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Posted: February 20th, 2006, 5:30 pm
by relisys_3200
holy crap people leave the moca people alone. lol
If I had an original idea and it took me a while to figure it out, I wouldnt be sharing it either. I remember back in the day (like a year ago or I wrote Pat asking him this very question. He gave me "starter" hints on what to look at and what "may" need looking at. From there I spent many hours staring at my But I eventually did figure out a way that I'm 99.5% sure will work, I just figured it out after I installed the curved neck manifold :x
and no, I'm not telling no asking :D

Posted: February 20th, 2006, 7:05 pm
by XxantwawnxX
People should not be hung up about it. Use the curved neck...and sooner or later the "secret" will come out...its bound too. then if you wish to change it do it.

Posted: February 20th, 2006, 8:53 pm
by mxmaz
relisys_3200 wrote:holy crap people leave the moca people alone. lol
If I had an original idea and it took me a while to figure it out, I wouldnt be sharing it either
Good thing not everybody is like you or we wouldnt have sites like this. The thing is, it is not an original idea. There are a lot of people that have done it before him(esp. in Germany) and they did it the way mx34u2nv said. Only thing is that pat says his way is safer.

Posted: February 20th, 2006, 9:03 pm
by max kl
is there anyone in north texas dfw area that has a ze intake? i would love to see what it would take to make it fit. also i want to know if relocating the mastercylinder reservoir and battery would provide enuph room?

Posted: February 20th, 2006, 10:42 pm
by hgallegos915
whats so hard about rotating the engine? relocating engine mounts? o.0 ive seen it done a few times omn car domain with them saying how they did it..i believe he was from moca.. ill try to get the link.

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 1:26 am
mxmaz, how would my not sharing how I did it cause the forum to run out of members? It is really a nonsesical mod. It doesn't add anything other than cool and a serious danger. I WAS the first that I've ever heard of to do it, but yes, others have figured it out. Also, you Aholes leave me be and ask those "others" how they did it- cry babies :lol:

Tell ya what. I don't want people to feel like I'm a jerk so I'll tell you how to get a straight neck to fit.

Buy a right hand drive MX from that place that was posted a few days ago that will sell and ship J-Spec cars. Then take a ZE and drop it in. Perfect 100% safe and you you can get your panties out of a wad.
Feel better? :lol:

Squirm and compain all you want I'll never tell. Thanks to those who support my wanting to keep my secret. Hell, it not like I know how to get extra HP and am not telling.

You do not have to relocate anything, but I did look into relocating the master cylinder at first. You can buy kits for OTHER cars, but not for the MX. I'm sure one could be modified to work.

Also, just in my defence of being a jerk; I'm sure many people on this forum have gotten help from me on something.
I also am the only one to get a OEM LSD on the MX that I know of. However, that is different. A LSD is worth something to people. I could keep the knowledge and let others figure it out on their own. But why make someone go through the hassle and cost to bring their car to a performance axle shop to have it figured out, measured up and built. Since I've already paid for that I've given the info out b/c it is worth it to me to further the MX communities speed at a decent cost. A straight neck is of no consequence and I honestly don't want someone doing a less than PERFECT job and killing themself or someone else if the motor does hit the master cylinder. I've seen first hand what happens to a MX when the E-brake is used to stop the car. I have almost all the 10 pieces of the car that were worth keeping. (god rest Barney)

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 2:16 am
by Aston Wards
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good onya Pat, take your secrets to the grave!

c'mon guys, Pat has helped out heaps of people, heaps of times!

How can you want an original modification handed to you on a plate? surely there must be some thrill in working it out yourself?

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 7:10 am
by Mnemonic
Cant we just drop the subject, i dont think pat's being a jerk, its cheaper and easier to do a curve neck ZE swap anyway. the only advantage of the straight neck over the curve is the fact it has kl31 cams which you can buy on ebay or probtalk. the power numbers are almost identical on both motors, the kl31 cams just give it more low end torque

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 9:13 am
by ccreech
Aston has the right idea. The only argument that matters is this:
A straightneck intake manifold is a mod done to be original. NOT A PERFORMANCE MOD! The only reason that you would do it is because you want something different or something that looks a little bit cleaner (my opinion). It would be like dying your hair Green to be different and then giving green hair everyone else does it too. That said, why would someone share something that they discovered by themselves for the purpose of being different or original. You say others have done it...they probably figured it out by themselves too because to my knowledge Pat had no help from anyone with experience on the subject. All of the other topics of safety are just gravy.

To all of you that are bad mouthing Pat or angry with him. I understand that is tough to hear no sometimes, especially if you are not used to hearing it. But he has good reasons for being secretive (see above) and that is no reason for you to attack him. Go figure it out for yourself and then come back in this thread to rub it in Pat's face and I guarantee you that he will be happy for you. Hell, you might even see where he is coming from and want to keep it on the down low too.

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 9:34 am
by mxmaz
The guy i got my information off of how to do it in germany had it done since 2001. He said he wasnt the first to do it either. Its good for you what you done and all but dont think you are the first one to do it. I really dont care how you did it because i am getting rid of my mx3, i just think it would be good for the forum as a whole for the information to be shared.

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 1:19 pm
by max kl
slap me if this is a newbee q but has anyone done a dyno comparison between the two intakes? i want to see the results from a same day same dyno comparisson o and i mean strait ze and curved mel

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 6:14 pm
by babyblueMX3
ccreech wrote:Aston has the right idea. The only argument that matters is this:
A straightneck intake manifold is a mod done to be original. NOT A PERFORMANCE MOD! The only reason that you would do it is because you want something different or something that looks a little bit cleaner (my opinion). It would be like dying your hair Green to be different and then giving green hair everyone else does it too. That said, why would someone share something that they discovered by themselves for the purpose of being different or original. You say others have done it...they probably figured it out by themselves too because to my knowledge Pat had no help from anyone with experience on the subject. All of the other topics of safety are just gravy.

To all of you that are bad mouthing Pat or angry with him. I understand that is tough to hear no sometimes, especially if you are not used to hearing it. But he has good reasons for being secretive (see above) and that is no reason for you to attack him. Go figure it out for yourself and then come back in this thread to rub it in Pat's face and I guarantee you that he will be happy for you. Hell, you might even see where he is coming from and want to keep it on the down low too.
It IS a performance mod if you look at the fact that the kl31/kl36 ecu's wich everybody uses are for the straight neck intake. If someone is running a curve neck with those ecu's vris points are off but with the straight neck it's dead on

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 6:16 pm
by babyblueMX3
max kl wrote:slap me if this is a newbee q but has anyone done a dyno comparison between the two intakes? i want to see the results from a same day same dyno comparisson o and i mean strait ze and curved mel
Mike selli has done it a few years back, he said both gave the same thing at mid rpm but the curve neck gave 2hp more at higher rpms. I doubt these are representative though because you'd have to use the proper ecu's and and vris points with each intake to compare.

Posted: February 21st, 2006, 6:19 pm
by max kl


Posted: February 23rd, 2006, 1:47 pm
by DanielGSRX
At the first time i had adapted the KL31 TB. But that's not the best solution. Later i bored the K8 TB to 67 mm and have these inserted. Fits wonderful and don't hit the brake booster.
