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Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 6:33 am
by SuperK
I really respect you doing this for the community, Ryan. Not many people go this far for such little gains and a lot of wasted time.

I'm going to PUBLICLY (that's right, everyone give me attention) announce I'm going to send you 20 bucks and I would like to encourage others to give a bit more than what you're asking solely out of respect (SuperK is SO COOL!). It's your type that keep the community strong and makes innovations possible, more frequent and more likely.

I would like to see how moonegg's lipless rings come out though, for comparison.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 9:18 am
by mx3optidrive
I am planning on painting mine also.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 11:29 am
by Ryan
haha, thanks guys...
I plan on dedicating this eve to prep. With use of a grinding wheel on a dremel, and nice whet stone, I should have some serious system going.

I just hope the are what you all expect....

and I don't mind doing this, I go crazy if I can't work with my hands... and this is a low cost resourse for my needs.
and I plan on staying in this community untill my frame rusts in half, because I LOVE MY MX :freak: so I might as well get on your good sides :wink:

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 9:29 pm
by npspears
SuperK is so cool (where have I heard that before?). But seriously SuperK that is very generous of you man. And Ryan, thanks for all your hardwork and time, not many people can put others first.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 11:41 pm
by Ryan
Okay, so I did all the baisic filing, minus the inside because you can do that with sandpaper/dremel. My bits are no longer flat from doing tabs. I also baked them.

We're sitting at....

2 perfect sets
4 additional perfect tachs

3 imperfect sets
3 additional imperfect speedos

2 lipless, slightly imperfect.

the imperfections are TINY. nothing you would notice before 4 glances. Not sure how to fill them yet. Hot glue? glue? epoxy? drywal putty (no.) sillicone? I'll do trials on all. starting now. :D

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 31st, 2008, 2:50 pm
by Ryan
Turns out, with a few coats of regular joe school white glue, its looks pretty decent. Not sure that they share the same flexibility though.GLUE SUCKS! it doesn't stick. epoxy is next

Just like any other expensive toy, please don't check to see how far they bend... a little bit. But don't do it on purpose, please.... this is plexi, not lexan. I will ship the perfect sets only to those who plan on NOT painting them. If you lie just to get some perfect ones, I will personally hunt you down simply be a little ticked that you just couldn't handle the words 'imperfect, but fixed'

$2.02 CAD to ship to the US of A marked as an "oversized letter" because my packing job ROCKS ALL SOCKS.

So far, my cost comes out to...
$2.00 American(AMD?) to the site per set, (unless you give me more than $20)
$2.02 CAD for shipsing to the US of A.
$??.?? to Canada
Lots of work. (4 hours deciding how to make a set) (2 hours desinging the sets) (30 mins to mill a set) (5 mins to clean up a set) (10 mins making the lipless ones) (10 mins drinking beer) (all this time would have been spent doing lesser things, so I don't care.)

I'll just have a simple basic, all inclusive - no sneaky fees or pain-in-the-a---hiding-duty-handling-coverage-insurance-BS Fees. Flat rate. Still thinking $5 bucks, but will gladly take more, up to an absolute maximum of $20.00 CAD

Jovian2k, your set is in the mail. Sent approximately 1:30 P.M. Central Time on Saturday the 31st of May. I'm expecting 400 000 Yen in my paypal account before sundown.

To the rest of you, Jeff still hasn't gotten around to me. Once he does though... I've got a packing style that kills via looks. Its that sexy.

For now, I'll continue on glue repairs, and go for some steak with the GF.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 31st, 2008, 3:03 pm
by Jovian2k
Awesome , I'm excited to receive them... Once I do I will compare them to the eBay ones I have and take pics and do some comparing/contrasting :)

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 31st, 2008, 3:33 pm
by Ryan
Awesomeness. I was in a bit of a rush and just tossed it all together, so I'm not sure what quality of rings you got. I just finished going through them all doing repairs and I think you might have the worst speedo one :P I'm also not sure on shipping time. I THINK 2-9 days. Either way, I'll be out of town by then, back on the 9th. Well, I suppose I'll still have internet access....

Jeff, where art thou?

I'm a little bit frustrated. I've seen him on the site, I've pmed him on here, and I know he's been on, checking the FS thread on the rims he's getting rid of... yet no responce? kinda sucky. I like to believe he's a good excuse...

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: May 31st, 2008, 7:47 pm
by zzzoomx3
i would like to get a set of these please - i will $15 USD plus shipping. so please put me down for a set. :)
thanks! :)

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: June 1st, 2008, 1:08 am
by Ryan
more PICTURES! stole the GF's camera.

The biggest damage, and most of that is glue :)
The best way to store them

It may be difficult to make them PERFECTLY clear, but with sandpaper, a strong will, and lots of time, anything is possible :)
only the milled surfaces are 'dirty' the face should be near mint clean. I can't say the word perfect, because I don't want to think someone will take me literally and say someting rediculous, like I said they were plug and play, made of diamonds sparkely clear with razor sharp, crisp clean edges. They need a tiny bit of TLC to be like that.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: June 1st, 2008, 12:51 pm
by kp2t
I am so IN! :D

wanted them since 2005

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: June 1st, 2008, 6:46 pm
by fowljesse
You could try a polising wheel, and plastic polish.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: June 1st, 2008, 8:01 pm
by Ryan
not this week... I can't really work on them again untill next week tues.

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: June 2nd, 2008, 4:12 pm
by Mooneggs
I'll be really interested in seeing pics from jovian2k when he compares...

this is just now dawning on me (maybe I missed it earlier in the thread) but the rings actually sit down inside the dial (hence the lip) as opposed to just being on the outside of the dial - correct? so the set you made for me that has no lip... it sits inside the dial or on the outside edge of the dial?

I hope that question makes sense...

Re: Cluster/Speedo Rings

Posted: June 2nd, 2008, 7:27 pm
by Ryan
Mooneggs wrote:I'll be really interested in seeing pics from jovian2k when he compares...

this is just now dawning on me (maybe I missed it earlier in the thread) but the rings actually sit down inside the dial (hence the lip) as opposed to just being on the outside of the dial - correct? so the set you made for me that has no lip... it sits inside the dial or on the outside edge of the dial?

I hope that question makes sense...
Perfect sense.

The ones I made for you sit inside and do not cover the bezel at all.
the others sit inside the holes in the bezel and cover about 2mm of it.

none of them fit ONLY on the outside, as in all of them protrude lower than the face of the bezel. They do not interfere with needles.

They aren't for you only( you can have the others, its okay :wink:) its just you asked for a set earilier without a lip, so I named them appropriately.

Oh, and I picked up 2 part epoxy today for repairs :)
Add $5.81 to my costs list. but then again, I'll never use all of it, but also, I never would have bought it othewise :P

You guys still have to do your own sanding. I detest it. Unless, I get access to a cool column sander, if you know what I mean, thats what I would call it not sure what its really called. post sander? doing the inside of a 9cm circle is a pain in the narsh. I refuse to do it 27 times.