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Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 1:37 am
by [LVPA]93GsSe
I'm right with ya Aaron, good to hear I'm not alone :werd: :werd:

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 2:46 am
by MrMazda92
I myself am thinking really hard about moving on to another platform.

I have one last milestone to reach with this car, before I begin the transition to RWD and horsepower goals that would cost 10s of thousands with an Mx-3, and never reliably reach the pavement.

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 7:18 am
by mx3_ryder
MrMazda92 wrote:I myself am thinking really hard about moving on to another platform.

I have one last milestone to reach with this car, before I begin the transition to RWD and horsepower goals that would cost 10s of thousands with an Mx-3, and never reliably reach the pavement.
I would someday like to go 2JZ , RB25DET or 26 and find a cheap salvaged RX8 to drop it in. "Single turbo setup"
Been doing alot of research on it lately (motor mounts,wiring, driveshafts and everything else needed to do swap). Of course I would't be replacing the mx, I would just be adding to my already increasing collection... :D

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 9:43 pm
by Caleb T
AaronTietje wrote:My kids are excited about getting a mx-3. Both my 4yr old boy and 9yr old girl. I really hope that I can have one of each for them when they are ready to drive. :D
^^^ This.

Even thought my boy isn't quite one yet, I hope he is into cars.. If he is, he will get my "hand me down" mx-3. (hopefully)
I relly want to keep one around for him. I think they are a great first car!

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 10:01 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Savin wrote:I'm thinking a lot of people are just moving on to new things.
Indeed. Mx-3`s are old. I`m seeing just the last gen Protege`s on the road are roting away, and those are 10 years younger than the Mx-3. I came to a point when I decided to part mine out and one of the factors was seeing it starting to have a hard time getting replacment parts, and it's been a few years since that so I can't imagine for you guys...
kulluminati777 wrote: As far as the community goes...its gone.....officially dead...
Sadly :?
kulluminati777 wrote: I wish this was a more larger group of owners....I would even settle being a owner during the haydays of MX3s....maybe 1992-2009 was the prime years.....
Man those were good times. You did miss out on a lot, I will admit.
Surgeonasst222 wrote:Well Savin your mx-3 is your DD, most of the people on the site it is there DD. I think it is hard to find enjoyment in your car when you just beat the living crap out of it every day.
Man, that's the fun part! My Mx-3 was my DD (until winter came) and I beat on her pretty much every damn day. I always said, there was 2 things I looked forward to every day; the drive to work, and the drive home, and I'm the same way with my Rx-8. Regardless of her being a DD, I still did her up, and raced her, and was proud with all that still came home with awards at shows.
Surgeonasst222 wrote: So I understand your attachment issues, also doesn't help that anyone else shares the love your mx-3. It is really hard to love a car when everyone around either doesn't know what it is, or think your dumb for loving "that" car in the 1st place.
I think that's the wrong attitude. Love the car cause you love the car, don't care on what other people think about it. Personally, part of me wishes I still had mine, just for the fact that you barely see any of them stock, never mind done up, she's really stand out to be unique.
Surgeonasst222 wrote:ALL OUR RARE PARTS, are like hell rare. Most people have the parts here and either hoard them or letting them go unless we pry them from there cold dead hands. This make are mazdaspeed parts über expsive, it is very safe say I will never own anything mazdaspeed for the mx-3. Unless I find it in a junk yard on pure luck, this drives people away when the cool hard to find stuff is REALLY hard to find. Then after they find it is $700 to come from Japan, for one god dam part... :shock: I will stick with my cheap a-- parts from the states or hell EDM parts are not that bad.
It's part of the rare parts game, always was. Ya back then I was able to buy MazdaSpeed stuff easilly, but still the rare parts, no matter the car, will be a battle. I paid the price of the guy selling his entire car just to get the SRD crossmember and tie bar. Same when I used to collect 3Dfx video cards. Anything that's in demand, especially if it's rare, you'll have to fight for them, no matter the thing, car part or not...
Surgeonasst222 wrote:I really... Personally don't think it is that bad here...
It's not, but it's hard for you to compare, you don't know the place and the cars when it was live and kicking....

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 7:56 pm
by Ryan
I'm still around. School and life are keeping me super busy though. I have a completely soldered MSII sitting in a box in my room, all I need is a harness and it would be go time...

I am consciously not buying new and exciting things unless they are forward compatible with my next project.

I keep up with the maintenance though, and I still love driving it...

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: August 11th, 2013, 10:49 am
by ganue
Kegan WON'T let me stop coming here.....

