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Posted: December 10th, 2007, 8:48 pm
by se7en
ya, everything ended up fitting pretty good after all was said and done. this weekend I will clean everything up really well, and post some nicer pics.


btw: that back manifold was really a b!tch to get off!

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 8:32 pm
by hgallegos915
I aquired another ebay turbo.. yes yes i know guys.. why did i don it if its a waste bleh i told you so bleh.. i know!! I called the seller and told him my story, he told me the turbos they sell come warranted for 3 months, also that they come balanced.. i could care less if it lasts more than 3 months. I had to get it because i needed to drive the car to work and back.

The old turbo was bad..

by the way the turbo series are are generaly bad come with serial number K and some random numbers.

The sorta good ones have different features than the first generation ones.

The old ones only say ar 63 on the exhaust flange and thats it.

The new ones say that and plus some other numbers, The housing has stamped letterslike HHMM or something.

It has clearly printed serial numbers on the oil housing and the Y is clearly printed.

The old ones do not, I fired her up with the new turbo and smoke is gone.

Of course stil smokes a bit from the oil in the pipes.. there was alot by the way.. ALOT a thick layer of oil from the old turbo.

Anywho cars driving fine for now.

Im ordering a real garret from a local performance shop, 650 with warranty NEW.. I should have it by february , late march!

No i will not be keeping the ebay turbo even if it spins freelym and burns no oil.

Even the exterior looks a bit different.

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 10:05 pm
by se7en
sell me the good ebay turbo when you get your garret!

I want to twin turbo my nova with cheapy ebay turbos, and buy a garret for my mx-3.


Posted: December 20th, 2007, 10:26 pm
by hgallegos915
I cant chant victory yet lol its barely been a day . it does seem to smoke BUT it only did it for a while. The pipe was full of oil. Im waiting to see how long it lasts and then so i can call the seller and tell him it didnt work. Im crossing my fingers it did. Spools up nice. This one does spin at idle, the others didnt.

I made a video of the non smoking one!!

click there.

here is the CORE

CORE not the good one.

Re: Im done

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 4:08 pm
by hgallegos915
ha... lasted exactly 1025 miles

now it smokes hehe..

warranty return :/

Re: Im done

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 5:00 pm
by se7en
well, that sux :(

at least you have warrenty, good luck.


Re: Im done

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 11:05 pm
by hgallegos915
sending a new one, which wont work for long either lol.

I think it blew because i was on the hwy and the hose to the vaf popped out. I gunned it and was hitting one psi.. i probably topped the turbo to its top and bye bye seals.

Re: Im done

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 11:13 pm
by se7en
geez, that sucks.

they are going to warrenty the turbo though??? good.

that part is good at least.