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Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 11:03 am
by gooseberry09
YOU all EPIC fail my grand mama's buick would smoke any of your mazdas! and im glad you found two videos on youtube of a mazda beat a srt4 the first video was stupid you seen the car was already wrecked the others wow 1 out of a millon and the srt4 is horrible off a dig im glad you can prove that. your all epicically funny i cant believe some of the s--- you say. me and my friends here at school (were in about 4th grade) :D :love2: are laughin at your stupidity. ill be honest it makes my day just to log on here to piss you off half of you comebacks are dumb and as for ryan your atleast half a$$ decent but ur still no different. cause at the end of the day i sit here lmao and you think of different ways to say im a noobie when infact to your car i maybe but to most im not your four bangers are dumb! so ill try to check back in a couple days and see who all i pissed of its pretty epic :D

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 11:10 am
by PilotSmack89
So you and your 10 or 20 friends in 4th grade are laughing at us. Congrats.

Everyone on the forum (at LEAST 200+) is now laughing at your subterranian IQ. You, sir, are officially a joke.

In a final test of irony, I hope you get hit by your grand-mamas Buick :D

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 12:41 pm
by Flyer
Having said that, this topic is now about rear diffusers. Please refrain from discussing the original topic.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 1:09 pm
by wytbishop
gooseberry09 wrote:you were ok til u made the rocket science comment d--- some people dont have much experience doin this crap and most of you guys on here are asses about everything :x
Epic over-reaction to a totally harmless and non-offensive comment.

The reason that you’re having trouble getting along on the forum Goose, has nothing to do with the car, neither the mazda nor the dodge. It is because you’ve spent a lot of time on other forums and with people where speaking and acting the way you do is considered normal and so you think that this is how people talk and act. But truthfully, people prefer to have interactions with those who at least attempt to show that they’ve given things some thought. In human communication this is one of the ways we show respect for one another. This is particularly true on this forum. It’s unusual on the internet and so it has clearly taken you by surprise. I think that some members went overboard in their replies, but you definitely overreacted to Ryan’s comment. I’m guessing that it seemed to you he was calling you stupid...and I’m also guessing he’s not the first person to have done that to you. It’s understandable that you would be sensitive to it...but none the less your reaction was unwarranted.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 2:10 pm
by gooseberry09
my reaction was warranted. when people act rude for no reason then there is reason to react how i do i am far from stupid. I am merely unexperienced with working on small motors. Things are much different on a big motor. Such as before if you will look i was having a computer difficulty and overposted something while also misposting something. Once that was done you and your said 200 members acted stupidly and made fun. I asked for pointers on how to turn my car around u were rude and crude and showed no interest in helping a fellow shade tree mechanic. But yet when i do yet again try fix said mazda, you all make stupid comment I.E. said rocket science comment. It may not be rocket science but yet to someone who hasnt worked on one before it makes things a little different, i asked for a few pointers and shortcuts, but yet you still acted rude with no consideration for how other people comprehend things. As for the other forums i have never had the same kind of reaction i have here everyone here likes to use sarcasm, and wont come out with a straight answer. Whereas i asked the same question on the srt4 forum and got a straight positive answer. Dont get me wrong i can understand some joking around but when none of you actually know me that well i wouldnt joke around, why try and then be insulting about it? By the way me and my friends loved the troll comment that was cute, but the dude was kinda small, and im nothing close to a troll. But i do thanks the last guy for an actual civil answer. The rest of ya BITE ME

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 2:24 pm
by Mi|<E
What you fail to understand is you are at what I hope to god is the tail end of a large number
of newer users who keep asking the same questions over and over. Instead of doing a small
search for information they want all the info spoon fed to them. The more experienced crowd
are all getting very frustrated with the same things asked every week and we are getting

Now back on topic, you have a MX-3 with a waterpump needing to be replaced. Get started
and take some pictures if you get stuck. Most of the people on here can talk you through the
waterpump in thier sleep. Its a good idea to change the timing belt and idler/tensioner pulleys
if you do not know when they were last changed. You can find complete kits which include the
timing belt, tensioner, idler and new water pump online for around 100 bucks. Do not start until
you have all the parts. Get some tie wraps too they are super useful when doing the timing belt.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 3:23 pm
by wytbishop
Again I believe you've missed the point. When Ryan said "It's not rocket science" you heard..."It's simple enough even an idiot like you could do it" . However what he was really saying was..."It's a pretty simple operation and a person with average mechanical aptitude ought to be able to muddle through it fairly easily" . This is in no way insulting to you, but because you are firmlly on the defensive you chose, and continue to assume it was intended to be. This is called a "scotoma". Because you assume people are going to be disrespectful, everything they say seems to be disrespectful...even when it's not.

You lashed out, others lashed back and now the situation is more or less irretrieveable.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 3:36 pm
by Ryan
I'm sorry?

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 3:42 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
gooseberry09 wrote:srt4 is horrible off a dig im glad you can prove that.
In other words that's a horribly designed setup with turbo lag and that you're making excuses. The SRT4 is car with a fast motor but the build quality that would make Kia point and laugh. Sure, I give credit where it's due. I've got a friend with a 400hp SRT4 and yep, it would kick my Mx-3 a--, along with almost everything else.
gooseberry09 wrote:my grand mama's buick would smoke any of your mazdas!
This is coming from a guy using a 105hp Mx-3 to make the comparison...well duh! Most can run faster than those!
gooseberry09 wrote:Me and my friends here at school are laughin at your stupidity. ill be honest it makes my day just to log on here to piss you off half of you comebacks are dumb [...] cause at the end of the day i sit here lmao [...] so ill try to check back in a couple days and see who all i pissed of its pretty epic
Myself, I have nothing better do to, so I can post on here and play too. Your reaction was not warranted based on how exagerated your reaction actually was/is. I can and will spend as much time as I want arguing aginst you until you change your tune, or until you leave. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter now right, better or smarter we are than you, if you're an idiot, we just can't win against that kind of low. And you'll just sit there and laugh anyway cause you just don't get it, nor ever will.


Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 4:05 pm
by wytbishop
Ryan wrote:I'm sorry?
I hope I haven't misinterpeted your intent Ryan. I don't mean to put words in your mouth. Just tyring to illustrate the misunderstanding.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 4:11 pm
by umcamara
wytbishop wrote:
Ryan wrote:I'm sorry?
I hope I haven't misinterpeted your intent Ryan. I don't mean to put words in your mouth. Just tyring to illustrate the misunderstanding.
It's not rocket science Wyt...

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 4:26 pm
by wytbishop
umcamara wrote:
wytbishop wrote:
Ryan wrote:I'm sorry?
I hope I haven't misinterpeted your intent Ryan. I don't mean to put words in your mouth. Just tyring to illustrate the misunderstanding.
It's not rocket science Wyt...
~Insert angry, poorly punctuated run on sentence here. Be sure to use the word "said" clumsily several times in reference to previously introduced points of your angry tirade as well as the compound conjunction "But, yet" to try to sound more intelligent than you are.~

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 6:38 pm
by Ryan
Actually, I was apologizing for being too cryptic.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 6:55 pm
by Limegreen mx-3
Ryan wrote:Actually, I was apologizing for being too cryptic.
You were ok till you made the apology comment. You have no reason too cryptic or not.

Re: Replacing the waterpump

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 8:25 pm
by Ryan
Sheesh, and that was a joke. Now I'm apologising about apologising about making a cryptic comment that may or may not have been cryptic.

You non-rocket scientist.