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Posted: May 28th, 2005, 4:05 pm
by monty73741
who ever quote 20 bucks to go to the track, thats good price....
you could spend alot more doing ther stupid stuff

Posted: May 28th, 2005, 4:14 pm
by Juans_93_MX3
jplar wrote:
Tunes67 wrote:
Juans_93_MX3 wrote:1. The goverment needs to make more tracks, places where we can street race.
I don't think the government is the answer for everything. I'm sure if a person looking to make money thought they could through opening a race track, they would. But racing as a sport isn't as lucrative or popular as say, baseball.
Juans_93_MX3 wrote:I am cool by betting a car at 75mph .... D.)they go over 80mph...
I fail to see how going five miles slower will make any real world difference when speeds are in excess of figures you described.

As for street racing, it's comletely useless as it only takes once to end a person's life. If a person think he/she could live with that guilt, or lack moral fortitude to care, please let me know where you live and I'll be sure to stay away.
The reason I blame the goverment is because they are the ones not wanting us to street race yet they hardly make any tracks to race in.

The way I see, it, 75mph is fast enough and is the only amount of mph I would street race in. Going over 75mph is just pushing it even more. 75mph is already fast espically on a 40mph road.

Posted: May 29th, 2005, 12:19 am
by Tunes67
Uh.. thats cool dude.. but I didnt write that ;) LOL


Posted: May 30th, 2005, 2:54 am
by BuGS
I do disagree with there are no Good Conditions for Street Racing. There are a couple places here that are closed off sections that are very good for testing your car. There is in two places about 3/4's a mile that goes in between two hills that makes for safe street racing if the person wanted. You can close off access and if either racer goes of to either side the most they can do is flip their own car. All the people stay at the begining with one person 1/4 down the road up on one of the hills. Closest thing to a track I have ever seen. It even has a County Fire station about 1 mile away and a hospital about 5 miles away.

But I have never street raced. I am a strong believer in Track racing, whether it is just for fun or for seriousness, because Timeslips never lie. :twisted:

Posted: May 30th, 2005, 3:40 am
by Grants
The reason I blame the goverment is because they are the ones not wanting us to street race yet they hardly make any tracks to race in.

The way I see, it, 75mph is fast enough and is the only amount of mph I would street race in. Going over 75mph is just pushing it even more. 75mph is already fast espically on a 40mph road.
Governments represent "the people". "The people" don't want street racing, I don't want street racing. Could you imagine it if everyone were allowed to street race???? Can you imagine the carnage??? It would mean no more speed limits - its too idiotic to even contemplate.

Why should the government pay for race tracks? I can't think of too many sporting venues owned by the government (over here anyway - they're all commercially owned and operated). I'd suggest its a commercial decision by commercial developers who don't see a reasonable return on locking up all those acres of land for a sport only a minority would participate in.

Ever seen what 75 mph to a dead stop does to a car and the people in it? You're dead man, and the poor pricks you hit. 75mph isn't "fast enough" in a 40 zone - its way too fast and people gotta be more responsible. If you honestly believe thats ok you're in for one hellava shock one day. I just hope its a single vehicle incident and you don't take others with you. Don't kid yourself - it can happen to you and the more often you do it the more likely it is.


Posted: May 31st, 2005, 10:28 am
by barbarino69
Down here in south florida street racing is pretty big. Most of these rich kids whose parents buy them the expensive performance cars (audi, volvo, mercedes, bmw) this of that nature. Then you have the ricer kids whose parents just hand over thousands of dollars to hook up their car. So the kid has no real value of their car, they think since there daddy bought it for them they can wreck it and get another.

With that said, yea, I have participated in about 3 street races. I admit it was an adrenaline rush. Especially when they hand over the cash. But now that I look back, I regret it. I recently lost a close friend when his bike was hit by a riced out honda trying to impress some girls on the highwau. (My friend on the bike was doing the limit, he never saw it coming) Every month some street import racer gets into a wreck injuring or killing themselves and innocent bystanders. This is starting to have the police pull over every modified vehicle found on the streets past 11pm. There are 2 local tracks that support ammatueur (sp?) drag racing, and there are events all over the country that shut down sections of the street and allow people to race them in a controlled enviroment. If you have something to prove, prove you are the smarter man by not losing the car you spend thousands of hours and dollars on, and more importantly your life. Be smart guys, Fast and Furious was not only fake, but it was just a movie. Yes it was interesting and entertaining, not to mention those rides were pretty sick, but come back down to reality. Take care of your cars cuz if you dont , you wont have it for very long. Ok, thats my rant of the day. Hope some of you get something out of it.

