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Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 10:15 pm
by Sinistral
Ok.. Thanks for the name.. Sensei.. Ok.. Im gonna tell him..

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 1:17 am
by Paragon
i decided to edit out this post. no point wasting my time. my talks of respect seem to fall on deaf ears.<p>however, as for my opinion of onderground, it remains the same. 520 US is a damn high price for a bumper. i heard that it was flimsy in points, and was missing several attachment points. not to mention, it took how long for the US guys to get theirs?<p>[ January 30, 2003: Message edited by: Paragon ]</p>

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 1:41 am
by airjordon_09
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 1:44 am
by HRO
:eek: is right

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 3:36 am
by mx3man83
Actually their prices are really good.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 5:17 am
by fictionaldaydream
Yeah about how jademx3turbo said about the online family thing. I mean thats really true. Might not know everyone on hand, but without this site I would probably be driving a honda. I love my mx-3 and I love it even more with parts coming out more and more. This is the only place I come to check out everything. I might not have a badass mx-3 right now, but I don't make much so I deal with what I have. Also I am not in a rush I have nothing to prove to anyone. Also jademx3turbo is original, people are just made because they didn't think about it first. I don't think it would be copy if you just get a bumper with the evo holes. I mean the mp5 has the fog lights. I can understand if you copy everything like that one that look exactly like barry's mx-3.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 12:49 pm
by 992mmx3
Okay, now lets get back to helping us gather ideas to change the overall look of the bumper so were not copying jade, just kinda using it as a platform, actually not really even doing that, the top of his front clip has mx-3 stock features, I just want something open in the front, don't care if it has fog light holes like his too much, actually, screw this, i like the looks of mx3vs' bumper cover that he's making better anyways, I'll try bugging him to make me one too.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 4:30 pm
by millionflame
Geez.<p>Firstly, to John. Yes, you are original in SOME respects, but you are not in the way that you took a design that was already there. And, yeah, I DO want to have a bumper like that, so I want to copy too. I never said there was anything wrong with you taking that design. I think it's awesome you did. And, NO, I am NOT copying YOUR design. I am "wanting" to copy a design already laid down before hand that someone else created. And, you're right on another thing. I DON'T know what it's like to mold or make a bumper at all, like you do. But, I DO know that you didn't create this design so that's all I am ranting about.<p>To Paragon, I'm not trying to get respect from people here. Honestly, I could care less what people on here thought of me. If you hate me, if you like me, if you have no opinion of me, that's fine with's all the same.<p>To fictionaldaydream, I am NOT mad at all. In a way I wish I was the first to have this bumper, but I'm not mad. I've liked this style ever since they came out with a Lancer, but short of my fiberglass/molding skills I don't have much choice but to wait and have someone else make one for me.<p>And, yeah, I know none of you people directed any of those comments directly at me, but they apply just as much to me as anyone.<p>Finally, when I DO finally have some sort of EVO style bumper on my car, I really don't care if you hate it or not, or lose any or more respect for me than you have already. All in all, I'm just doing what John did (minus making the bumper myself).<p>~A

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 4:36 pm
by Sinistral
Are you Dumb or What!!<p>How can you said Underground have poor product??? Do you have something from them?? Cuz I don't understand.. I never saw a damn company who take time to design a bumper with us.. ON the board.. This is a very good customer service.. I don't know who you are.. But your comments Are very stupid..<p>And for the price.. Sorry but 550$ - 600$ CAN it's a very good price for a Custom bumper and.. By the way it's a bumper for an mx3.. So it's very Very.. RARE..<p>So please.. Don't post stupid comments on compagny you don't know!

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 6:05 pm
by momo
i dont think name calling is appropriate,but for the price they charge they should hand deliver it.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 7:38 pm
by cjthor
This thread is getting annoying...If you guys want a bumper like this..FINE!!! Make one! If not..get off it already! I speak to John alot and I know he is a little upset but I am sure he will get over it. I think this thread will be closed soon anyways..

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 9:20 pm
by mx3chom
Man this is horrible. To all those participating in ripping a guy of his CUSTOM front bumper, all i have to say is have fun throwing around mommy and daddy's money. Good job copying off someone else. Unless you were born yesterday you know that you have the ability to do this sort of thing yourself, or have a company invent something for you. You dont need to go around riping off people.<p>Anyone participating in the stealing of john's bumper, i know exactly where you are headed. HELL!!!<p>note to self: Never post pictures of my car on this board, someone might try to make theirs exactly like mine.<p>I hope i have offended those who are copying!<p>I know all about the online family, and those are the people you expect the least of back stabbing you.<p>Later,

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 30th, 2003, 11:20 pm
by OsoSlo z28
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by cjthor:
I think this thread will be closed soon anyways..<hr></blockquote><p>it needs to be. this is getting pathetic. it just shows the mentality of some of the "kids" out there. :shrug:

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 31st, 2003, 12:08 am
by novadoc
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by cre8v mx3:
<p>it needs to be. this is getting pathetic. it just shows the mentality of some of the "kids" out there. :shrug: <hr></blockquote><p>ill second that
this is gettin way outta control

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 31st, 2003, 1:28 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
*gets on soapbox*<p>the thing about this topic thats pissing off are these people attacking john because he didnt design that bumper but molded one on. I keep seeing people talking about how its not really that original because its just molded on and thats b/s. That bumper is put together so flawlessly it looks like it was made for the mx. Hes kept a very good attitude about this whole thing and people keep dragging it on. Personally i wouldnt buy one out of respect for a man who has spent alot of time and money building my personal favorite mx. And i think some people on here need to show some more respect because hes representing the mx scene in a big way. Why not have a different bumper made that way theres even more diverse and unigue mxs. this whole thread has become a waste of time and some people need to learn some respect.<p>And to John.....I love your car and cant wait to see whats next :D