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Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 2:48 am
by Sinistral
I want an Evo bumper too.. But for people here.. we need to change some **** on it.. Cuz people will complain :D . hehehehe... so people.. Post a Concept..<p>Thanks!

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 3:37 am
by marshmallow15
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Paragon:
i like that bumper that marsh photoshopped, if the bottom was flat, i'd probably be in on a GB<hr></blockquote><p> IS flat. thats just the best shot of that bumper i could find on the internet. check out and look at the bumpers for the 90-94 eclipse. you'll see PERFECT shots of it. nice eh?

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 4:29 am
by Paragon
gotcha marsh...that does look much better.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 7:36 am
by zevirii
This post is very funny.. The thing is people want to respect him for his hard work, nothing to do with copy right. If I went out of my way to make something different from every other MX-3 out there and next thing I know everybody is copying me that would suck. Being unique takes alot of work...<p>
Now on the other hand, its just a matter of time before this turns into a group buy no matter what you guys want. People want new designs for there cars, and they get the ideas from what they see.. <p>I say let the group buy go on ahead, I mean you all showed your respect for Jon by posting here. If Jon wants to remain unique he is going to have to change his styles ever few months, thats just life.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 8:53 pm
by millionflame
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by zevirii:
This post is very funny.. The thing is people want to respect him for his hard work, nothing to do with copy right. If I went out of my way to make something different from every other MX-3 out there and next thing I know everybody is copying me that would suck. Being unique takes alot of work...<p>
Now on the other hand, its just a matter of time before this turns into a group buy no matter what you guys want. People want new designs for there cars, and they get the ideas from what they see.. <p>I say let the group buy go on ahead, I mean you all showed your respect for Jon by posting here. If Jon wants to remain unique he is going to have to change his styles ever few months, thats just life.
<hr></blockquote><p>Damn straight! ;) <p>~A

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 9:16 pm
by canadian_ice
I'm not taking sides, but I'll say one thing: it kind of sucks for jaded to be nice and post pictures of his car on the internet, to have someone do the same thing to their car. I know that's the way things go, but if you were jaded, you'd be pretty pissed too.<p>I'll reserve judgement til I see the final product!

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 27th, 2003, 10:09 pm
by marshmallow15
im not taking sides either, but even if it pisses off jon and a lot of the mxers on this board, that doesn't make it illegal to copy his design unless he copywrited it (which would be hard since he didn't create the bumper). just do what you want to do and you'll either get respect or get crap. thats how it goes.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 28th, 2003, 12:02 am
by Sinistral
Let's see a New bumper and will talk after about it.. But own many people want a new bumper.. I mean a Group Buy for a new bumper..

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 28th, 2003, 1:14 am
by mx3man83
Hmm respect for doing something different to an mx-3 huh?? Well sorry but as posted before but the bumper is not an original was copied from another if you want to say it like that, you can say that jaded is stealing others ideas by makin his bumper like offense jaded im not against ya, im just makin a point...I have custom work done to my car and as soon as i get pics im going to post em, and im POSITIVE people are going to copy my be honest i dont really car....I am never going to see them so it doesnt really affect my life...thanks..

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 28th, 2003, 2:16 am
by illicitQ
that evo kit is hella clean... i aint got a job right now and thats toooo bad

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 12:33 am
by mrmike420
It Should All Be About Supply And Demand.

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 1:49 am
by airjordon_09
um you say he deserves his props but its life???? if he ever posted pics of his car, would you of said you wanted that bumper for you car, i dont think so, there at tons and tons of bodykits on the market, how about look around first and start something new, obviously jon wouldnt say anything against you useing his style, but **** if you go throught as much work as he did, i would not want anyone copying me, but this is all personal thought right, i just say keep looking because there are soo many sick bumpers around, it just takes time to find them<p> peace

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 4:41 am
by millionflame
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by airjordon_09:
if he ever posted pics of his car, would you of said you wanted that bumper for you car, i dont think so<hr></blockquote><p>Yes I WOULD have. I would have a LOOONG time ago if life was perfect and I didn't need to replace parts on my car that fail unexpectedly, or life never through curveballs. :D <p> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by airjordon_09:
[QB]i just say keep looking because there are soo many sick bumpers around, it just takes time to find them[/b]<hr></blockquote><p>I did find one, an EVO bumper. So did John, so did I, so did MILLIONS and MILLIONS of OTHER people LOOOOONG before us dude.<p>Why are people defending John in that this bumper is "HIS CREATION" ???<p>I know he put in lots of hard work to mold this bumper. Great, good for you John, I envy you and I think it's a masterful job. But, he copied just like everyone else did. Nothing wrong with that at all. Hell, I want to do it, and so have lots of other people.<p>The only problem I DO have is people on this board that think that John is some sort of God because he molded the first EVO bumper to an MX-3 (long after it had been copied from a Lancer for a Civic, Eclipse, whatever). HE didn't create this. He doesn't have permission to stop someone from making the exact same bumper for the MX-3. He wanted to be original, well he is for now, and I guess if he wants to be still in a few months then he can change his bumper again. That's life. That's CAR life. :shrug: <p>Oh, and by the way, I have nothing against John.<p>~A

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 4:50 am
by cjthor
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Aiden:
<p>I did find one, an EVO bumper. So did John, so did I, so did MILLIONS and MILLIONS of OTHER people LOOOOONG before us dude.<p>Why are people defending John in that this bumper is "HIS CREATION" ???<p>I know he put in lots of hard work to mold this bumper. Great, good for you John, I envy you and I think it's a masterful job. But, he copied just like everyone else did. Nothing wrong with that at all. Hell, I want to do it, and so have lots of other people.<p>The only problem I DO have is people on this board that think that John is some sort of God because he molded the first EVO bumper to an MX-3 (long after it had been copied from a Lancer for a Civic, Eclipse, whatever). HE didn't create this. He doesn't have permission to stop someone from making the exact same bumper for the MX-3. He wanted to be original, well he is for now, and I guess if he wants to be still in a few months then he can change his bumper again. That's life. That's CAR life. :shrug: <p>Oh, and by the way, I have nothing against John.<p>~A<hr></blockquote>
Man....You guys gotta calm down..If you want the bumper make it...If you dont want it...Leave them to make their bumper. I know that John doesnt care either way. I am sure he is a tad upset but its not the end of the world. Lets stop fighting about this..

Re: New Group Buy For a New Bumper by Underground Design!!!!

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 10:19 am
by Custommx3
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by canadian_ice:
I'm not taking sides, but I'll say one thing: it kind of sucks for jaded to be nice and post pictures of his car on the internet, to have someone do the same thing to their car. I know that's the way things go, but if you were jaded, you'd be pretty pissed too.<p>I'll reserve judgement til I see the final product!<hr></blockquote><p>It happened to me as well...