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Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 20th, 2003, 10:07 am
by BoOdOg
are these listed on speedhut to buy yet ?

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 20th, 2003, 2:09 pm
by tocixxx
Hehe Yeah I´m from austria ;) )

Thanks Hank!

But i´m used to it to be converted to a AUSSIE ;)

I´ll hope speedhut will do this fast !

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 20th, 2003, 3:04 pm
by Mnemonic
god damn aussies trying to act like austrians he he he he

they will be with in the day on the site as for tooling it will take 3 weeks soon as we hit our limit (25) which shouldnt be aproblem as we are at a decent amount now

also i sent people who have paid, payments today here is a copy of my paypal receipt:

Dear Brian Burton,

This email confirms that you sent $427.00 USD to

Payment Details

Amount: $427.00 USD
Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Here is the payment for the 10 people i have already collected the cash
for, you will be recieving an email with there names and addresses along
with emails, and other information as well.

Brian Burton

so this should get them on the ball and rolling im working on a deal now with them so that they will start tooling at 15 orders so by the time we hit 25 they will be ready to be sent out.

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 12:16 am
by Gro Harlem
Its tuesday, still no pre-buy page for these on


Also...are they going to put their gay "speedhut" insignia on the controls? i hate how they do that with their indiglo gauges.

If they do that, i might not even want them, it just looks so hideous

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 1:45 am
by Mnemonic
no there logo wasnt on my design so it wont be on the unit and yes i know its tuesday and i got off the phone with them earlier today and they said it should be on the site by the end of the day, but i do relise that it maybe tuesday before it actually gets launched no one is more anxious or is more knowledgble than me on whats happening with these things.

btw groharlem do you know if any of the protege guys are ordering?

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 10:06 am
by Gro Harlem
There were like 4 guys interested. I told them to wait til the page was online before they pre-order.

just hope they get that damn page online like they said. Watch it be like next week before they do :(

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 3:08 pm
by Mnemonic

Because there will be no customization, speedhut has said they cannot put them on there website cause they are a custom design, so Please send all information to me ASAP to recap 38 dollars and 8 dollers shipping US
If you pay pal there will be like a 1.50 fee for there charge.

TOXIXXX please email me Your shipping will cost 36 dollers US

GroHarlem if you can have your protege guys contact me so i can get there orders aswell

since we had an imediate order of 10 to start out, speedhut has aggreed to start the tooling process ahead of schedual, but they will not ship until all 25 orders are in, they will be making 50 units so if anyone wants some after the buy but the price will be ALOT higher.

So lets get everything back on the ball so we can possibly have these in the next 3 weeks or so.


this is what they have so far <img src=" ... 20hvac.jpg" alt=" - " />

<small>[ October 21, 2003, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: Mnemonic ]</small>

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 8:39 pm
by 2.5mx3
Wow, I'm getting dizzy watching this see-saw, but that is good news!

Brian, in your original design, you have the part between the circulated and fresh air symbols green instead of blue. In this latest model, it's all blue (except for the red temp section). Was there supposed to orignally be some green lighting in it?

Either way, it looks great! :2thumbsup:

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 8:43 pm
by Mnemonic
yea i agree i love this ocean wave effect speedhut keeps putting me through, yea the original design was soposed to have the indiglo blue/teal but the actual designer emailed me stating it would be more costly to do the 3 colors so they did it the best way it would be
im not arguing with them anymore i got it close to what it should be and im satisfied

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 21st, 2003, 9:49 pm
by Mnemonic

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 22nd, 2003, 1:20 am
by jplar
Oh man, these are going to be waaay too sweet! Talk about an item that is going to be truly unique for MX-3 owners. Yeah some other guys may have it, and there are going to be 50 in existance, but still. I like how they are finally coming out. Too bad it isn't the three color, but I'm not complaining, at least there is the red for hot!

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 22nd, 2003, 11:37 am
by BoOdOg
I sent you an email, hopefully you'll ship to Canada also

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 22nd, 2003, 8:14 pm
by kuruption1983
could someone enlighten me on whats exactly happening to these panels. Whats the final color, if its the 2 color theme, why the heck couldnt they make it 3 color, it looks better afterall thats what i paid for. :shrug:

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 23rd, 2003, 1:01 am
by Mnemonic
bring that up with speedhut they said that for the price of 35 they wouldnt be able to do 3 colors because you have to do blah blah blah blah it basically boils down to they didnt think about it when i 1st emailed them and they didnt think i would get this far this fast so they thought that i would give them slack and allow them to raise the price which i havent so they refused to do 3 color for 35 so i had to stay with 2 colors or no groupbuy

Re: HVAC Indiglo panel look

Posted: October 23rd, 2003, 11:03 am
by Sam Baker
so just curious.. does this panel come with an adjuster dial like the gauge faces did? cuz the blue you have in the picture looks very dark.. is there a choice to brighten it? or darken it? thanx bro everything lookz tight so far! i'm likin the 2 color :cool:
~ sam