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Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 1:24 am
by mikeinaus
id like to share that im loosing faith in humanity. im unfortunately at school which doesnt leave me with much time for a job. the only job that i can find that fits my schedule is delivering pizza. i make $6 an hour + tips. the past 3 weeks have been extremely slow and working 4 days (20+ hours) a week ive only managed to save $260 after gas + whatever i have spent on food while at school.

now one thing happened tonight which really pissed my off. a guy orders $65 worth of pizza, acts like a complete d--- the entire time im "serving" him, then when i get the receipt from the debit machine, wham no tip. did i mention this guy lived on the 4th floor of a building with no elevator and $65 worth of pizza and pop is heavy? now normally if someone cant afford to tip me i understand, it sucks but its life, i unfortunately loose money on gas/time wasted going to that address. the fact he was a d--- bookmarked his address in my head to shake pizza/pop before delivery for next time. this a--hole goes as far as calling the store 45 minutes later and says he feels bad and wants me to come back to give me a tip. i think to myself "ok maybe there is some good in this world" and after some convincing from my fellow employees i decide to go back to the apartment. heres where the problem starts, the buzzer to the building decided to crap out after i had left, no biggie i got let in from a nice girl visiting a friend. i climb the 4 flights of stairs (of course there is no elevator in this pos building) and nock on the door. no answer. ok knock again. no answer. stand there like an idiot for another 2 min then leave. outside of the building i can clearly see the light on in his apartment, plus i can see lights flashing from the tv. im convinced this jackass purposely got me to come back and stand like an idiot and waste my time. now ive always said id never do this, but if i get that address again buddy is getting an extra serving of spit on his pizza. and just to clarify i knocked loudly and there is no way he didnt hear.

and the biggest kick in the balls of all of this is: i have paid into employment insurance every job i have had for the past 10 years, i will continue to until the day i stop working. now i decide to do better with my life then work my a-- off and get by on pennies from crappy jobs and the governments reply to this is "good job, now instead of supporting you on the insurance you pay into for 10 months of school, were going to go make you work your a-- off more and jeopardize your future because the time you should be studying you have to work". the only times in my life that i have needed my employment insurance i have been denied coverage because of stupid loopholes in the system. i work hard i pay my taxes, but at the end of the day when i need "help" the government would rather give money to crack heads then support honest hard working people in a bad situation.


Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 1:34 am
by RobMinhas
:( MIke buddy, I feel for ya. I've worked almost all of my jobs as jobs that were almost all tip funded and that kinda stuff sucks.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 2:23 am
by MrMazda92
Damn... You'll be rewarded for your patience on that one Mike. I don't think I could have walked away like that, so mad props from me to you man... I'd probably replace his next soda order with gasoline, but that's just me. :shrug:

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 3:29 am
by SuperK
I was a server for three years mike... I know how it feels... worst part is getting paid 2.13/hr and having some self-entitled jerkoffs complain about their service just to get a free meal, then stiff you on the tip... which possibly could get me in trouble. You would risk someone's else's employment, livelihood, just for a free meal? worst part about it was getting paid 2.13 to be treated as a imbecile and then having to "thank them" for coming over and "having a good day" while simultaneously hoping something horrible happens to them later that day...

Oh man, I am so glad I'm not working for tips anymore.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 12:01 pm
by Sleeper6
New job time. Overnight shifts at packing centers and security pay the best, its what I did when I got tired of working at the bar. Just be sure to take plenty of vitamins or your butts gonna start draging.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 3:27 pm
by mikeinaus
well i have a good paying job i can go to id just have to drop out of school and im not prepared to do that. at least with serving more often then not you get "decent" tips typically. in all reality a server takes your order, brings your food and checks up on you 2 or 3 times during your meal then they get on average 10-20% of the bill all while being in the comfort of a restaurant, while having no expenses. its also typical for servers have have more then 5+ tables an hour at busy times, which can give them anywhere from $50-$100 in one hour on a good night. i have to take orders on the phone, in some cases make the pizza, take it out of the oven, cut it, put it in a hot bag, then go out in the rain, spend my own gas and insurance, climb stairs and typical tip is about $2. at the busiest of times im very lucky to pull in maybe $20 in one hour, but i average anywhere $8-$15 an hour over a 5 or 6 hour shift and i still have to pay for gas out of that. also when its dead im expected to sit around for 2 or 3 hours extra "just in case" which brings my hourly average down even more. ive also been required to scrub pots and pans for $6 an hour. not like i do a good job or anything, if they want quality work they can pay for it.

its just sad my only options for work while being a student is some crappy job with a boss on my a-- all the time for $10 an hour or a semi laid back job delivering pizzas with the potential of $6-15 an hour, while using $10-$15 worth of gas a night.

oh well only 5 more months then i can start my apprenticeship. assuming i can find a job that is...

