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Re: GUY"S HELP!!! URGENT MX-3 or Supra, Ripping me apart.

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 8:59 am
by ninjajim4
oh dear lord... sounds a little fishy? a little strange? you guys kidding?

the message from that seller is a textbook example of a scam.

i'm pretty sure if you open MS Word and go to Tools -> Templates -> SCAM you will see that message.

if this deal is for real, i'm going to write back to that Nigerian prince who wrote me out of the blue, asking me to share his 50.00 million Krugerrand with him.



Re: GUY"S HELP!!! URGENT MX-3 or Supra, Ripping me apart.

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 9:11 am
by Dragon1212
Yea I got that i asked a few more questions now its gone off autotrader so they obviously figured out I didn't trust them or someone got scammed