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Posted: June 20th, 2006, 3:46 pm
by atrackrabbit
To those who went to this kids house and met the kid face to face...

I am a member of another board, We have a member going under the title of Boostedboogie, he is making carbon fiber parts, has a black E46 BMW, is Asian, and as far as I know now, has not scammed anyone on our site.

The similarities are to close, so I would like for you to take a look at this kids pic he posted so we can know for sure whether we should watch out for this guy. Hell, we already are.


Here is the pic. its not the best, but its all I could get.


Here is a link to the thread we were notified of his possible history in.

Again thanks for your time and feel free to stop by any time.


Posted: June 26th, 2006, 1:14 pm
by cablemirc
i dont care who or what he deals with.
i have had my own deals go bad. i am experienced in this reality. i'll be the first to admit not everyone is paid back for my own problems, and not everyone has a payment schedule, and there are those who screwed me through this process that will never see anything.. however, i will and have not run from this. i am here, day to day, online between here and not everyone agrees with how i've gone about repaying everyone. but it's getting done.

how does this relate? i'm not running from debt or responsibilities or pretending it did'nt happen or buying another car to go rip off some other forum. boostedboogie needs to be a man and stand up for the debts he's incurred. this forum still does'nt have it's answers, or any resolution. i did what i could to help and showed up at his door, but since then it's been ignored and avoided.

so if your car forum now has a guy with great intentions that bit off more than he could chew, that's great. we're happy for you. you can call it "history" or whatever you want, but if it was you that got scammed out of your cash, i doubt your position would be as cozy.

and yes.. that's him.

Posted: June 26th, 2006, 2:55 pm
by atlantamx3
He is "BoostedBoogie" on several other sites.

He was known as "marshmallow15" on this forum.

Thats him for sure.

Posted: June 27th, 2006, 5:14 pm
by cjthor
atlantamx3 wrote:He is "BoostedBoogie" on several other sites.

He was known as "marshmallow15" on this forum.

Thats him for sure.
He replied and said he paid everyone off....

Posted: June 27th, 2006, 5:17 pm
by cjthor
His reply to this thread.....

guys, that whole dispute is over a year old and is done and over with. everyone either got their refunds or got their parts, i was just in over my head at the time, and the cf shortage was not helping.

Posted: June 27th, 2006, 5:19 pm
by cjthor
PS his email address for anyone that cares is

Posted: August 10th, 2006, 11:23 am
by monty73741
so i contacted this guy & said hey give me my money on

he responded bact to me
hey bro


did you give your contact info to the cablemirc guy? he gave me the emails/addresses of the groupbuy people to pay back because i couldn't access my paypal to get the address. PM me your address and i can send your money.

Originally Posted by monty73741
Originally Posted by BoostedBoogie
did you give your contact info to the cablemirc guy? he gave me the emails/addresses of the groupbuy people to pay back because i couldn't access my paypal to get the address. PM me your address and i can send your money.

I did give it to cablemirc but i heard there was some stuff going on with him

my name is jason danaher
1906 codd ave
baltimore, md 21222

ordered a cowl & paid shipping directly

thanks for paying me back


oh ok, yeah he didn't give us your information. ill send what i can to you via money order or check

Re: hey bro


Originally Posted by monty73741
thank you


hey bro, i can't seem to spot your address, what was it again?

Re: hey bro


hey bro, just following up. did you receive the money?

Originally Posted by monty73741
Originally Posted by BoostedBoogie
hey bro, just following up. did you receive the money?

not yet

hey bro, i need to file for a claim for this money order from the place where i got it. they said it was never cashed so it should not be a problem to file. i'll let you know of any updates

Originally Posted by monty73741
remeber i sent it to yah via paypal & a money order


yeah i know but that paypal address was closed a long time ago. anyways i'm still waiting on that claim to be processed from the bank.

Posted: August 18th, 2006, 3:15 am
by Sam Baker
heh.. thats some crazy bullsh!t man, sorry to hear you guys are still struggling with him. i think the best way to deal with him would be to go to his house and ask for the $$ back personally.

i got his mom's # from Q, which was a huge help, but now she doesnt want anything to do with it. and of course he won't wanna deal with you. everything will be delayed until he's gone from contact. its a big huge scam. she *supposedly* made sure he would be prohibited from any internet dealing from that point on, but now he's selling CF parts on another site?? wtf is that?!

i'd get a lawyer and sue him. try and put an end to all his dealings forever.

Posted: August 19th, 2006, 7:05 pm
by cjthor
Sam Baker wrote:heh.. thats some crazy bullsh!t man, sorry to hear you guys are still struggling with him. i think the best way to deal with him would be to go to his house and ask for the $$ back personally.

i got his mom's # from Q, which was a huge help, but now she doesnt want anything to do with it. and of course he won't wanna deal with you. everything will be delayed until he's gone from contact. its a big huge scam. she *supposedly* made sure he would be prohibited from any internet dealing from that point on, but now he's selling CF parts on another site?? wtf is that?!

i'd get a lawyer and sue him. try and put an end to all his dealings forever.
It will cost you more in court costs than its worth. I say just buy a plane ticket and go to his house...its cheaper!!

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 8:40 pm
by monty73741
so the funny thing is now he has to file a complaint....because someone supposedly cashed the money order he sent me lol


Posted: August 21st, 2006, 8:57 pm
by cjthor
monty73741 wrote:so the funny thing is now he has to file a complaint....because someone supposedly cashed the money order he sent me lol

riiiiiiiight...Im sure thats the case...

Posted: September 9th, 2006, 1:37 pm
by Sam Baker
lol wow.. i think the only solution to this is to go down there and beat his a--. from what i've heard, his parents were super pissed at him and cut him from the internet and all of carbon fibering for a while after this happened (2 years ago) but now that he moved out of their house.. he's back at it! scamming more and more people all across the net! how lame is that :evil: he just needs to learn the hard way that you shouldn't take money if you cant pay the price!

Posted: October 2nd, 2006, 1:13 am
by Steeb
dam it! why does he have to be asian!

Posted: January 22nd, 2007, 12:48 pm
by cjthor
Can we delete this??

Posted: January 22nd, 2007, 2:45 pm
by Custommx3
Im going to lock it and unsticky this.