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Oh NO!

Posted: February 2nd, 2002, 5:02 am
by mattster
Me and my dad finally got around to puting in a new clutch last weekend. Everything was going fine until we got to taking off the transaxle. Out of the 7 bolts (I think) 2 of them snapped in half. We tried desperately to get the half out. One came out just fine and we replaced it. but on the other, we accidently drilled straight though the engine block. DOH! We put in a pipe plug to seal the hole and we are going to just forget about putting a new bolt in. anyway, we talked to a mechanic and he said it would be just fine, but what do you guys thinK?? has anyone ever cracked the transaxle bolts before?? :mad:

Re: Oh NO!

Posted: February 2nd, 2002, 11:56 am
by pelado
Something that may help when removing torqued bolts is to use a hammer on the end of a breaker bar (not good for ratchets). This is preferable to trying to twist it loose by applying a lot of muscle. I seem to break fewer bolts this way.<BR>Sorry, I've never broken a transaxle bolt but just one missing probably won't make any difference.

Re: Oh NO!

Posted: February 2nd, 2002, 11:59 pm
by David Coleman
You drilled a hole in your block?<P>Impressive... :o :p