Crash pics

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Crash pics

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<small>[ November 13, 2003, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: apniechodgs ]</small>
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Spydie »

well the message is clear...
I do however feel this post is a little unneccessary
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Guest »

I didn't post it to glorify crashes. I posted it to make any riders on this board aware of dangers they face and so that people are more careful. A similar situation could arise in your mx-3 if u choose to stunt or race on the streets. :werd:
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Spydie »

fair enough
"So I said to my one legged wife, I said...'Peg', you're 'cut-off'."
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Andrew_Pakula »

Ok thats pretty gross and disgusting.

You should at the very least post a warning that there is graphic and distrubing pictures at that site.

<small>[ November 13, 2003, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Andrew_Pakula ]</small>
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Re: Crash pics

Post by BADMX3 »

it raises a good point and is the ultimate in safety warnings!
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Johns93GS »

I hope the mods remove this link because it is distasetful and overall unnecessary.

We understand the effects of car crashes... thats why Jeff created the crash gallery. That way we can understand our car when it is involved in a collision.

I find these photos exceptionally disturbing and I wish you would take yourself, and your distasetful links off of this ubb.

Thank you.
john kilfoyle .:. mx-3 fanatic

Re: Crash pics

Post by Guest »

Originally posted by Johns93GS:
I hope the mods remove this link because it is distasetful and overall unnecessary.

I find these photos exceptionally disturbing and I wish you would take yourself, and your distasetful links off of this ubb.

Thank you.
You want me to take myself of the board?? All i can say is u r a coward and a puussy and u cant face reality. These pics can save someone elses life. At least some people agree with me. Jeffs crash gallery has very minor crashes on the whole and is there to show u how the mx-3 responds to various impacts. This shows u a different perspective, i.e. how carelessness can turn into a nightmare.

Another way of looking at this is that the main rider was wearing leathers and a helmet (helmet is lodged in the from of the truck where his head got decapitated). Therefore one can conclude that even safety gear wont save u and that not riding a bike is the best option.

<small>[ November 13, 2003, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: apniechodgs ]</small>
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Re: Crash pics

Post by airjordon_09 »

your fu*cked bro

Mx sold, gonna miss ya babe

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Re: Crash pics

Post by Sean Mandell »

So that's what happens when a motorcycle hits a dump truck at extreme speeds. Notice the helmet is still in the grill. :eek: nice find!
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Re: Crash pics

Post by gueedo »

I have seen these pictures b4...and although I'm not disgusted by them (I guess I have a strong stomach) I feel at the same time that they are extremely innapropriate. There are some things that should just be left to the imagination when it comes to tragedies like these. I didn't need to see the bodies of the people who died on Sept. 11th, for example, to know that it was horrible. It's one thing to show a car with some blood stains on the windshield or something like that. It's a completely different thing to show the actual victims. Everyone knows that people get hurt, or worse killed in crashes and, well, I'm sorry but I don't think that pictures like these will prevent anything. They will, however, induce controversy and arguments that this board does not need.

<small>[ November 13, 2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: MikeX-3 ]</small>
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Guest »

Hmm lets see...From the replies it is evident that there are mixed opinions. BUT a lot r very emotional. But remember fellow mx-ers this is my point. See this is just a pic. Now witnessing it in person would be a lot worse and being involved would be even less fun. So if a pic has such an erecting effect on u then wouldn't it be better to avoid dangerous acts???point proven.

<small>[ November 13, 2003, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: apniechodgs ]</small>
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Re: Crash pics

Post by Spydie »

nobody is saying your intentions weren't good.
For the sake of decency a warning of the immages would have been appropriate. It would appear these pics were submitted for shock value rather than to impart a lesson about safety. These are standards, not standards.
"So I said to my one legged wife, I said...'Peg', you're 'cut-off'."
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Re: Crash pics

Post by airjordon_09 »

ok bro, sorry to burst your little bubble, but you havnt proven any point. if anything, the only thing you have done is probally pissed off a couple, have a couple thinking your ****ed, and some who just dont give a ****. oh and probally another post to be closed like many others.

but anyway, i dont care to see people who have been smoked by a truck, but some people might. and what point are you trying to prove??? dont speed?thats retarded. i can pretty much this wont change anyone. i bet you half of the people who speed, say to themselves everyday that they wont speed anymore. by posting a picture of someone who is laying in the middle of the road dead, is not going to change ****. people knows what happens when a bike and truck make contact, no surprise there. doesnt mean we want to see it

and you said you have them on your website and have been asked to take them down, and you said no, hmmmm, what if that was anyone in your family? would you want to be looking on the internet and seeing that? i dont think so. and your probally wondering why i have so much to say, its because i have had this problem happened to a family member and it wasnt as bad as that, but pretty close, and if i was on the internet and saw my cousin's crash again, i would lose it.

so grow up a bit bro, your bringing back more memories for people then you are stopping them from speeding

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Re: Crash pics

Post by pipes »

so grow up a bit bro, your bringing back more memories for people then you are stopping them from speeding
Dude this is just heartless, These images were only posted for a gross factor... congrats it worked.. not to try and stop people speeding.
I lost my bro in a accident on a bike, when he was speeding and slid under a truck.. I simply learnt from his mistakes but did not find it neccessary to post pics of him all smashed up, I don't have a problem with the photos, And I hope to never see something like this first hand, just at least be honest and admit that they you posted for a shock value rather than an educational lesson on Speed Kills..
These Pics Do belong at not
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