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Posted: February 20th, 2005, 5:15 am
by ScooterBovine

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 7:29 am
by kaalman
ok... I haven't read the whole answers on this post, but I can get the point, that the starter of this debate doesn't like muffed up MXes :)

I'm grabbing the opportunity to show me off :) and ask what you think about my car :
here's a little about it: ... hat=online

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 7:54 am
by neutral
Veeeery clean ride. Looks like it just rolled of the dealer's showroom floor.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 9:57 am
by Thumbs Up
You'll be aiight fry and JW you both keep being ghey and rice'n s--- out, the last thing I need to do is grow up you are the two fags who think the s--- you do is COOL, need to f---ing get a clue. I'm sick of little pricks like you two who think you know somin' cause you been on this riced out forum for who knows how long OMG your doing a manual swap WOW! your the s--- man, and seems like you both have done alot to your rides to show for it LMAO. hahaha you two are the pathetic ons so f--- OFF!

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 11:46 am
by JWMX3
You'll be aiight fry and JW you both keep being ghey and rice'n s--- out, the last thing I need to do is grow up you are the two fags who think the s--- you do is COOL, need to f---ing get a clue. I'm sick of little pricks like you two who think you know somin' cause you been on this riced out forum for who knows how long OMG your doing a manual swap WOW! your the s--- man, and seems like you both have done alot to your rides to show for it LMAO. hahaha you two are the pathetic ons so f--- OFF!
I think you need to chill out..... i dont want to speak for our admin. But this site dosent usually tolerate immature people such as yourself that just come on here to start trouble....

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 3:22 pm
by Grants
Everyones here cause we got one thing in common - our rides. Can't we even respect that? Theres not many of us around you know. We all make a decision to visit this site from the comfort of our homes (or work whatever) and nobody deserves to be the target of that sort of critisism and abuse.

You guys who are the targets of that rant shouldn't worry about it. Ignore it its just drivel. Hope for his sake he was drunk or something.

Everyone can do what they want with their cars. You wouldn't do it if you didn't enjoy it and thats the main thing. This isn't war or our careers or something so how about we treat it for what it is - a bit of fun.

We seem to have lost too many good people from this board already, so c'mon lets stick together.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 3:35 pm
by jplar
Thumbs Up wrote:You'll be aiight fry and JW you both keep being ghey and rice'n s--- out, the last thing I need to do is grow up you are the two fags who think the s--- you do is COOL, need to f---ing get a clue. I'm sick of little pricks like you two who think you know somin'...
Thumbs Up wrote: ...I doesn't matter how long I've been on here to tell whether or not there are GHEY a-- riced out cars all over this forum...YOU'll be AIIGHT you both keep the rice scene going.... One day you might grow up......
Thumbs Up wrote:...this site is filled with ricers and everyone is all about making their mx3 look retarded. THere is hardly anyone on this board with really fast clean looking cars its SAD.
I think it's sad when a guy comes on the boards and can't even construct an argument based on merits, only on cusses and rhetoric. Not even showing evidence of his own superior mx3 customizing only further undermines his "arguments."

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 4:17 pm
by mazdubber
Thumbs Up wrote:You'll be aiight fry and JW you both keep being ghey and rice'n s--- out, the last thing I need to do is grow up you are the two fags who think the s--- you do is COOL, need to f---ing get a clue. I'm sick of little pricks like you two who think you know somin' cause you been on this riced out forum for who knows how long OMG your doing a manual swap WOW! your the s--- man, and seems like you both have done alot to your rides to show for it LMAO. hahaha you two are the pathetic ons so f--- OFF!
Now, I love my cars clean and fast. But i can respect others that want to do things differently. You can't seem to do that, so maybe you should stop posting. YOU are pathetic if you really can't get past the fact that other people like to do things differently than you.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 5:44 pm
by fry_81
dear mr.cyber thug, your very intimidating in all, with your swearing and pointless garbage, but as much as i give a damn about you coming here and whining and complaining for no reason, there is no place for you here if your going to act like a 5 year old, and cant act civilized. You've never seen my car, yet you claim its the riciest thing in town, show some respect to others on the board, or leave and dont come back. its quite simple.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 6:28 pm
by Hoodzy
if u get that angry maybe u shouold go beat them up ahah jk!

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 7:31 pm
by Thumbs Up
^^^^^ yeah, fellas I have respect for others on this forum except you two because you two orginally tried to say crap to me thats all......I'll stop making fun of yah, its getting to be stupid now. Try not to cry over this. i'll stop posting on this topic ; But the fact of the matter is I was only backing the MAIN POINT of this whole thread which was to back up the fact that there are A TON OF SLOW RICED OUT MX-3's and barely any decent one's and it seems since it might apply to you you got all upset and wanted to same something to me for stating my opinion and thats what got me going . I've made my point.... Say what you want.....

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 7:36 pm
by fry_81
i was not trying to say anything about you, i was stating that after 6 posts you claim there are tons of ricers. not always the best way to make an impression. and once again, your assuming things about cars you've never seen.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 10:34 pm
by Custommx3
Topic closed, you know why.

Thumbs up got the tumbs down... Banned