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 3:35 am
by Hoodzy
some peeps i know were racing in an industrial area on a 4 lane street very well lit no people around whatsoever except a freakin private investigator watching them go up the road once or twice going like probably 70 max. he freakin snaps out on them and threatens to tell the cops he'll get them for stunting good thing he never did anything my friends were freaked!

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 9:36 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Grants wrote:Governments represent "the people". "The people" don't want street racing, I don't want street racing. Could you imagine it if everyone were allowed to street race???? Can you imagine the carnage??? It would mean no more speed limits - its too idiotic to even contemplate.

Why should the government pay for race tracks? I can't think of too many sporting venues owned by the government (over here anyway - they're all commercially owned and operated). I'd suggest its a commercial decision by commercial developers who don't see a reasonable return on locking up all those acres of land for a sport only a minority would participate in.
If "the people" don't want street races, they need to realise that it will never go away, it's been something that's been around since the muscle car days and has only been brought into the spot light thanks to the Fast and the Furious. Street racing is a loosing battle, you can arrest and pull people over and impound your car, they'll just find another place to go. Now, i've never been to a organised street race event, but my impression on them is that people try to do it as far away from traffic and hazards as possible. One way that should largely deminish street racing is local tracks, it just makes sence, it's a problem that will never go away, so they need to control it as much as possible. If the government has such an issue with street racing, and are doing as much as they can do to stop it, their not doing all they can do unless they open local tracks, as long as they don't have cops waiting after the leave the track to inspect the cars, I've heard of that happening after open-track events, and it's a quick way to scare people off.

"The people" like to complain against anything that it against the norm. Personally, I love drag racing, pay $20 and drag as much as you want from 7-11, so I have no need to go out and street race. I get my speed fix without having to worry about cops, plus I get a time slip :D The problem is that this track, ironicly called "Toronto Motorsports Park" is an hour and a half away from Toronto in Cayuga, not convenient at all, especially since Toronto apparently has a street racing problem. It's only 45min away from my parents place, but it's still an hour from my appartement in Mississauga. I'm still gonna drive it, cause I don't care, but most people do.

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 10:06 am
by barbarino69
One thing I noticed in this thread is that people complain about the tracks being too far away.

Just because a track is too far away shouldnt cause you to not go there. An hour and a half ride isnt that bad for safe and legal drag racing. If you are really into it then you will do whatever it takes. I have several friends that go all over the south east entering in car shows just so they can hopefully pick up sponors. If a track is too far away for you to go every weekend, then go everyother weekend or once a month. Something being too far away is a shitty excuse to do it illegally.

As far as the government opening tracks, Im 100% positive the federal government has more things to worry about than street racing. Local state and city governemtns are the one's cracking down. I dont now what state all of you live in but in florida the state and city cant even buy school enough books for the studnets so they dont have to share. This isnt skateboarding where city governements opened parks to keep kids from skating on municpal buildings. This is racing, tracks are expensive to build and to maintain. One solution to this would be NASCAR. There tracks arent always in use, so what if they built a drag strip and maybe a street course and allow amatuers to compete. Who knows Im just throwing ideas out there. All im saying is dont expect the local government to open tracks. Also, if you are near a track, (1-2 hours) then whats th big deal for some safe and legal fun??

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 10:32 am
by monty73741
street racing is a local issue, the only time it would become federal is if it went over state lines,

such as group A organizes races in state B

The issue is that most of the "new" street racers race anywhere, & think they are on the F&F, I have friends that do that they race on the beltway while driving, what i dont understand is they always talk about beating ppl but if you dont have a set finish line how are you supposed to know who won.
  • if you like to race & dont want to get in trouble go to track or an event
    get active, if theres no place to race, find out why
    join a local pro legal street racing group
    & if you want to illegally street race dont be pissed or angry when u get in trouble
    start up something like