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Posted: April 23rd, 2006, 6:22 am
by Grants
Den... shall I??? :wink:

Posted: April 23rd, 2006, 9:01 am
by den
Go ahead Grants... :D Use your mysterious testosterone booster. :D

Posted: April 30th, 2006, 3:53 am
by Jay72
Wow. I finally finished installing all the SRD bushings. That damn 3rd link was a b---- to take out and so was that bolt beside it. Although, thanks to Ovendenk, removing the whole shifter arm was easy after pulling back that rubber boot and removing it from that bolt. Having it out from under the car was so much easier to work on.
A warning to future SRD installers: Because you most likely have to tap out both bolts be careful with the front bolt otherwise you'll be stuck with a bolt with a bashed up thread, making it un-reusable. So, I might suggest to have a replacement bolt ready. Damn thing about this car is that you even have to get an OEM bolt to replace this bolt cause it's specifically made for the knuckle! I hadn't realized the top and bottom holes were different sizes. I learned the hard way and despite the glorious Home Depot for being open till 12 am, I couldn't find a match. So, I got the closest match but, the gap (smooth part) was maybe 2-3mm short of the OEM's and the thread wasn't tappered enough to fit bottom hole. Also, I had to grind one edge of the head down and widen the bottom hole of the knuckle to accomodate the makeshift bolt.
It all worked out in the end. I just hope that my little modifications don't turn out bad in the long run. Thanks for all your help everyone.
