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Got My B6T!!!!!!!!*joy*

Posted: September 17th, 2002, 5:38 pm
by Shady469
U.S. Spec. out of a '91 Mercury Capri XR2.<BR>20,000 miles for 600 bucks!!!<P>So far she has polished up nicely. turbo is alot smaller that i thought it would be but im not complaining. fitting the Miata I/M is gonna be a pain in the a-- b/c ive gotta cut some metal out of that big a-- bracket thing. Now I know a shop manual is a must b/c this motor is way to complicated to just go and start messing with it. <BR>Wish me luck...<p>[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: Shady469 ]

Re: Got My B6T!!!!!!!!*joy*

Posted: September 17th, 2002, 8:37 pm
by maldo
Enjoy the boost! Check the 4cyl FAQ in the next couple of days for some info on the swap.

Re: Got My B6T!!!!!!!!*joy*

Posted: September 18th, 2002, 12:28 am
by Shady469
thanks, i hope all goes as planned. i still need gauges, a FMIC, and fuel pump before i can drop it in though, which gives me time to clean/mess with it.<BR>i'm pretty sure im ripping out the a/c not sure about power steering yet. im also looking at getting the larsen down pipe and manifold and ive got a ported m1 miata intake manifold ready to go aswell.<BR>it should be good fun.

Re: Got My B6T!!!!!!!!*joy*

Posted: September 18th, 2002, 12:43 am
by T6
I got a 92 SOHC too, and I've been thinkin about doin a swap, so let us know how it goes, good luck