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Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 9:35 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Thank you. That's exactly how I'm looking at it. :D

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 11:16 pm
by Dark_Rider2k3
dude that's awesome!!!

I'm so glad to hear things are working out for you!!!

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 4:20 am
by Evo_Spec
that's awesome man!!!
got a little scared there lol

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 6:34 am
by MrMazda92
I told you it would work out! I'm happy for you!!

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 7:10 am
by WhiteFinish
Good news !!

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 6:48 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Thank you all.

Today was my first day. After 26 months unemployed, it felt like being born again. Let's hope everything keeps going as well as it went today. :D

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 8:10 pm
by Daninski
Oh man another illegal immigrant stealing work from people who would rather sit at home and collect Social Security. :shock: Yes I know that doesn't make sense, I'm joking. Good news Inodoro, honest work is honest work no matter what. So I guess that means we'll have to put up with you for a while longer eh. :P

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 6:31 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Daninski wrote: So I guess that means we'll have to put up with you for a while longer eh. :P
Lucky you, huh? :lol: :lol:

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 7:04 pm
by Gro Harlem
Despite not knowing you..good to hear you can stay.

IMVHO they should offer amnesty for all "illegals". Can you imagine how much tax revenue that would generate? My personal experience with illegals is they work harder than most people I've ever worked with. Sure there are some bad apples but where don't you find that?

And to all you Canadians...i hear chinese are mass-immigrating to your country in that true?

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 8:13 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Thanks Gro.
I've actually been saying pretty much the same for years. And you don't know the half of it. I learned, not long ago, that due to the wave of voluntary deportations (due to the crisis), in the last year or so, the jails and concentration camps available are so overcrowded that they are keeping "arrested" people in HOTELS (with 'round the clock guards) before deporting them. That's what the taxpayers get for their money... :shrug:

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 8:56 pm
by Daninski
Yes Chinese are flocking here like flys to a horses patoot. No problem, we blind fold them with dental floss and send them right back home. :shock:

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 11th, 2012, 3:18 pm
by mikeinaus
Daninski wrote:Yes Chinese are flocking here like flys to a horses patoot. No problem, we blind fold them with dental floss and send them right back home. :shock:
maybe in ontario but vancouver is getting out of control. this town called richmond south of vancouver has chinese writing on the street signs. not like it helps avoiding accidents. the vancouver airport also announces flights in english, asian languauge, different asian languauge and occasionally french in that order. what happened to Canada being a english/french speaking country? and to give people an idea of how many are here, im one of 3 white people in a class of 17 asians for automotive tech.

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 11th, 2012, 4:58 pm
by MrMazda92
The U.S. isn't free of the language barrier either, I speak zero Spanish and prior to quitting fast food entirely, it was a problem. The only time I eat fast food now, will be during a day trip where I planned insufficiently, and it's still difficult...

I can understand wanting to put the "bilingual" guy in the drive-thru, since it will help with Spanish speaking customers, but it doesn't do much good when those who speak English need to ask for a manager to clarify an order. Spanish isn't uncommon to hear in the states, but there are still more English speakers than Spanish in Oregon... you'd think employers would catch on to that. When I go to a restaurant, the bilingual employees actually speak BOTH languages fluently, so there is no problem. :shrug:

Between that, and having to press 1 for English in a predominantly English speaking nation, I'm getting a little annoyed.
If you plan to move to Germany, France, or elsewhere in the world, doesn't it make sense to learn the local language? Why can't people here be held to the same standards?

Sorry for the little rant.

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 12th, 2012, 12:36 pm
by SuperK
I wanna slap people who complain about "Press 1 for english, 2 for spanish." it's a corporation's decision to cater to multi ethnicities and it's none ya business. If you're offended, just don't call, and don't ask for help. My problem is, usually the immigrants are willing to work harder than your local folk. back down when I used to live with my parents I worked residential construction with my father.

Even though a mexican didn't understand english properly, and it was hard to communicate, we could get more work out of him than we could a bonafide american. They are eager and willing to work, and they're willing to work hard. They don't complain or ask for handouts. The only handouts they want is a job. They eat, sleep and work... with some tequila on their off-time.

Compare that to an american who thinks that the country should cater to their every whim, they mope about, expect a high pay, then when the work day is done waste their money on drugs and alcohol and barely make it through the work week financially, just waiting for their next fix. I'll take a mexican kthx. The ONLY problem I have with immigration is that there should be a way to impose taxes on them.

We used to drive up to a little shanty and honk the horn, 4 or 5 mexicans would come out, you'd chose the one or two mexicans you wanted and worked them for the day. If they didn't turn out well, you'd chose anther mexican until you found one that you preferred, then picked that specific one up daily. It was actually kind of fun, and since I understand a decent amount of spanish, it was fun to talk to them.

One told me of his experience trying to get into the country O_O
made me say, "with what you went through, you deserve some work!"

Re: Looks like I will be leaving soon...

Posted: February 12th, 2012, 1:35 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Wow, K. I didn't know you could actually speak seriously... :lol: :lol:

I agree 100% with what you said. However, I want to comment on a few things.
In my experience, Americans are generally lazy and bitchy. But I don't think that's their fault, but a consequence of society.
It's true, latin people work harder, and complain a lot less. But that's because in our countries, working conditions are a lot different than they are here.
When I came to the US, being that I didn't speak hardly any English, I started working at a labor pool. I soon realized that, working at the same pace I used to work in my country (where I was considered a below average worker), here I was roughly doing the same work as 3 people, to the point that foremen used to tell me to slow down, because that had no more work to give me, and, after a few days, started giving me extra breaks, to compensate.
At the same time, there's the pay issue: while Americans working at that labor pool were unhappy getting minimum wage, I was getting here, for sweeping empty houses and moving small rocks out of the way, almost 3 times the money I used to earn in my country, as an electronics technician with over 20 years experience.
Then, there's the safety issue. Most Americans would go through a lot of safety procedures before moving a finger. Some of those procedures do make sense, but most of them don't, and cost time and speed.

For example, in the factory I'm working now, I have to wear safety glasses all the time. I wear glasses normally, so I thought I wouldn't have to wear the safety glasses, but no, they make me wear them on top of my glasses, "because my glasses don't have side protection".
But the safety glasses don't fit on top of my glasses, so they don't protect the sides at all. Meanwhile, I have to waste time picking the glasses up every 2 seconds, because they keep falling. And that in a factory where nothing flies around, since all the machines have covers. :shrug:
I'm not saying safety is bad, but there's a difference between safety and stupidity...
SuperK wrote: The ONLY problem I have with immigration is that there should be a way to impose taxes on them.
I don't know how it is where you live, but here in Miami, most illegal aliens do pay taxes.
Here, if you don't have a social security number, you don't work, period. So, most illegals have fake ones.
That means they do pay taxes, and, unlike legal residents, they don't reap any of the benefits from them (including no tax rebates, ever).

If you ask me, the real problem in this country is LEGAL immigrants, not illegal ones.
I see, everywhere, legal immigrants living off social security and food stamps. That's what's wrecking the system, not illegals, that have no rights at all.