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Posted: May 27th, 2005, 1:10 am
by MX-West Car Club
Dali wrote:its more of the co-workers not wanting to do any work, getting them to do anything more than sit on thier a-- and talk in the back would be more of a miracle.
This sounds pretty familiar. Maybe try bribbing them with a box of Tim Horton donuts or something.

I'm in!

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 8:40 pm
by Darcy
Just started my new job this week and they rock! I got the thursday and friday off, (didn't want to push for Monday 8)) so i'll definitely be able to make it out.

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 9:22 pm
by Dali
looking good, will try to leave thursaday night. owners are cool with it, they are kinda wondering about the co-workers being wankers about us taking time off. still not a positive yes but looks like it.

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 6:35 pm
by Chiggles
To those of you in Calgary going on this trip, when exactly is it are you leaving town to make the trip? I figure since I'm coming from Deadmonton, I thought I'd come down to Calgary the night before and then head out with the rest of you on that Thursday.

I know it's next to last minute here, but I haven't made any reservations as of yet, and I'm well aware that it's kinda dumb that I haven't yet since spots are being filled up quick, but where I work, I'm not able to book that far ahead in advance until management gets a clearer picture of what everyone else's availabilities are like to compensate for any staff shortages. Now that June is finally here, they're willing to consider my request for the time-off, so before I make the commitment and make the calls to book a room, I'd like to know how long the drive will be from Calgary to Kelowna, and when is it that you guys are leaving?

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 8:51 pm
by MX-West Car Club
From e-mailing back and forth with James this past week or so. He figures leaving Calgary at 9 am the thrusday morning and arriving in Kelowna around 3 pm. So you've got a 6 hr road trip ahead of you. This would include stops along the way for gas, etc. James will let you guys know exactly when you'll be meeting up, leaving and all the pitstops along the way.

Justin, if you're reading this, you'll have plenty of time making it to the golf course. :lol:

Posted: June 6th, 2005, 1:43 am
by Dali
is there going to be a list of people who are going to show up, just to see what the turn out will be like. its looking good for me and ty.

Posted: June 6th, 2005, 10:45 am
by wyldside
Yeah we will be leaving Calgary at 9:00am so we'll probably meet up somewhere in NW Calgary around 8:30am to get everyone together and load up on road snacks. We should do pretty good with traffic since we are leaving on a Thursday (provided there isn't too much construction along the way). I have a rough time schedule on the Alberta MX-West site, in the future events section, along with a list of people who are going from our division. It shouldn't be too difficult to get accomodations this time of the year but if the meet was in July, it would have been next to impossible. This trip should be lots of fun. Someone should bring a video camera. (Justin, please don't bring your cousin Mike and let him film again. That footage made me sea sick)

Posted: June 14th, 2005, 4:01 pm
by Dali
well, it still looks good for me to come down, co-workers had a fight about being short handed yesterday, only 3 of us at work but we managed. hope to see more people show up, not too many people from bc posting on here saying that they are coming. oh well, one more week of hell :)

Posted: June 14th, 2005, 4:11 pm
by wyldside
Good to hear that you are going. I hope I can make it. My KLZE swap didn't go how I wanted. Might have to do a quick MSD conversion to get it going. I don't want to let the whole Alberta group down.


Posted: June 15th, 2005, 4:27 pm
by Darcy
Well James, looks like you have a better chance of getting your car out there than I will.

I broke my ankle at volleyball last night and will be in a cast for about a month or so.

If it feels REALLY good by next thursday, I might drive, but I don't know if I would even risk it, especially since I dont think I would be taking any passengers.

This sucks the big one. I've been spending a lot of time getting my car all done up and crap in the few weeks i've had it, and now this. And forgetting my shoe at the hospital. Argh.

Posted: June 15th, 2005, 4:43 pm
by wyldside
Shitty! :( Keep us posted on it. Which foot is it? Clutch foot? Brake/Gas Foot? You're such a scrapper when you do physical stuff. Always breaking, hurting, or bashing something. Geez...

It might feel better by next week but don't force it if hurts. Keep us posted. Justin just called me and said he can't go because of his new job. This trip just won't be the same without the two of you there. Were dropping like flys here. First Joelle, now Darcy and Justin. And I just called Dallas and she can't get the time off from her second job. Everyone in Alberta is either over worked from their jobs, or breaking down. I better make damn sure I get that ZE going. This is how the Alberta group stands as of now...

# 1. James G. + 1 guest (23rd-28th) - Accomodations arranged: Staying in Kelowna
# 2. Stacy W. + 1 guest (23rd-28th) - Accomodations arranged: Staying in Penticton
# 3. Mark K. (23rd-28th) - Getting a Hotel Room
# 4. Marc B. + 1 guest (23rd-28th) - Accomodations Unknown
# 5.
# 6.
# 7.
# 8.

Posted: June 15th, 2005, 4:48 pm
by Darcy
Not that it really matters, but it's my left ankle. Sucks that Justin and Joelle can't make it. Hopefully everyone else is still in though.

Posted: June 15th, 2005, 4:54 pm
by wyldside
Your lucky it's the clutch foot. It's easier to handle road trips with that since you don't use that foot very often.

Calgary inner city driving can be quite nasty with a broken ankle, especially during rush hour. I wouldn't want to try it. Well let us know how it feels next week. Take care of that foot.

Re: !#@*$&(*!&%)(&!%

Posted: June 15th, 2005, 10:46 pm
by MX-West Car Club
Darcy wrote:I broke my ankle at volleyball last night and will be in a cast for about a month or so.
That sucks Darcy. Hope the ankle heals quickly.

Posted: June 15th, 2005, 11:01 pm
by MX-West Car Club
wyldside wrote:Justin just called me and said he can't go because of his new job. This trip just won't be the same without the two of you there. Were dropping like flys here. First Joelle, now Darcy and Justin. And I just called Dallas and she can't get the time off from her second job. Everyone in Alberta is either over worked from their jobs, or breaking down. I better make damn sure I get that ZE going.
They've got to beg and plead to the boss that they have to go on this trip. :(