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Posted: March 11th, 2005, 12:59 pm
by RodbeyBur
Man this thread turned out to be wicked.

Hopefully this will clear a couple things up.

I am not building a race car, but if I did I would not down grade my ABS system to non ABS unless it was a strictly race car on track only. I'd hate to be drinving home and have some old lady pull out in front of me and bam. No more race car.

If I do decide to go to a track I can simply unplug the ABS. Disabling the ABS is a simple process if you prefer to drive a race track without it. Unplug the fuse and no ABS. Pretty simple really.

92 and 93 MX3 had ABS option. The brochure on the main page from a 92 US Spec stated that the ABS / SRS Airbag was a group. Not sure if this is true (I didnt think airbags could come in a car pre 94), maybe someone who has a 92-93 with ABS ((Johnyb)) can state whether it has airbags. Kinda strange Mazda would put auto belts in a car with airbags or vice versa.

I also don't think alot of drivers rely on ABS. Its more of a reaction thing. Someone pulls out in front of you you hit brakes. I never once started thinking, god hope my ABS is working. But when it does happen and you feel the ABS working, you really know it does help.

Thats all I want from ABS, a little more security, a little more help. Thats all I wanted from this thread, a little more help.

Also page 3 of the online manual in the brake section has a nice layout of the ABS system. I plan on buying from a junk yard, so parts will not be that costly. Like I said before I truely think it will be less than 200. But whenever I am able to undertake this project, I will know for sure and go from there.

Thanks for the help in pointing me to the online manual. :)

Posted: March 11th, 2005, 3:07 pm
by Aston Wards
i dunno bout your NA cars, but J-spec cars where always available with ABS, mine is a 91 Presso, it had ABS but no airbag...

Posted: March 11th, 2005, 4:25 pm
by johnnyb
my car doesnt have airbags, I do believe that was only availiable after 94. I live in Canada and dont have the auto seatbelts either. Although after I posted that ABS was definately an option in 93 I thought, maybe its because the car is an SE. But regardless of that why would they make the wiring harnesses different. Look up near the upper strut mounts for unused plugs see page P-074 for a diagram of what I mean, if you find any check them and see if the donor cars plugs look the same. If you manage to find a complete donor car take everything, you can use the abs axles because I'm not sure how hard it would be to take the abs sensor rotor off of the cv. But if you feel confident that it will work a new set of axles wouldnt be a bad idea for this stage (depending on your funding). Hopefully you dont run into any problems.

Posted: March 12th, 2005, 2:06 pm
by RodbeyBur
Thats strange that you don't have airbags becuase the 92 brochure states that it came in the group. I wonder why Mazda had that in there. Anyone with a 92-93 USA Mx3 have ABS want to clue me in on whether they came with airbags?

I'm not going to put airbags in or even considering it. That is something I would rather take out since I always where my seatbelt and make everyone who rides with me wear.. Just curious.

Edit: Don't want to be an a--, but all those nay sayers please see this thread:

Posted: March 12th, 2005, 7:08 pm
by Rick Johnson
lakersfan1 wrote:f--- ABS. Learn how to drive.
Exactly! I pull the fuse in the winter because it's so damn annoying, Abs is for women who don't know how to brake in a emergency situation.

Posted: March 12th, 2005, 9:04 pm
by Grants
GRANTS, Sorry dude but you seriously are talking out your a--hole.

Go read my post again. I stated that if someone does something totally unpredictable (like pull out infront of you) ABS will help you avoid hitting them far more than driver skill (no offence but i doubt you are skilled enough not to need ABS, infact i would wager anything that you aren't)

I dont rely on ABS, it's a serious saftey device thats fitted to VIRTUALLY ALL ROAD CARS these days, but i'm glad i have it. I take it your car doesn't have it? Am i correct?

ALSO it is PROVEN that it's helps avoid an accident. Yes PROVEN. so go crawl back under your rock.
Huh? I haven't said anything against ABS except that I don't think its a NECESSITY. You obviously don't think so either as you say you don't rely on ABS. Yes its a proven safety feature, thats fairly obvious. If you bother to read my earlier post I state that I haven't got ABS - why do you ask? I have in my other car but not the MX3. So yes, your correct big fella, just like I said. I'm sufficiently skilled to not NEED ABS as my driving record can attest to.

What exactly did I say that you've taken objection to that prompted your outburst?

I find your response unnecessarily offensive and not very constructive at all. If you honestly think ABS can replace driver skill and experience, your stupid.

