
Damn, ive been broken into at least three times. Twice they took my *whole* stereo (except the deck). One of those times was right in my driveway. Sorry to hear it happened to you guys... it sucks.

Re: Stupid thieves :(

Posted: October 21st, 2004, 12:39 pm
by Ainu69
Man sorry to hear of your misfortune, about 3 weeks ago, some bastards broke into my passanger side door and ripped my amp and amp rack out of my car, now what funny about the situation is it was bolted down and you can't see the damn thing. the tore it out and damaged the entire trunk :( . on top of it all the stole my calone and my cd's. around 550 later, with the help of my damn deductable from icbc, those pricks got away with stuff that i worked so hard to do and make.

i hope the burn in hell