We've "rescued" 3 dead GS-SE's from extinction and from all accounts they are still on the road. 2008, 2009, and now 2013.

I thought I was done and then another one comes by way of THIS forum. So..there is still some life.

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: November 21st, 2013, 5:45 am
by racycle
I don't even have a mx-3 anymore but I'm sure If I ever find another one local for sale I will be in dept for a few haha. I miss mine quite a bit. I more times than not find myself here in the dead of night than the forums where my current project belongs, reading up on everyone's work-logs and such :P

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: December 14th, 2013, 11:33 pm
by MrMazda92
I've come on here a few times this past month, and haven't even seen the view count on my posts go up... This is a dramatic change from even 6 months ago.

The community has shifted onto Facebook, and to be honest the best updated threads are on other forums now... I literally see more MX-3 activity on generic car forums.

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: December 15th, 2013, 2:03 pm
by Jovian2k
I've been checking this forum regularly - near daily for past 11 years. I have had my car since 2002 and still have the same passion and still love this car and this forum for all that it has taught me. When I bought my car 11 years ago I couldn't change my own oil - now I've completed BP engine/MTX swap and am starting turbo project and have done a ton of work aesthetically - all of which would have been impossible without dedicated members on here posting how-to and worklogs and providing helpful write-ups. I have hope for the future of this forum and with new shift towards social media maybe we can find a way to integrate it into this forum.

My hopes for the new year:
-More meets (mx3, general mazda, jap)
-More posts
-More power (turbo baby :freak: )

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: December 15th, 2013, 4:57 pm
by MrMazda92
I'm with you on that, definitely.

My transmission bit the farm soon after buying my first MX-3, and I was fleeced by a local mechanic for the repairs.
That incident pushed me to learn more about cars, mechanics in general, and to never repeat the same mistake.

I've been trying to give back, by writing/re-writing How-tos and walkthroughs, but the response has been very limited. The majority of the truly helpful posts are long buried, and definitely haven't been stickied or moved to the FAQ sections.

I agree about the potential of social media to bring this place back from near extinction, and I hope that we find a solution before it's too late.

I myself have been without a running MX-3 for almost a year, and have therefor been mostly inactive... That will be changing later this month, thankfully, so maybe I can help breathe new life into the community.

New year MX-3 resolutions:
1. More powaaaah
2. Convert the back end to 5 lugs
3. Full SE interior panels
4. Sand/Smooth in prep for a paintjob

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: January 3rd, 2014, 10:06 pm
by Jovian2k
Please excuse my rant

Went to check new tonight, looked at "view new posts" link in top right corner and... almost none. This has unfortunately seemed to be the trend lately. Went on Facebook MX-3 page and... lots of new posts, updates, comments, pictures, members...

Maybe I am old school but does anyone else see the merit in posting on this forum? ie. searching for old posts (something I would have been completely paralyzed without when doing my BP/MTX swap or researching my turbo project). Selling... I feel if I were selling something I would trust a forum member much more than a FB one. Type Facebook MX3 and a handful of different groups pop up - seems disorganized and fragmented compared to ONE united forum! The benefits of FB seem to be that it draws more international MX'ers. Maybe it is easier to recruit since everyone and their mother (and in my family, grandmother) has Facebook. I am not sure I see other advantages, certainly not enough to make me not visit this website as religiously as I have for the past many years.

I hate to see this divide, how can we rectify this situation?

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: January 3rd, 2014, 10:18 pm
by AaronTietje
I still check here more than FB........ But, yah as of late (last month and a half) it has been dead on here. The biggest "buzz" we seem to get is a FS thread.

However, it is winter and -5 where I am.

On a lighter note I do have a bunch of updates for the new car but haven't posted them. I'll start a new worklog soon.

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: January 3rd, 2014, 11:16 pm
by kulluminati777
I pop in daily here and personally hate the FB page and all the weirdos that come with it. So many great pics and good conversations are lost there.....there is no search bar lol :shrug: . The FB page is just easier for people to check on there smart phone than this forum is I think that is the main reason why peeps go there as opposed to coming to this site. No one really "surfs the web" any more they want direct apps

The only way to rectify that would be to have a app or at least update the look of the site a little and take it out of 2001 and bring it into 2013 or at least update the main page past 2007 but im sure none of that will happen.....

Re: What's happening.............

Posted: January 3rd, 2014, 11:40 pm
by Jovian2k
MX-5 Forum has an app that seems to be pretty good and has one

I would be willing to donate to get funds together to develop an app, seems do-able if others can do it. Anyone have knowledge about Tapatalk