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LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 7:51 am
by cowwilly
Has anyone had an LPG converson done on there MX3 yet? If so can you tell me a) how much it cost you. And B) Did you notice any major loss in power?


Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 10:39 am
by Sonicxtacy02
you might wanna explain to us morons what LPG is. I'm thinkin Liters per gallon but that makes no sense :shrug:

Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 11:00 am
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
lol and here I'm thinking "Liquid Propane Gas" like some buses use but... that can't be right... can it? Yeah, this moron wants to know too. :confused2:

Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 12:16 pm
by IanL
You're close :) Its Liquid Petroleum Gas, and the UK Government actually pays some of the conversion cost, in certain cases.

It is not a performance mod; I think you lose 5-10%, but the price of the fuel makes it attractive for people who do lots of miles - like taxi drivers. Not too many MX-3s used as taxis, though.

Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 12:29 pm
by wyldside
I was eyeballing an LPG conversion. It shouldn't be too difficult but it's hard to find the required equipment here in Canada. North America is always 7 years behind Europe. Next time I go to Switzerland, I'm going to look around at some prices and maybe ship some stuff back. I'd like to do a Hydrogen Fuel Cell conversion but that's a bit too difficult on a MX-3 nore do I have the money right now. I have 3 Fuel Cell Stacks but I couldn't generate enough power for the weight of our cars. Well, now that I've probably lost everyone and no body know's what I'm talking about... See ya!

Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 12:30 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Thanks Ian. Yup, found this link after my post so I wouldn't stay a moron forever... ;)

<small>[ May 28, 2004, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: perhapsadingo8yerbaby ]</small>

Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 12:33 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Originally posted by WyldSide:
... North America is always 7 years behind Europe...
Not true. Sometimes more like 12 years, sometimes only five years behind.

Re: LPG Converson

Posted: May 28th, 2004, 12:43 pm
by TsiMiata
Turbo it after the LPG conversion. The lpg cools the intake charge very nicely and has a very high octane rating.

Posted: April 1st, 2006, 8:09 am
by MX3ak
Hi folks

I do have an LPG conversion in my V6.

more than 20.000 km with that mod... great value for the money!

Posted: April 1st, 2006, 10:16 am
by fowljesse
That's really cool. Good for the environment. You should see if you could legally take off all the egr crap and cat (since it burns so much cleaner). That should put you back to stock HP.

I have a funny/ sad story about backward governing. In Arizona, the governor passed a tax break for cars that ran LPG that was so good that the cars were free, after you wrote it off. So, dealerships sold SUVs with a small secondary LPG tank, but they still ran gas. So, it cost tax payers around $6,000,000, to buy rich people (including the Gov!) huge gas-guzzling SUVs, before people realized what was going on. This state also voted to NOT have Martin Luther King day, not even though it meant they would get the day off! YeeeHaaaw!


Posted: April 1st, 2006, 3:53 pm
by Chemical
I was wondering how much your conversion was..? i know you are in Portugal but any info would be of interes, especually where the tank etc is and what loss of power / gained mileage you have noticed.

Posted: April 1st, 2006, 5:37 pm
by MX3ak
The tank is in the spare tire space. It takes near 30 liters. With a full tank I can drive around 250 km in city road.
Talking about power horses can be a long threat... for starting, LPG has 100 octanes, and like someone said before, advaced timming is possible...
My LPG kit is fully injected and the instalation over the intake looks a bit like instalation of nitrous.


Posted: April 3rd, 2006, 5:47 pm
by Chemical
I'd love to see some pictures of it. How much was it to convert?

Posted: April 6th, 2006, 6:18 pm
by MX3ak
It was 1400 Euros, two years ago.
I´ll post some pictures. gimme some days for that...

Posted: April 6th, 2006, 6:25 pm
by hgallegos915
over here they do um natural gas coinversions, more on taxis..its weird how a 3rd world country (mexico) is more advanced in fueling than the united states..i guess we crash alot.. imagine crashing in a carf powered by natural gas.... BOOM