War talk

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Re: War talk

Post by BATTOSAI »

Ryan, without supporting the war I don´t mean I want to get rid of the Us!! Never wanted to offend you or anybody! Listen friends, for now and how things are going, all I can wish is that when the war will finish, all of us can meet here again!!
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Re: War talk

Post by EBUCKS »

Hey Battosai, we can meet here all day long. But one day I'm going to make it to Sabadell, and we goin' pass some forties and some bluntz and do it like we'z in da hood, fo sheezy! :shrug: :shrug: <p>one
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Re: War talk

Post by 992mmx3 »

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by EBUCKS:
Hey Battosai, we can meet here all day long. But one day I'm going to make it to Sabadell, and we goin' pass some forties and some bluntz and do it like we'z in da hood, fo sheezy! :shrug: :shrug: <p>one<hr></blockquote><p>LOL!! hey man, here's something that i saw on mx6, but its a person from Iraq talking to a protestor. http://komo1000news.com/audio/kvi_aircheck_031003.mp3
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Re: War talk

Post by blkmx3_v6 »

Good perspectives, I think we would all agree more with the war if the gov't didn't keep us on a need to know basis, or at least we could make more sounded judgments: shrug: I think the majority believes that Saddam is a threat, yet there is great uncertainty to how great the threat is... at least to the U.S<p>hey ebucks, puff puff pass :D

Re: War talk

Post by Guest »

""The US was built on black people and you still spit on us years later and even today. That is ****@n fact, Ryan!""<p>I dont think so man, half of north america didnt condone slavory, and even then I dont understand how farming and slave labour builds a country.<p>You try and seperate your self because your black and then you get pissed when people treat you seperate, things that happened 50 years or 150 years ago are in the past and dont try and relate because I know as much about slave driving as you do about being a slave...BRO<p>But ya what do i know right? Im just a cracker boohoo
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Re: War talk

Post by Custommx3 »

Well after reading most of the previous posts, most of the people in the world who do not live here in the US seem to think that the US just wants to kick everyones *** . After my comments you guys can call me a stereotypical America, one-sided, or whatever. The fact of the matter is, noone here actually knows whats really happening in the world. I could watch the news 24 hrs a day, and you STILL wouldnt know all the facts of the matter. All of your local and nation stations are all biased toward their own beliefs. I personally get sick and tired of people protesting agains a war they know very little about or does not effect them. For a hypothetical example (thats "make believe" if you dont know what that menas ;) ) Lets say your in your own country watching the news. You see US this, US that. US started attacks, blah...blah... blah. You probably get irritated, and then start believing all the crap you hear on TV. For those who disagree with war, you are the ones who dont have to worry or fear of terrorist attacks. You get to sit at home and watch all the action on TV. Yes, I support this war 100%. You have this guy who likes to kill and attack innocent people and on the other hand, you have the madman who attacks his OWN people with biological weapons. Having the fear he may attack the US with these weapons is more than enough reason to remove him from power. We have given him 12 years to disarm, yet he has done nothing.<p>What if a man walked into your house with a gun and killed your family, would u kill him? if he ran would you go after him? What if he used to be a friend of yours? What if he was a guy down the street who killed people and you knew it. Dont sit back and saw the war is wrong. <p>
Whats this BS that America came to power because of slavery? Dont bring racism into this. It has NOTHING to do with racism. Go back and read what I typed previously. It all goes back to religeon and politics. <p>I myself am not a racist person by any means, but those who think the white man took the black man from his own country and enslaved them, making our country what it is today is totally wrong. Go back and look this up. Who sold the slaves to us? THEIR OWN PEOPLE. I for one am against slavery, but at that time in history, EVERY COUNTRY had some sort of slavery. Think about it.
If this becomes a racial thread. I will close it.
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Re: War talk

Post by Ryencool »

the whole racial issue is just people who arent willing to let it go. Just becuase it happened in hte past you try to relate it with whats going on now and just keep the arguement going. Like somone said before turn on hte television and watch shows on cbs , nbc ,etc...the turn the cahnnel to BET and see what you get. IM not racists by any means , im just tired of people using it as a scape goat to gain ground. <p>as for saddam and the war. Yes im american and yes im 100% for the war. This guy has weapons that can seriously harm any country in this war. HE has attacked his own people before, killing thousands at a time. YEs hedidnt do it to us, yes other countries have done it before. We are starting now to not let it slip to the side. AS terrorist can goto countries like iraq, purchase weapons and use them whereever they please, including canada, france, london and as we have seen the united states. IM not thinking jsut about what happened here, im thinking about what can happen to all of us globally. We are not just americans, french, canadians, or whatver. First we are humans, and this guy poses a threat to all of us and I hope you can see that. If not your not looking at the whole picture. <p>Yeah north korea has nukes, yes they can hit us. After they see what is going to happen to iraq I seriously doubt theyll want to use them on us. they know if they do , htere country will be turned into the worlds first 5th world country. You have to start somehwere and its starting with Iraq...<p>I wish everyone would stop complainingabout it, and just get it done, people like this do not need to be roaming the earth
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Re: War talk

Post by EBUCKS »