Posted: March 12th, 2005, 9:59 pm
by johnnyb
Rick Johnson wrote: Exactly! I pull the fuse in the winter because it's so damn annoying, Abs is for women who don't know how to brake in a emergency situation.
if your abs is kicking in to the point where you need to pull the fuse then you're obviously braking too hard. Under no circumstanses should it go on unless your car senses your tires are locking up. It seems by this post you need how to learn how to brake. I'm not trying to be an a-- but I can brake no problem without abs kicking in, why cant you? I must also say if the conditions in your area are that slippery, when it comes to when you need to stop in a hurry you my friend are in trouble.

Posted: March 12th, 2005, 11:36 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
I perfer non-abs vehicles, all cars that learned to drive on and own did not have abs. I perfer to have complete control over the brakes, get a better feel for what the car is doing and what the car wants to do, an abs system makes it difficult to get sensual feedback and learn from the car.

Remember, the reason for abs is not to stop quicker, but to be able to control and maneuver the vehicle in low traction environments where locking up the wheels would cause undesired results, and unfortuntaly is human instinct in a panic situation.Abs is there to compensate for human error, but useless if the driver does not take advantage of the gained control with abs, freezes up with the "holly sh1t!" stare on their face, it's useless. Abs is to "pump the brakes" as we learned back in driving school, or from our parents, but don't remember to do it when we need to the most.

There are times where locking the tires or partially locking the tires would be beneficial, but this is entirely based on per-situation conditions and experience, computers cannot do this.

Also, abs delivers a pulsing effect of braking by increasing the brake power until the sensor detects the tire locking up, than releasing, digital output, if you will. Humans, however, can brake in an analog method, being able to put the braking power to the max without locking the wheels, delivering a more steady and powerful "break".

Also, abs may make techniques like left-foot braking, very difficult to perform.

As mentioned above, on any new car, pulling the fuse on ABS, or any ABS failure will default the car to a standard non-abs braking system. You do not get the weight savings, but your perfered method of car control.

Posted: March 13th, 2005, 1:49 am
by kiwi_MX3
Well i can say its been interesting watching everyone come out
of the woodwork on this thread, RodbeyBur take a bow my man...

The one and only thing i can see out of this thread is a lot of peaple
have driving skill's issues and a fetish for little old ladys, ( shame boy's)

As to the ones that have got a wee bit hot under the collar, take a chill
pill and mellow or get online with Ratchet and clank 3....

92MX3 shell no brakes, brake lines or ABS. kinda been put in a 1.3 lazer.

Posted: March 13th, 2005, 3:38 am
by Tunes67
RodbeyBur wrote:
Edit: Don't want to be an a--, but all those nay sayers please see this thread:
I dont care if you have ABS or not.. you hit a 90 degree corner at 65MPH and ABS isnt going to save your a--. Only chance you have is a fast down shift, butt loads of horse power and a fast e-brake.. and even that isnt going to save you if the road is wet. Oh and thats assuming you are TRYING to drift the corner to begin with. If its a surprise.. game over. Just be thankful that he was able to walk away from that. And while its not really being an a-- by using anothers misfortune to try and promote your own viewpoint.. it is at the very least, tacky.


Posted: March 13th, 2005, 8:40 am
by Chadley

Posted: March 13th, 2005, 9:58 am
by Pedro_mx3
hmmm.... Nice Thread chaps... not gonna get involved in this forest fire, Jus to say i have a 91/92 UK Spec V6 MX-3 with ABS and no airbags.

Peace Out Guys :roll:

Posted: March 13th, 2005, 12:46 pm
by Tunes67
As for Tunes67 LOL When has ANYBODY ON THIS THREAD even remotely implied that ABS will help if you hit a 90 degree corner at 65MPH ?? LOL We all know that!!
Another that doesn't know what ABS is actually for!
Rodney implied it quite plainly when he referenced drfkings post about wrecking his car. Guess you havent been reading everything all that closely.
I didnt notice that it didnt grab the link when I made the quote in the above statement. I will edit it.


Posted: March 13th, 2005, 12:51 pm
by Chadley

Posted: March 13th, 2005, 1:03 pm
by Tunes67
No worries. And just for the record.. I am not attacking the virtues or values of having ABS brakes. They are a great thing to have for many reasons. It's just my opinion that to install ABS brakes onto a car that didnt come from the factory with them would be more work than is cost/time effective. But if thats what Rod wants to do with his car.. then more power to him. And maybe it wont cost him that much. But I would also wonder about the condition of the ABS braking system from any car that wound up in a junk yard to begin with. I mean if he is really wanting to add such a safety feature.. and thats what he is claiming.. then why would you buy used and possibly questionable parts to begin with? :shock:

Just my two cents..
