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Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 12:47 pm
by Dragon1212
muttpower wrote:
cWs306 wrote:200 shot... would probably blow the intake off the motor. LOL let alone make it down the track. thats pretty much double the hp the motor's got.
^^^Exactly :twisted:

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 1:25 pm
by carizle
take a video of it!

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 1:57 am
by MrMazda92
cWs306 wrote:yah thats what i was thinkin.. but its not really a waste, the motor's practically shot anyways. i'm probably just gunna give it to a junk yard or w.e and that would do a little more then just blow up the motor hahaha. thatd be fun to see tho :P
Unless compression is WAY off, or you're overheating like hell, It's not likely near to going boom on it's own.

If you're intent on destroying it, I'd do the coca cola method, or what Ryan did to his SOHC B6.... It's in one of his threads, and seemed destructive enough ;D

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 8:17 am
by cWs306
cWs306 wrote:
200 shot... would probably blow the intake off the motor. LOL let alone make it down the track. thats pretty much double the hp the motor's got.

muttpower wrote: ^^^Exactly :twisted:

id love to see it. seriously. just cruisen then BOOM intake goes threw the hood 10 feet into the air. id cry in happiness hahahha :D

yah im prolly gunna do the coca-cola trick.. LOL. i got a little compression loss, and i got a firing problem.. and the valve stem seal is gone, leaks oil into the spark plugs 4-6. and i just dont care for this motor anymore, its done what i needed it to do.(last till the ze got here :D)

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 11:35 am
by muttpower
In all seriousness though, just running it hard wont destroy it, as I've tried the same to my K8 motor for a few years now. I ended up going through 2 clutches and a tranny and the motor still runs strong....that's why I just gave up and talked my wife into letting me do the swap anyways( she originally said I could only swap it when the K8 dies). But good luck to ya

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 12:12 pm
by cWs306
oh yah i believe you there 100% k8's r indestructible, thats why i wanna try and pop mine :P lol. what do u guys think about doing like 120km on the high way and just dropping it to 2nd? thatd prolly f--- the tranny eh?

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 12:27 pm
by Ryan
car can do 100 in 2nd, 120 wouldn't kill it. And yes, you'll blow the trans sooner doing that.

Try a 40 second 1st gear redline burnout.

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 12:33 pm
by cWs306
97 actually :P at 7250rpm's. and yah that sounds alot funner then the highway idea, maybe ill try the burn out with some coke for oil. and ill have to hook up to something, cause i wont be able to do a burn out the entire time i just end up pulling away. ill figure something out :P, ill video it too lol.

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 1:32 pm
by Ryan
Fill it to the oil cap with water. That'd be fun.

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 5:04 pm
by mxmikey
If you are putting coke in your oil might as well drop in a few mentos

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 9th, 2011, 7:08 pm
by cWs306
might as well eh :P hahahaha, found a pole right by my garage thats sturdy enough to hold my car. gunna chain it to that and see how long of a burnout i can do at 8000rpm's hahaha. anyone think the tire will pop befor the motor will go?

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 10th, 2011, 12:51 am
by muttpower
cWs306 wrote:might as well eh :P hahahaha, found a pole right by my garage thats sturdy enough to hold my car. gunna chain it to that and see how long of a burnout i can do at 8000rpm's hahaha. anyone think the tire will pop befor the motor will go?
yeah, i'm betting tires will go first....only one way to find out though!!!!!!......Dude, I double dog dare ya!!!! :twisted:

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 10th, 2011, 4:53 am
by newdriver92
hhahaa try this drain all colant and oil and do a 200 shot of nos :freak:

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 10th, 2011, 8:37 am
by Nd4SpdSe
I'd say just leave her be, just take it out and put in the new motor.

Re: Tips for Blowing a K8? LOL

Posted: April 10th, 2011, 2:59 pm
by cWs306
new driver... taking out the fluid's would be totally un-called for if ur running a 200 shot.. thats double the hp of the motor.. but if ud read the rest of the post's ud see what you said was already discussed.