Wow! I'm dealing with a bunch of people who don't want to understand.
I don't want to let it go? You're kidding me right? Look around. Open your eyes. I'm a realist, not a racist!
At my work place we just sent a guy (who's ancestry is Iran, but was born here), to Boston on business. The trip was planned months ago, when green was the code. He spent 5 hours in customs yesterday for interrogation. All I'm saying is, your feeling towards anybody who looks like they're from the middle east should be tarred and feathered, due to what's going on. There have been attacks on mosques and temples here. And I've heard of the same things going on in the US. This is a simple relation that I was making towards treatment of black folks even still today. I actually put down the whole black race in terms of not being as tightly wound to be able to deliver any sort of defence similar to that of Bin Ladden or Houssein, for less.
Barry, if you want, close this perfectly good topic. I'm a realist! Racism is here and it's not going anywhere. Where there is hatred there will be racism, sexism, holy wars, etc, whether it's reverse or not.
I don't hate anyone. If I did, then I wouldn't even attempt a conversation with any of you. I'm really just a rastaman, expressing my views, and therefore using harsh examples that opens eyes and moves people, as any good essay writer would. :D
The war's on @ 8! Good luck. Canada has backed out for a reason, and that's fine with me. <p>one
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Re: War talk

Post by Custommx3 »

I understand how you feel, but I myself have been a target.
Heres a small story for you.. When I was 13, my neighborhood was annexed into the city. So instead of going to a school I atteneded for previous years, I had to attend a predominantly black school. Me, before my growth spirt, I was 5'4 90lbs (ive grown 10 inches and 100lbs since then ;) . Do you think I personally didnt feel the effects of racism? Reality is racism effects us all. If I got apply for a job, and another guy applying has less qualifcations, and he is an afrian american, guess who gets the job. But hey, thats life. LIke Ive stated before, Im not racist by any means. <p>The big matter is most of the anti-war protestors are not US citizens. You dont have to worry about terrorist attacks, we do.
Regarding your friend who came to the US. Chances are he wasnt a US citizen, which is why it happened. You have to realize the people who are attacking us are HERE! To what happened to all those people inthe pentagon, the planes, and NYC, dont you think we have reason to interrogate people who resemble those attackign us? I do. If I had a twin brother, and he killed people, Id understand if I were interrogated. <p>I personally like the thread. It helps not only to see world views of others who are much like I am (cars, age ect), but also lets me point out things that others may not know or realize and hear my opinions. I'll leave the topic open, as long as it doesnt get out of hand. But if ANYONE makes a racist comment, you could be banned. So keep it clean.
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Re: War talk

Post by Ryencool »

im just going to say a few more things after ebucks post. Racism will always be here, when theres people like you. Im willing to let all htat sstuff go and take people for who they are not what they are, then theres people like you who constantly bring it up and try to intertwine it with other issues, when its not an issue. Im an american, and aon my way home from texas to new york I was searched for an hour. The made me take me belt off, shoes, took apart all my electronics and interrogated me. Was I pissed? did I say your just doing this to me cause im a certain color a speaking a certain way? hell no, I was glad to see that the were actually searching people, to protect that people that I know and love or possibly dont know and still love. Your trying to open peoples eyes but dont get them to open eyes on the past, get them to look twards the future. Where everyone is equal and we can all live together no matter your skin color or ethnic background and without the fear of a nuclear or biochemical weapon being dropped on us. <p>If anyone here is the racist you would be the closest one, not any of us in this thread, or the americans for that matter. Yes we had a history of slavery, but point me to a country that didnt sometime in its development?<p>Jesus christ all were trying to do is protect the right for everyone to live peacefully, are you against that? One of sadams sones is natoriously know for raping wemon and killing/torturing there boyfriends. Sadams daughter even fled iraq with her husband. When thye were convinced to come back and suffer no consequences, her husbands head was cut off right when he crossed the border. You tell me you can live with a government who can live with that sh*t. <p>I have nothign against you ebucks, so dont take any of this personally, I have great respect for anyone on these boards who contributes in a positive way. These are just my views, same as yours. Im just an american, trying to open peoples eyes on what the world could be, and not what it was..<p>[ March 19, 2003: Message edited by: Ryencool ]</p>
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Re: War talk

Post by curtklze »

The US should just send in some assasins and take out saddam. that way nobody else will get hurt.<p>Just because they signed an agreement to stop useing them doesnt mean they REALLY half to.<p>They said that they wouldnt develope the missle defence system, but they did anyway.<p>It would make things so easy if they just had some of the spys in Iraq bomb saddam, They know where he is, just like they know where all the chemical weapons are.
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Re: War talk

Post by 992mmx3 »

As I said before, we should just kill him like they did in the hot shots movies. :D :p
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Re: War talk

Post by Ryencool »

yes it does suck that we have to go into a major city, but sadam hasnt been seen in public for over 2 years. No ones knows exatly where he is, and fear we wont get him before he can escape. Our gaol is to provide iraq with a legitimate government. Iraq is one of the worlds most wealthiest countries yet its people are starving and young kids die of very curable illness's, all because of the one man were talking about...think about what the right thing to do would be..
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Re: War talk

Post by Guest »

I dont know how credible this information is but in the case of war the US is aloud to assassinate the leader of another country. But if war is not declared with a country you cant simply kill there leader. So anyways once war is declared the US "delta force" will hunt and kill Sadam, apartently they have been training for years to do just that. I heard this on the "wrif" detroit station, but ya that what I got from it.
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Re: War talk

Post by BATTOSAI »

I hope those comments to "People from other countries" doesn´t stick to me!
If you were one of the closest american allies countries to Irak, then you would feel that you can be one of the first targets, so please, I ask for a little more understanding. I also think that with a powerful special operation, Saddam could be kicked, with no war or devastation. With a pair of nukes , Spain can be taken off the face of the earth, so do you still belive that I must support this war? can you compare the terorist attacks to a nuclear attack? put yourself in my skin, everybody around me can be devasted just for a war that can be avoided!! do you think I´m safer than you?!! If we were talking about doing the war with Korea, I´ll support it for sure ( as a lot of you do) because It won´t represent a real threat to me ( Or at least I would feel safer) Northern Korea, for example, is a lot more dangerous to the world than Saddam, so why not do things in order?<p>[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: BATTOSAI ]</p>
European Mx3 GsRT
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