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Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 4:16 pm
by fowljesse
tripleMX-3chicMS wrote:

WTF?" onclick=";return false; <SFW version
Painted silver? Totally!
Why? It makes thousands of people happy!
Where?" onclick=";return false;, World naked Bike Ride (tried to find a pic, but NSFW)
When? The last week of August, roughly, and I don't remember when the bike ride is.

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 5:47 pm
by tripleMX-3chicMS
That is totally freakin cool.. thanks for making that more clear. (That would be sooo up my alley) :D

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 6:30 pm
by wytbishop
tripleMX-3chicMS wrote:That is totally freakin cool.. thanks for making that more clear. (That would be sooo up my alley) :D
My mental editing kicked in just in time to stop me from writing the most inappropriate thing.

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 7:17 pm
by ionic1000
wytbishop wrote:
tripleMX-3chicMS wrote:That is totally freakin cool.. thanks for making that more clear. (That would be sooo up my alley) :D
My mental editing kicked in just in time to stop me from writing the most inappropriate thing.
+1 :lol:

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 8:07 pm
by fowljesse
Aaaaaw yeyah!

I think you would thoroughly enjoy Burning Man! Pictures and stories can't even do it justice, but perusing the site is interesting, at least!
That reminds me; On topic; One year, I was taking a crew of10 people to Burning Man, and on the way home, @ the first town, I saw an MX-3 that had obviously been @ the festival, packed tight with the necessities of high desert living/ partying. It was packedto withing inches all around the driver. I stopped the RV, and held up all my people, to take a picture of the MX-3. of course, no one understood :shrug: They were all in a daze, anyway

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 10:01 am
by Mx3Kid16
why are there so many weiners on that website F*CCCKKKK hahaha

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 11:43 am
by fowljesse
Because guys consent to have their picture taken more than Women. There are just as many, if not more unclad Women there, especially for a 6,000+ woman topless bike ride.
Rule one: Eyes forward! maybe slightly down.. Rule 2: Safety 3rd. Rule three: [insert rule]

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 1:29 pm
by wytbishop
Mx3Kid16 wrote:why are there so many weiners on that website F*CCCKKKK hahaha
I think the better question is why does it upset you to see another man naked?

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 3:09 pm
by Ryan
He's like any other uncouth homo-phobe.

Say, during a tasteful Shakespeare play, and two male actors kiss (one acting a female, as women were not allowed to act in that time, and they keep the tradition of the art) they scream "EEEEEWWW THATS F*CCCKING SSIIICK!!!"

Because they imagine people hear him and go "Oh, look, that guy finds two men fake kissing very gross, and maybe upsetting. He must be very masculine and secure in his sexuality to have such a strong belief, to let us so kindly know about it"

Wheras, people actually think, "wow, what a dumbass. Its art, you moron, so shut your face and enjoy with it is, or leave. Actually just leave, you're clearly not mature enough for this. We don't need to hear about how you need to reassure yourself publicly that you're defiantly not a homosexual, because you are actually telling us you are very insecure with yourself and sexuality in general."

Who calls it a weiner anyway?

anyway, I love my cars. They sit on the driveway and collect snow, and my basement is car-land.

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 4:42 pm
by SuperK
Ryan wrote:
Who calls it a weiner anyway?
Seriously. Real men name theirs! Like, Christina, or Princess twinkletoe

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 5:00 pm
by bbox
Back on the obsessions... I have parts to my Mx in my room next to the door... and in the living room... and parts to my eclipse in my room and second bathtub... and oil, filters, injector cleaner, ect. in my closet... and sand paper and more body stuff in my dresser... and tools everywhere else. lol

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 5:47 pm
by wytbishop
That's not obsession, that's just creative storage solutions.

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 6:22 pm
by Ryan
Such as chairdrobe and floordrobe?

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 7:13 pm
by fowljesse
Sarah keeps asking me to not use kitchen utensils for car work, and not clean the K&N in the sink, etc...

Re: You know you're obsessed when....

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 4:20 am
by tripleMX-3chicMS
My coffee table is the workshop manual table and my new gas tank is my new coffee table.