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Post by Mastirmynd »

Ok, now this has nothing to do with cars, but i have to write a report for my Gov't class at school, and i need a few opinions. No names will be used in my report, just opinions. Just a few simple questions. <BR>1. Do you think that the United states should invade Iraq?<BR>2. Do you think the United states WILL invade Iraq? <BR>3. Do you think that Saddam Hussein is a legitimate threat to other countries?<P>Im not trying to spark a political debate or anything, so barry or any other Admin. If im violating some rule of the site, you wont hurt my feelings if you close the topic. :D im just looking for opinions. I go to school with a bunch of Hippies and their opinions are less than adequate. Oh and to all my canadian pals: i'd really like to know your opinions, because down here they beat it into our heads that iraq is going to cause problems. Id appreciate outside opinions. Thanks Guys. :D
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Re: Project

Post by Tman »

only if they attempt or threaten us or another country with biological or atomic weapons. just my opinion.
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Re: Project

Post by Custommx3 »

IMO, if I had the chance, knowing I could be killed the second I attempted it, Id put a hole the size of Texas in the middle of his forehead. <BR>Any ignorant bastard who takes millions of lives into his own hands just because he has power and hates Americans deserves his life taken from him. If he had anything to do with Sept 11, I think we should put a laser guided missle up his a-- and attach a video camera for the world to see. <P>I think we should invade iraq, knowing hes doing it we should do anything possible to prevent another catastrophic event such as the one @ the WTC. <P>Im not a racist or jugemental,nor does does my opinion have anything to do with me being an American civillian. If I were black, Asian, European, or from Iraq, Id have the same views. <P>There is a downside to it all, its the civillians surrounding the lunatic. His pansey a-- hides from the fight by staying amongst women and children, brainwashing them into his beliefs. I believe the US has every right to invade iraq. I dont know about the others, but I have coworkers who had family in the WTC at the time of the WTC attacks. Its not something I prefer to see, nor would like to be the one to feel it.<P>How would you like it if I came to your town and killed 6000 people? I know iraq didnt fly the planes into the WTC, but I believe that Mr Insane had something to do with it.<P>Maybe one of his nukes will blow up in his face, we all could be so lucky.
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Re: Project

Post by Mastirmynd »

One question barry, where were you when i volunteered for the special forces? Ha ha, You couldve led the platoon with that attitude. And i think every other red blooded American feels just like you. God knows I do. Image Lead The Way.
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Re: Project

Post by Custommx3 »

at home :(<BR>I was going to be in the millitary, but family issues arose. Plans changed.
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Re: Project

Post by Mastirmynd »

Yeah, i can relate, my shipment date was 2 weeks ago, but stuff happens. [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]
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Re: Project

Post by Silkwyrm »

OK, 1. Should the US invade? No UN forces Should invade. I believe world politics are becoming very tightly intertwined and it is becoming more and more important that World opinion be on our side when taking military action. I have little doubt that Iraq will try to put limitations on the UN weapon inspectors that they have currently ok'd. At which time We should be able to sway the UN into military action. <BR>2. Will we? I believe we will but with the backing of the UN. <BR>3. Is Sadom Insane a threat, hell yes, the Arab nations currently warning the US against Military action in Iraq may one day wish we had acted sooner. Though I believe Isreal is currently the most threatend by Iraq. Kuwait is actually probably safe for now. For Sadam to attack them again he would risk aligning all the arab nations against Iraq. Since the rest of the world is none to fond of him already Military action to remove his regime would then be very easy. Where as an attack on Isreal may bring many individuals to his cause even while publicly Arab nations may denounce such an attack. <P>My 2 Cents.
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Re: Project

Post by MrsOzx »

I think he should be tortured slowly until he dies. My openion... [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]
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Re: Project

Post by macnwigs »

I see everyones point, but I agree that it should be a joint effort of the UN forces.<P>The problem the US has to worry about is not Iraq, the other mid-east countries or even Russia, but China!<P>I'm not pro chinese by far, but they are the last true hard core communist country and have the largest army in the world (1 BILLION STRONG)! As well they also have much of the same or similar technology as the US.<P>They are currently opposing a US attack on Iraq and have threatened to veto through the UN if the US tries it.<P>If for some reason China feels that the US is a treat - lord help us all!
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Re: Project

Post by Paragon »

i think the middle east should be one giant parking lot. don't get me wrong, i do NOT approve of killing innocent civilians, that was just an easy way to prhase how i felt.
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