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 3:48 pm
by SuperK
mikeinaus wrote:well i have a good paying job i can go to id just have to drop out of school and im not prepared to do that. at least with serving more often then not you get "decent" tips typically. in all reality a server takes your order, brings your food and checks up on you 2 or 3 times during your meal then they get on average 10-20% of the bill all while being in the comfort of a restaurant, while having no expenses. its also typical for servers have have more then 5+ tables an hour at busy times, which can give them anywhere from $50-$100 in one hour on a good night.
I worked at olive garden and we were only allowed 3 tables. Some of the senior members were allowed 4 tables if they were extremely understaffed and a incredible wait. I would work doubles and hope for about 150 dollars that day. Olive Garden is one of the hardest serving jobs though, horrible clientel (cheap people who think they're sitting in some high class restaurant) and constantly... CONSTANTLY filling breadsticks and salad till your ears explode.

I think the most successful servers I know work at higher "middle class" restaurants like J Alexanders, but he built a reputation amongst business groups, and they would ask for him then give him large tips. He would clear 200-300 on busy double shifts. But he was an exception, not the norm.

I had a hard time with serving, just because I feel like if it saves me money, I'll pick up my food and refill my own drinks, not pay someone to do it for me.

But servers do have their place. They're there to enhance the experience, give you recommendations, and make sure everything is comfortable. That's important when I'm on a date, for example, not have to worry about getting up, grabbing food/drinks or whatever.

The shameful part is the restaurant paying them 2.13/hr. Most servers are responsible for cleanup, restocking, and bunches of other sidework. The "recommended tip" should be cut in half, while the corporate hourly pay should be at least minimum wage.

that's my opinion at least. FWIW I would rather have a 11-12 dollar/hr job than serving... any day.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 3:57 pm
by Tavman_1213
I got to ask what is minimum wage where you guys are?? 2 something an hour that's insane!!

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 4:03 pm
by SuperK
As of July 24, 2009, the federal minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour. Some states and municipalities have set minimum wages higher than the federal level (see List of U.S. minimum wages), with the highest state minimum wage being $9.04 in Washington. Some U.S. territories (such as American Samoa) are exempt. Some types of labor are also exempt, and tipped labor must be paid a minimum of $2.13 per hour, as long as the hourly wage plus tipped income result in a minimum of $7.25 per hour.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 4:35 pm
by Tavman_1213
That sucks!! I guess I can't complain about how much I get paid!!

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 5:46 pm
by MrMazda92
Oregon minimum wage is $8.80/hour.

Crazy high... No wonder so few people bother to educate themselves. You can actually make a living off that, if you don't want for extraneous things. Scary, if you ask me. People need every excuse they can get to further themselves, this isn't one of them...

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 11:06 pm
by Ryan
Minimum here is 10.00....

I'm lucky enough to have a job where I don't have to deal with any people, and I make a solid $15/hr.


On the down side, I'm spraying s--- off walls.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 11:11 pm
by Tavman_1213
Yeah I see people on the worse days of their lives, which kinda sucks but the little kids seeing the fire truck makes my day!! When even flicking your lights on for them puts a smile on their face is a good day for me!!

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 1:01 am
by RS_OBD'oh_2
holy crap.

I would suggest getting into a trade if you don't have much post secondary. Learn on the job, most big companies will pay for your education. There are plenty to choose from. Pending on the trade, expect around 50-100k/year.

Re: Official something you want to share thread?

Posted: February 21st, 2012, 12:22 am
by Evo_Spec
RS_OBD'oh_2 wrote:My wife and 8 week old daughter have gone out of province to visit her family. (not sure when they are getting back, maybe a week) I'm so out of place. It's nice not having to worry about a baby all the time, but the house is just too big for one pernson and a dog.
i know how you feel, and i only have one room XD
i've never had more than a couple hours without my daughter but even then, after about 2 hours i find myself wanting to see her so i can't imagine what your going to do with a week!