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Posted: June 22nd, 2005, 7:22 pm
by Tunes67
Tans may be cool now, but you wont think so when your 65 with skin like leather and the possibility of skin cancer
65? Try 40 if they are into the fake n bake crap.. Had a old GF from HS stop by work a few weeks ago.. she was always into the latest trends and loved tanning shops.. (we dont get that much sun here in Washington as most other places.. heh.. LOL) She is 38 now and I didnt recognize her at first cause of the leather look from all the tanning.. wrinkles.. eww. Why is it always the weirdos that are happy to see me? ;) LMAO


Posted: June 22nd, 2005, 7:41 pm
by relisys_3200
Tunes67 wrote: 65? Try 40 if they are into the fake n bake crap.. Had a old GF from HS stop by work a few weeks ago.. she was always into the latest trends and loved tanning shops.. (we dont get that much sun here in Washington as most other places.. heh.. LOL) She is 38 now and I didnt recognize her at first cause of the leather look from all the tanning.. wrinkles.. eww. Why is it always the weirdos that are happy to see me? ;) LMAO
LOL...well then ok, if your heavy into the fake tanning then yes, expect to be wrinkly, leathery, and....a weirdo at an earlier age. Just don't go visit Tunes :wink:

My mom is a doctor at a retirement home, and I've seen and heard first hand what the results are of too much sun (or to much of that fake n bake)

Posted: June 23rd, 2005, 7:57 am
by tw1st3d_cl0wn
:P Must suck to have the "leather look". Reminds me of the freaky guy from Silence of The Lambs or something. But I live in South Florida, and with sun and beaches, people still go to those stupid tanning salons. I don't get it! And some people think "tanning" is fun. I don't know what is so fun about it. I can think of things to do that are alot more fun.

But as far as animals go, I was at a church group last night, and as I was walking in, I noticed that someone had left their dog in the car, and an hour and a half later, when I walked out of church, the dog was still there. I don't know how someone can do that. I think they made a law about that kind of thing but I'm not sure.