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Posted: June 10th, 2006, 11:02 am
by monty73741
mitmaks wrote:btw it wasnt me if youre wondering, just a girl I know that says she was made to have it done.

there is a big difference between being made to have it done & forced

My mom made me clean my room. If i didnt i wouldnt get dinner

my babies daddy made me get an abortion. if i didnt he wouldnt take care of me & the baby, my mom would disown me, i would be in the streets with a baby, no education & homeless. Makeing someone do something is just persuading them to do it, makeing them think they have no other options.

I was forced to goto the hopital because i was a car accident. the police officer forced me to obey the law. the courts forced me to register as a sex offender, the courts force me to pee in a cup for a drug test, the courts forced a partenity test

the girl i assuming, didnt stand up for herself, or was notconfident enought to ask for help from an outside source. I think you should tell her what i tell all the girls or guys i know that go through stuff like this...get your stuff together, & the only person to rely on is yourself...

Posted: June 10th, 2006, 1:15 pm
by Grants
Grow up.

Posted: June 13th, 2006, 1:24 am
by mitmaks
I just dont know why I feel so sorry for her